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STAR Satellite Rainfall Estimates

Daily Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US

Statistics Compared to Daily Rain Gauge Amounts
Algorithm RMSE CC Bias
Stage IV 0.73 0.78 0.87
QMORPH -0.99 -0.99 -0.99
HE 0.91 0.62 0.77
SCaMPR 0.84 0.78 0.42

Scatterplot with best-fit line (dashed)
Colors indicate frequency of occurrence from purple (least frequent) to red (most frequent)

scatterplot with best fit line for 6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US

Binary Statistics as a Function of Rain Gauge Amount

Binary statistics as a function of Stage IV precipitation amount for the 6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US

Comparison of 24-h Totals.
Grey shading indicates missing data. Plus signs on the gauge plot indicate gauges with zero precipitation.

Stage IV Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US using the Stage IV

QMORPH Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US using the QMORPH  

HE Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US using the HE      

SCaMPR Algorithm

24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US using the SCaMPR  


24-Hour precipitation amounts in mm for 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/23/2024 for the South Central US using the Gauges  