File: 272_VIIRS-NPP-IBANDS_IN_LUTOPKL01.MAT 10 Variables, 179 Data Points FhdS 1: MOBY272 VIIRS-NPP-Ibands In - MODELED KL - Band Averaged Data File FhdS 2: Dir: D:\ZFLORA\MLDATA\MOBY\DATA\MOBY272\PRECALS FhdS 3: Using a modeled KL01 to remove inelastic processes from Lw and Lwn2 FhdS 4: DATA INCLUDED: Good and Questionable Data FhdS 5: PROCESSING: Oct 2016 FhdS 6: All data are STRAY LIGHT CORRECTED with version 6 FhdS 7: DATE CREATED: 20-Apr-2023 17:05:36 FhdS 8: ##Oct 2016 reprocessing applied on 20-Apr-2023 17:05:36 ------------------------------------------- ##0.234 meters added to the MOBY arm depths ##No shift in the Lu RSG data was needed ##MOBY Position: Note that for part of this deployment MOBY was moored at a southern MN mooring not the normal nothern MO mooring for dates 21 Nov until 26 Feb. DscS 1: Year DscS 2: Julian Day DscS 3: GMT Time (HH.hh) DscS 4: Observation Date (YYMMDD.HHMMmm) DscS 5: MOBY deployment DscS 6: Latitide (DD.MMmm) (+N/-S) DscS 7: Longitide (DD.MMmm) (-W/+E) DscS 8: Data Status (1 = Good and 2 = Questionable) DscS 9: VIIRS-NPP-IBANDS Water Leaving Radiance Band 1 658.9 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 10: VIIRS-NPP-IBANDS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 1 658.9 nm (µW/cm²/sr) Xdat: Year, JDay, GMTTime, ObsDate,Deploy, Lat, Long, ?Data, LwB1, Lwn-2B1 2021, 329, 21.3743,211125.2122, 272, 20.4300, -157.0865, 1, 0.0184, 0.0279 2021, 332, 21.3868,211128.2123, 272, 20.4317, -157.0873, 2, 0.0211, 0.0319 2021, 347, 21.3755,211213.2123, 272, 20.4285, -157.0972, 2, 0.0165, 0.0250 2022, 7, 21.3845,220107.2123, 272, 20.4269, -157.0848, 1, 0.0166, 0.0262 2022, 8, 21.3843,220108.2123, 272, 20.4275, -157.0855, 2, 0.0163, 0.0252 2022, 9, 21.3725,220109.2122, 272, 20.4327, -157.0900, 1, 0.0164, 0.0255 2022, 13, 21.3850,220113.2123, 272, 20.4335, -157.0904, 1, 0.0174, 0.0265 2022, 18, 21.4048,220118.2124, 272, 20.4300, -157.0965, 1, 0.0182, 0.0270 2022, 19, 21.3758,220119.2123, 272, 20.4287, -157.0968, 1, 0.0185, 0.0271 2022, 22, 21.3727,220122.2122, 272, 20.4279, -157.0960, 2, 0.0170, 0.0260 2022, 27, 21.3752,220127.2123, 272, 20.4331, -157.0906, 2, 0.0181, 0.0273 2022, 30, 21.3753,220130.2123, 272, 20.4306, -157.0959, 2, 0.0170, 0.0252 2022, 33, 21.3863,220202.2123, 272, 20.4296, -157.0948, 1, 0.0178, 0.0257 2022, 34, 21.3752,220203.2123, 272, 20.4272, -157.0957, 2, 0.0178, 0.0255 2022, 35, 21.3727,220204.2122, 272, 20.4295, -157.0958, 1, 0.0177, 0.0257 2022, 36, 21.3850,220205.2123, 272, 20.4298, -157.0859, 1, 0.0189, 0.0284 2022, 38, 21.3727,220207.2122, 272, 20.4289, -157.0849, 1, 0.0196, 0.0282 2022, 58, 21.3750,220227.2123, 272, 20.4903, -157.1089, 1, 0.0202, 0.0272 2022, 60, 21.3733,220301.2122, 272, 20.4942, -157.1135, 1, 0.0198, 0.0258 2022, 63, 21.3732,220304.2122, 272, 20.4919, -157.1205, 2, 0.0212, 0.0268 2022, 64, 21.3757,220305.2123, 272, 20.4946, -157.1165, 1, 0.0169, 0.0217 2022, 68, 21.3765,220309.2123, 272, 20.4893, -157.1092, 2, 0.0213, 0.0270 2022, 70, 21.3748,220311.2122, 272, 20.4860, -157.1131, 1, 0.0208, 0.0253 2022, 72, 21.3733,220313.2122, 272, 20.4945, -157.1112, 1, 0.0226, 0.0282 2022, 77, 21.3760,220318.2123, 272, 20.4959, -157.1160, 1, 0.0219, 0.0266 2022, 79, 21.3733,220320.2122, 272, 20.4959, -157.1128, 1, 0.0227, 0.0276 2022, 83, 21.3757,220324.2123, 272, 20.4838, -157.1148, 2, 0.0224, 0.0261 2022, 86, 21.3758,220327.2123, 272, 20.4841, -157.1137, 1, 0.0216, 0.0255 2022, 87, 21.3758,220328.2123, 272, 20.4844, -157.1164, 1, 0.0207, 0.0243 2022, 90, 21.3743,220331.2122, 272, 20.4835, -157.1162, 1, 0.0222, 0.0262 2022, 91, 21.3755,220401.2123, 272, 20.4848, -157.1191, 1, 0.0233, 0.0271 2022, 93, 21.3867,220403.2123, 272, 20.4929, -157.1109, 2, 0.0274, 0.0323