File: 219_SEAWIFS_IN_LWN2.MAT 14 Variables, 99 Data Points FhdS 1: MOBY219 SeaWiFS In-Band Averaged Data File - LWN2 FhdS 2: Water-Leaving Radiance, Lw2, is calculated from LuTop and Kl2(LuTop-LuBot) FhdS 3: FhdS 4: DATA INCLUDED: Good and Questionable Data FhdS 5: PROCESSING: Nov 2017 FhdS 6: All data are STRAY LIGHT CORRECTED with version 6.3 FhdS 7: Lwn2 = (Lw/Es).*(Fo), where Fo is the Thuillier (2003) solar spectrum FhdS 8: DATE CREATED: 04-Jul-2019 16:25:47 ##Nov 2017 reprocessing applied on 04-Jul-2019 16:25:47 ------------------------------------------- ## new matrix stray light correction applied ##0.234 meters added to the MOBY arm depths ##Lu RSG data shifted right by one pixel DscS 1: Year DscS 2: Julian Day DscS 3: GMT Time (HH.hh) DscS 4: Observation Date (YYMMDD.HHMMmm) DscS 5: MOBY deployment DscS 6: Latitide (DD.MMmm) (+N/-S) DscS 7: Longitide (DD.MMmm) (-W/+E) DscS 8: Data Status (1 = Good and 2 = Questionable) DscS 9: SEAWIFS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 1 412 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 10: SEAWIFS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 2 443 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 11: SEAWIFS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 3 490 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 12: SEAWIFS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 4 510 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 13: SEAWIFS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 5 555 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 14: SEAWIFS Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 6 670 nm (µW/cm²/sr) Xdat: Year, JDay, GMTTime, ObsDate,Deploy, Lat, Long, ?Data, Lwn2B1, Lwn2B2, Lwn2B3, Lwn2B4, Lwn2B5, Lwn2B6 2002, 23, 22.7765,020123.2247, 219, 20.4946, -157.1152, 1, 1.8493, 1.5791, 1.0735, 0.6006, 0.2374, 0.0113 2002, 33, 22.7843,020202.2247, 219, 20.4901, -157.1186, 1, 1.9698, 1.6512, 1.1155, 0.6240, 0.2472, 0.0115 2002, 34, 22.7860,020203.2247, 219, 20.4891, -157.1099, 1, 2.0177, 1.6880, 1.1088, 0.6091, 0.2377, 0.0110 2002, 38, 22.7848,020207.2247, 219, 20.4860, -157.1099, 1, 2.0702, 1.7334, 1.1662, 0.6497, 0.2564, 0.0125 2002, 40, 22.7687,020209.2246, 219, 20.4897, -157.1212, 2, 1.6882, 1.4543, 1.0471, 0.6022, 0.2478, 0.0131 2002, 41, 22.7868,020210.2247, 219, 20.4896, -157.1217, 1, 1.6463, 1.4248, 1.0357, 0.5987, 0.2493, 0.0135 2002, 43, 22.7870,020212.2247, 219, 20.4905, -157.1193, 2, 1.9307, 1.6434, 1.1482, 0.6535, 0.2653, 0.0127 2002, 45, 22.7872,020214.2247, 219, 20.4891, -157.1201, 1, 2.0051, 1.6820, 1.1151, 0.6152, 0.2420, 0.0110 2002, 46, 22.7858,020215.2247, 219, 20.4918, -157.1205, 1, 1.8173, 1.5165, 0.9992, 0.5371, 0.2024, 0.0114 2002, 48, 22.7752,020217.2247, 219, 20.4925, -157.1098, 1, 2.0899, 1.7350, 1.1415, 0.6280, 0.2465, 0.0125 2002, 49, 22.7862,020218.2247, 219, 20.4926, -157.1100, 1, 2.0552, 1.6858, 1.1058, 0.6085, 0.2396, 0.0117 2002, 54, 22.7865,020223.2247, 219, 20.4932, -157.1119, 1, 1.8242, 1.5261, 1.0596, 0.6026, 0.2425, 0.0115 2002, 56, 22.7867,020225.2247, 219, 20.4900, -157.1219, 1, 1.8639, 1.5463, 1.0720, 0.6081, 0.2461, 0.0124 2002, 57, 22.7867,020226.2247, 219, 20.4928, -157.1210, 1, 1.8532, 1.5390, 1.0429, 0.5835, 0.2335, 0.0131 2002, 58, 22.7885,020227.2247, 219, 20.4938, -157.1202, 1, 1.9366, 1.6187, 1.0921, 0.6140, 0.2493, 0.0133 2002, 59, 22.7927,020228.2248, 219, 20.4955, -157.1176, 1, 1.8236, 1.5374, 1.0479, 0.5902, 0.2374, 0.0125 2002, 63, 22.7908,020304.2247, 219, 20.4903, -157.1216, 2, 2.0881, 1.7381, 1.1315, 0.6213, 0.2459, 0.0118 2002, 69, 22.7893,020310.2247, 219, 20.4948, -157.1119, 1, 2.0763, 1.6865, 1.1070, 0.6100, 0.2407, 0.0115 2002, 71, 23.0673,020312.2304, 219, 20.4882, -157.1090, 1, 1.9888, 1.6527, 1.1269, 0.6351, 0.2572, 0.0127 2002, 73, 22.7883,020314.2247, 219, 20.4875, -157.1098, 1, 2.0718, 1.6915, 1.1363, 0.6341, 0.2521, 0.0117 2002, 78, 22.7888,020319.2247, 219, 20.4856, -157.1208, 1, 2.0079, 1.6698, 1.1531, 0.6528, 0.2659, 0.0148 2002, 80, 22.7890,020321.2247, 219, 20.4847, -157.1187, 1, 1.8164, 1.5570, 1.1074, 0.6384, 0.2651, 0.0132 2002, 87, 22.7898,020328.2247, 219, 20.4872, -157.1083, 1, 1.8412, 1.5555, 1.1028, 0.6383, 0.2627, 0.0152 2002, 93, 22.7902,020403.2247, 219, 20.4926, -157.1207, 1, 2.2788, 1.8379, 1.1791, 0.6440, 0.2512, 0.0121 2002, 95, 22.7920,020405.2248, 219, 20.4950, -157.1167, 1, 2.1868, 1.7641, 1.1182, 0.6076, 0.2336, 0.0106 2002, 96, 22.7905,020406.2247, 219, 20.4948, -157.1181, 1, 2.3009, 1.8514, 1.1820, 0.6445, 0.2500, 0.0115 2002, 99, 23.3408,020409.2320, 219, 20.4952, -157.1144, 1, 2.2454, 1.8082, 1.1716, 0.6476, 0.2542, 0.0112 2002, 101, 23.0367,020411.2302, 219, 20.4953, -157.1169, 1, 2.2203, 1.7448, 1.1340, 0.6260, 0.2470, 0.0115 2002, 102, 23.0410,020412.2302, 219, 20.4908, -157.1195, 2, 2.2680, 1.7671, 1.1402, 0.6288, 0.2493, 0.0113 2002, 104, 23.0428,020414.2303, 219, 20.4952, -157.1163, 2, 2.2891, 1.8021, 1.1698, 0.6451, 0.2537, 0.0114 2002, 107, 23.0512,020417.2303, 219, 20.4921, -157.1185, 1, 2.0834, 1.7019, 1.1249, 0.6209, 0.2428, 0.0097 2002, 108, 23.0335,020418.2302, 219, 20.4939, -157.1144, 2, 1.9242, 1.5768, 1.0518, 0.5812, 0.2255, 0.0097 2002, 111, 23.0385,020421.2302, 219, 20.4870, -157.1105, 1, 2.1663, 1.7155, 1.1209, 0.6182, 0.2428, 0.0115 2002, 114, 23.0505,020424.2303, 219, 20.4868, -157.1093, 1, 2.1321, 1.7295, 1.1462, 0.6400, 0.2554, 0.0117 2002, 116, 23.0507,020426.2303, 219, 20.4853, -157.1100, 1, 2.4760, 1.9746, 1.2545, 0.6805, 0.2627, 0.0122 2002, 117, 23.0427,020427.2303, 219, 20.4902, -157.1085, 1, 2.3396, 1.8543, 1.1687, 0.6285, 0.2407, 0.0099 2002, 121, 23.0677,020501.2304, 219, 20.4955, -157.1155, 2, 2.0945, 1.6624, 1.0868, 0.5984, 0.2344, 0.0106 2002, 128, 23.0520,020508.2303, 219, 20.4952, -157.1172, 2, 2.0845, 1.6989, 1.1221, 0.6202, 0.2436, 0.0116 2002, 135, 23.0527,020515.2303, 219, 20.4913, -157.1210, 1, 1.9531, 1.6050, 1.1234, 0.6456, 0.2662, 0.0120 2002, 136, 23.0570,020516.2303, 219, 20.4889, -157.1204, 2, 1.8005, 1.5282, 1.0791, 0.6252, 0.2663, 0.0103 2002, 137, 23.0528,020517.2303, 219, 20.4840, -157.1127, 1, 1.8834, 1.6133, 1.1266, 0.6509, 0.2788, 0.0125 2002, 138, 23.0543,020518.2303, 219, 20.4840, -157.1189, 1, 2.0323, 1.6687, 1.1200, 0.6269, 0.2503, 0.0095 2002, 139, 23.0515,020519.2303, 219, 20.4836, -157.1180, 1, 1.8219, 1.5916, 1.1506, 0.6829, 0.3015, 0.0171 2002, 140, 23.0517,020520.2303, 219, 20.4845, -157.1110, 1, 1.6838, 1.5031, 1.1080, 0.6639, 0.2920, 0.0146 2002, 141, 23.0575,020521.2303, 219, 20.4854, -157.1099, 1, 1.8828, 1.6329, 1.1421, 0.6575, 0.2743, 0.0123 2002, 142, 23.0518,020522.2303, 219, 20.4891, -157.1086, 2, 1.9275, 1.5848, 1.0379, 0.5623, 0.2086, 0.0059 2002, 143, 23.0520,020523.2303, 219, 20.4940, -157.1108, 1, 2.0610, 1.6964, 1.1213, 0.6285, 0.2505, 0.0102 2002, 144, 23.0522,020524.2303, 219, 20.4948, -157.1117, 1, 2.1859, 1.7648, 1.1478, 0.6376, 0.2524, 0.0111 2002, 145, 23.0523,020525.2303, 219, 20.4859, -157.1104, 1, 2.0696, 1.6749, 1.0949, 0.6022, 0.2318, 0.0082