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STAR Satellite Rainfall Estimates

Daily Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US

Statistics Compared to Daily Rain Gauge Amounts
Algorithm RMSE CC Bias
Stage IV 0.15 0.90 0.71
QMORPH 0.53 0.00 2.67
HE 0.31 0.07 1.73
SCaMPR 0.28 0.10 0.15

Scatterplot with best-fit line (dashed)
Colors indicate frequency of occurrence from purple (least frequent) to red (most frequent)

scatterplot with best fit line for 6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US

Binary Statistics as a Function of Rain Gauge Amount

Binary statistics as a function of Stage IV precipitation amount for the 6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US

Comparison of 24-h Totals.
Grey shading indicates missing data. Plus signs on the gauge plot indicate gauges with zero precipitation.

Stage IV Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US  using the Stage IV

QMORPH Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US  using the QMORPH  

HE Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US  using the HE      

SCaMPR Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US  using the SCaMPR  


24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/09/2024 for the Southwestern US  using the Gauges  