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9 Dec 2024 - 18:52 EST
9 Dec 2024 - 23:52 UTC
Post-tropical Cyclone Arthur - Band 16 at 36.8°N - 68.6°W
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Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2140 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2150 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2210 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2220 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2230 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2240 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2250 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2310 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2320 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2330 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2340 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 19 May 2020 - 2350 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0000 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0010 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0040 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0050 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0100 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0110 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0120 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0130 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0200 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0230 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0240 UTC
Band 16 - 13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave - IR - 20 May 2020 - 0250 UTC
13.3 µm - CO₂ Longwave IR Band - 2 km resolution - Band 16 is used for mean tropospheric air temperature estimation, tropopause delineation, and as part of quantitative cloud products for cloud opacity estimation, cloud-top height assignments of cloud-drift motion vectors, and supplementing Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) observations.
Band 16 corresponds approximately to the old GOES-13 longwave IR channel.