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STAR Satellite Rainfall Estimates
6 Hour Validation Results

6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/13/2024 for the Southwestern US

These statistics have been computed using 6-hour rainfall accumulations that were collected during the previous 24 hours. These 6-hour accumulations all end at 00, 06, 12, or 18 UTC.

Statistics Compared to 24 Hours of 6-hourly Stage IV Amounts
Algorithm RMSE CC Bias
QMORPH 0.52 0.42 1.68
HE 0.40 0.32 0.14
SCaMPR 0.41 -9.99 0.01

Scatterplots with best-fit line (dashed)
Colors indicate frequency of occurrence from purple (least frequent) to red (most frequent).

scatterplot with best fit line for 6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/13/2024 for the Southwestern US

Binary Statistics as a Function of Stage IV Precipitation Amount

Binary statistics as a function of Stage IV precipitation amount for the 6-hourly Statistics for the 24 Hours Ended 1200 UTC 04/13/2024 for the Southwestern US