Title |
Rationale |
Originator |
Assignee |
Status |
Resolution |
Implication for Maturity |
ATMS SDR implications for ATMS EDRs & NUPS |
This RFA does not refer to any particular presentation but instead notes that no presentations made link their SDR performance to the ability to meet specifications for higher order products. Are retrieval products expected to meet requirements given striping? | Ability to generate EDRS is not an explicit maturity criterion for SDRs, but it is still a practical question to raise, especially with striping apparently likely to persist on JPSS ATMS |
Jim Yoe |
Mitch Goldberg => Lihang Zhou |
open |
Awaiting Lihang resolution |
This appears to be a general question for the program scientist, but was written with ATMS in the title. We are told it has been transferred to Lihang. This should not be in the critical path for the maturity of the product. |
Document “ATMS only” impact in NWP | In reference to all of the presentations (NOAA, ECMWF, UKMO) on impact of ATMS as a marginal addition to current operational systems, discussion ensued concurring OSE’s comparing an ATMS and An AMSU (each alone) in the pm orbit. These should be documented in the review proceedings. | Documentation and dissemination of ATMS only NWP impact will enhance argument that ATMS SDRs are indeed operational. More over this inform future decision making in event of a future PM polar gap |
Jim Yoe |
Mitch Goldberg |
closed |
Goldberg has completed this |
This appears to request data discussed in the session to be added to proceedings. We are told the program scientist considers this closed. |
Investigate additional ATMS lunar intrusion correction option(s) | Evaluate the additional lunar intrusion correction scheme that involves changing the Scan Profile. | Change of Space View Scan Profile can also fix lunar intrusion, potentially without requiring any substituting of actual ATMS observations with modeled TBs. The Flight Project has indicated there should be no problem with changing the Scan Profile. Therefore, this correction scheme could be the least intrusive of all in terms of required changes to IDPS and might provide actual (not substituted) cold space observations in all cases. |
Jim Gleason |
Ed Kim |
open |
This is considered closed when the SDR team evaluates the proposal to be prepared by the NASA team. |
This suggestion would
like to avoid lunar intrusion geometry altogether by changing the
angles at which space view samples are taken. An initial indication
from flight shows this should not be difficult. The current approach to
lunar intrusion implemented in Mx 8.3 has errors assessed at the 0.1K
level, well within requirements. The approach is merely to correct for
intrusion in affected samples. While exporation of this suggestion does
not prevent the validated maturity declaration, the team is open to
further consideration that quantifies the impact to requirements or
performance. |
NWP striping requirement for ATMS | Quantify maximum striping for acceptable NWP forecast performance | Perform studies to quantify the degradation on forecast skill. For example, add/increase 1/f noise to AMSU-A data, or similar. | Ed Kim |
none listed |
closed |
Awaiting NWP resolution |
Although no assignee was
specified, the understanding in session was that this was an action to
force the NWP community to quantify the objections they have been
raising to the striping feature in ATMS data. There has been some
frustration on the ATMS team that unquantified objections have been
raised against ATMS data. the program scientist considers this "closed" since ATMS requirements are not at issue, but the question remains. |
Document ATMS short-term gain |
NAS, presentation)
Please document explicit evidence of ATMS short term gain, by channe |
Reduction of striping by averaging scans to reduce calibration noise is limited by sensor short-term gain stability. Also some of this information is embedded in 1/f term. Better documentation is desired for documenting your recommended scan averaging strategy. | Guenther |
none listed |
open |
working |
It appears information is
requested on ATMS short term gain stability. The instrument had no
short term gain stability requirement, but it was characterized. The
team is trying to gather this information from NGES. This should not affect maturity since no requirement is at issue. |