Directory contains global maps of snow cover yearly duration derived from GMASI V3 reprocessed daily maps of snow and ice cover The dataset starts in 1988 As of January 2023 the dataset is updated up to the year 2022 Snow cover duration in every grid cell equals to the number of days when the grid cell was identified as snow-covered by GMASI. Yearly snow cover duration has been calculated for a calendar year, from Januay 1 to December 31 (not for the hydrological year) Multiyear mean snow cover duration is calculated by averaging yearly snow cover duration for all years except years 1993 and 1994. A very late overpass time of NOAA satellite in these years period resulted in a substantial overestimate of the snow cover extent in the Southern Hemisphere. To a lesser extent this issue also affected the Northern Hemisphere snow and ice cover retrievals When calculating the multiyear mean snow cover duration for leap years pixels with the snow duration of 365 and 366 days were assigned the snow duration of 365 days. The Antarctic continent is assumed snow covered all year round. Map features Projection: Geographical Grid step : 0.04 by 0.04 degree Grid size : 9000 by 4500 Upper left corner of the upper left grid cell: 90N, 180W Orientation: North to South and West to East Data format: 2-byte integer Data values 0 to 365: snow duration in days 1000: water Binary data files are in the data directory Files are zipped with Linux compress command Corresponding reduced resolution .png images are in the png directory