ccccccccccc Data format c The data being read are stored in the array with a dimension 144 X 72 X NT c (longitude by latitude by monthly number) ccccccccccc Longitude and Latitude c The data grid resolution is 2.5 longitude by 2.5 latitude. Therefore, there are 144 c grid boxes in the first latitude zone near the South Pole,then 144 boxes in the next c latitude zone right above it, all the way to the North Pole. There are 72 latitude c zones in all, so the first month contains 144x72 = 10,368 temperatures, then on to c the next month, and so forth. Longitude starts from 180W to 180E, which means the c first longitude index (nx=1) represents the grid box centered at 178.75W (-178.75), and c so fourth; and the last longitude index (nx=144) represents the box centered at 178.75E. c Please also use "lat.txt" and "lon.txt" files for specific values for the lad/lon definition. ccccccccccc Time c Use extra caution when handling time dimesion because TMT(ch2) and TLS(ch4) start from Nov.1978, c while TUT(ch3) from Jan.1981. c ccc compile with option : f77 -ffixed-line-length-150 -ff77 sample_read_monthly.f PARAMETER ( missing = -9999.0 ) PARAMETER ( nx=144, ny=72, nt=446) c nx is the longitude(nx =1 for -178.75, nx=2 for -178.75+2.5....,and nx=144 for 178.25) c ny is the latitude (ny=1 for 88.75S, ny=2 for 88.75S+2.5,..., and ny=72 for 88.75N) c nt is time (see the explanation above) real tmsu_am(nx,ny,nt) CHARACTER*150 filename filename='NESDIS-STAR_TCDR_TMT_merged_msu_ch2_amsua_ch5_ATMS_Ch6_monthly_1978-Dec2023_v5.0.dat' OPEN ( 88, file=filename, status='old' ) PRINT*,"reading! TMT ............" do k=1,nt do j=1,ny READ ( 88,'(144(f10.3,1x))')(tmsu_am(i,j,k),i=1,nx) enddo enddo c you are ready to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END