File: 226_MODIS-2_TOTAL_LWN2.MAT 17 Variables, 90 Data Points FhdS 1: MOBY226 MODIS-2 Total-Band Averaged Data File - LWN2 FhdS 2: Water-Leaving Radiance, Lw1, is calculated from LuTop and Kl1(LuTop-LuMid) FhdS 3: FhdS 4: DATA INCLUDED: Good and Questionable Data FhdS 5: PROCESSING: Nov 2017 FhdS 6: All data are STRAY LIGHT CORRECTED with version 63 FhdS 7: Lwn2 = (Lw/Es).*(Fo), where Fo is the Thuillier (2003) solar spectrum FhdS 8: DATE CREATED: 04-Jul-2019 21:00:03 ##Nov 2017 reprocessing applied on 04-Jul-2019 21:00:03 ------------------------------------------- ## new matrix stray light correction applied ##0.234 meters added to the MOBY arm depths ##Lu RSG data shifted right by one pixel DscS 1: Year DscS 2: Julian Day DscS 3: GMT Time (HH.hh) DscS 4: Observation Date (YYMMDD.HHMMmm) DscS 5: MOBY deployment DscS 6: Latitide (DD.MMmm) (+N/-S) DscS 7: Longitide (DD.MMmm) (-W/+E) DscS 8: Data Status (1 = Good and 2 = Questionable) DscS 9: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 8 416 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 10: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 9 442 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 11: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 10 489 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 12: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 11 530 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 13: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 12 547 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 14: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 13 665 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 15: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 14 677 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 16: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 15 747 nm (µW/cm²/sr) DscS 17: MODIS-2 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad Band 16 865 nm (µW/cm²/sr) Xdat: Year, JDay, GMTTime, ObsDate,Deploy, Lat, Long, ?Data, Lwn2B8, Lwn2B9, Lwn2B10, Lwn2B11, Lwn2B12, Lwn2B13, Lwn2B14, Lwn2B15, Lwn2B16 2004, 38, 20.7727,040207.2046, 226, 20.4946, -157.1198, 2, 1.8887, 1.5565, 1.0044, 0.2763, 0.1957, 0.0095, 0.0085, 0.0004, 2004, 39, 20.7730,040208.2046, 226, 20.4934, -157.1208, 1, 2.0765, 1.7372, 1.1609, 0.3679, 0.2707, 0.0141, 0.0128, 0.0009, 2004, 41, 20.7730,040210.2046, 226, 20.4944, -157.1196, 2, 1.8090, 1.5372, 1.0410, 0.3041, 0.2172, 0.0103, 0.0092, 0.0005, 2004, 43, 20.7733,040212.2046, 226, 20.4859, -157.1194, 1, 2.1253, 1.7861, 1.2361, 0.4015, 0.2957, 0.0134, 0.0123, 0.0007, 2004, 44, 20.7908,040213.2047, 226, 20.4856, -157.1175, 2, 2.1261, 1.8139, 1.2671, 0.4142, 0.3059, 0.0143, 0.0129, 0.0007, 2004, 45, 20.7752,040214.2047, 226, 20.4850, -157.1125, 1, 2.3639, 1.9517, 1.3438, 0.4389, 0.3247, 0.0169, 0.0156, 0.0008, 2004, 46, 20.7747,040215.2046, 226, 20.4850, -157.1116, 1, 2.4364, 2.0414, 1.3731, 0.4366, 0.3219, 0.0162, 0.0148, 0.0007, 2004, 48, 20.7857,040217.2047, 226, 20.4882, -157.1130, 1, 2.0504, 1.7840, 1.2966, 0.4419, 0.3288, 0.0171, 0.0159, 0.0008, 2004, 49, 20.7737,040218.2046, 226, 20.4867, -157.1105, 1, 2.2935, 1.9304, 1.3295, 0.4302, 0.3169, 0.0151, 0.0138, 0.0007, 2004, 50, 20.7737,040219.2046, 226, 20.4865, -157.1112, 1, 2.2003, 1.8724, 1.2996, 0.4240, 0.3126, 0.0149, 0.0136, 0.0007, 2004, 51, 20.7738,040220.2046, 226, 20.4902, -157.1099, 2, 2.1927, 1.8823, 1.3141, 0.4285, 0.3152, 0.0145, 0.0131, 0.0007, 2004, 53, 20.7753,040222.2047, 226, 20.4924, -157.1119, 1, 2.0486, 1.7751, 1.2739, 0.4299, 0.3184, 0.0150, 0.0138, 0.0007, 2004, 60, 20.7743,040229.2046, 226, 20.4958, -157.1176, 2, 1.7305, 1.4699, 1.0771, 0.3667, 0.2720, 0.0148, 0.0138, 0.0007, 2004, 67, 20.7747,040307.2046, 226, 20.4840, -157.1171, 1, 1.7508, 1.5953, 1.2718, 0.4817, 0.3656, 0.0196, 0.0177, 0.0008, 2004, 69, 20.8053,040309.2048, 226, 20.4860, -157.1198, 2, 1.4522, 1.3562, 1.1321, 0.4637, 0.3595, 0.0213, 0.0195, 0.0013, 2004, 70, 20.7748,040310.2046, 226, 20.4901, -157.1177, 1, 1.5472, 1.4130, 1.1321, 0.4406, 0.3377, 0.0188, 0.0172, 0.0008, 2004, 71, 20.7750,040311.2047, 226, 20.4952, -157.1161, 1, 1.8614, 1.6655, 1.1997, 0.4140, 0.3094, 0.0154, 0.0139, 0.0007, 2004, 72, 20.7833,040312.2047, 226, 20.4949, -157.1128, 1, 1.7518, 1.5763, 1.1510, 0.4041, 0.3027, 0.0146, 0.0134, 0.0007, 2004, 75, 20.7692,040315.2046, 226, 20.4931, -157.1177, 1, 2.0585, 1.7350, 1.2299, 0.4197, 0.3114, 0.0167, 0.0155, 0.0008, 2004, 76, 20.7902,040316.2047, 226, 20.4944, -157.1162, 1, 2.1191, 1.8220, 1.2546, 0.4096, 0.3020, 0.0144, 0.0131, 0.0007, 2004, 79, 20.7837,040319.2047, 226, 20.4901, -157.1099, 1, 2.3086, 1.9909, 1.2956, 0.3982, 0.2916, 0.0131, 0.0117, 0.0006, 2004, 80, 20.7838,040320.2047, 226, 20.4850, -157.1151, 1, 2.2971, 1.9747, 1.3055, 0.4068, 0.2985, 0.0133, 0.0120, 0.0006, 2004, 85, 20.7878,040325.2047, 226, 20.4945, -157.1166, 2, 2.1396, 1.8092, 1.2701, 0.4222, 0.3123, 0.0152, 0.0139, 0.0007, 2004, 89, 20.7762,040329.2047, 226, 20.4850, -157.1111, 1, 2.0656, 1.7494, 1.2733, 0.4459, 0.3340, 0.0191, 0.0174, 0.0009, 2004, 91, 20.7905,040331.2047, 226, 20.4838, -157.1130, 2, 1.7614, 1.5794, 1.2397, 0.4684, 0.3567, 0.0222, 0.0202, 0.0009, 2004, 92, 20.7745,040401.2046, 226, 20.4840, -157.1135, 1, 1.6495, 1.4760, 1.1578, 0.4355, 0.3297, 0.0188, 0.0171, 0.0008, 2004, 93, 20.7765,040402.2047, 226, 20.4846, -157.1122, 1, 1.8285, 1.5970, 1.2058, 0.4385, 0.3303, 0.0183, 0.0166, 0.0008, 2004, 94, 20.7765,040403.2047, 226, 20.4881, -157.1092, 1, 1.8357, 1.5882, 1.1812, 0.4174, 0.3115, 0.0153, 0.0137, 0.0006, 2004, 95, 20.7833,040404.2047, 226, 20.4878, -157.1115, 1, 1.9584, 1.6685, 1.1900, 0.4047, 0.3013, 0.0148, 0.0134, 0.0006, 2004, 96, 20.7765,040405.2047, 226, 20.4858, -157.1121, 1, 2.2522, 1.8572, 1.2511, 0.3977, 0.2919, 0.0132, 0.0119, 0.0006, 2004, 97, 20.7833,040406.2047, 226, 20.4878, -157.1111, 1, 2.3101, 1.9162, 1.2704, 0.3970, 0.2910, 0.0130, 0.0116, 0.0007, 2004, 98, 20.7833,040407.2047, 226, 20.4890, -157.1108, 1, 2.3182, 1.9108, 1.2741, 0.4013, 0.2942, 0.0131, 0.0118, 0.0007, 2004, 99, 20.7833,040408.2047, 226, 20.4884, -157.1108, 1, 2.2787, 1.8543, 1.2385, 0.3957, 0.2836, 0.0122, 0.0111, 0.0006, 2004, 101, 20.7837,040410.2047, 226, 20.4895, -157.1217, 2, 2.0689, 1.6848, 1.1428, 0.3483, 0.2535, 0.0119, 0.0110, 0.0005, 2004, 102, 20.7837,040411.2047, 226, 20.4876, -157.1211, 1, 2.0526, 1.7030, 1.1649, 0.3726, 0.2747, 0.0135, 0.0124, 0.0006, 2004, 104, 20.7875,040413.2047, 226, 20.4921, -157.1174, 1, 2.1760, 1.8029, 1.2326, 0.3995, 0.2946, 0.0139, 0.0127, 0.0006, 2004, 105, 20.7838,040414.2047, 226, 20.4947, -157.1162, 1, 2.1723, 1.8071, 1.2215, 0.3899, 0.2867, 0.0131, 0.0118, 0.0006, 2004, 106, 20.7855,040415.2047, 226, 20.4927, -157.1207, 1, 2.1145, 1.7744, 1.1879, 0.3719, 0.2728, 0.0129, 0.0118, 0.0006, 2004, 107, 20.7747,040416.2046, 226, 20.4938, -157.1194, 1, 2.2135, 1.8536, 1.2599, 0.4058, 0.2995, 0.0151, 0.0138, 0.0007, 2004, 108, 20.7917,040417.2047, 226, 20.4955, -157.1157, 1, 2.1640, 1.8434, 1.3112, 0.4449, 0.3321, 0.0194, 0.0179, 0.0010, 2004, 109, 20.7857,040418.2047, 226, 20.4946, -157.1188, 1, 1.9918, 1.6938, 1.1969, 0.3993, 0.2971, 0.0157, 0.0145, 0.0012, 2004, 110, 20.7857,040419.2047, 226, 20.4952, -157.1171, 1, 2.0073, 1.6716, 1.1560, 0.3784, 0.2799, 0.0137, 0.0125, 0.0006, 2004, 112, 20.7842,040421.2047, 226, 20.4933, -157.1164, 2, 1.9034, 1.5575, 1.0647, 0.3291, 0.2405, 0.0106, 0.0094, 0.0005, 2004, 113, 20.7843,040422.2047, 226, 20.4915, -157.1121, 1, 2.1270, 1.7620, 1.2210, 0.3987, 0.2940, 0.0133, 0.0120, 0.0006, 2004, 114, 20.7845,040423.2047, 226, 20.4887, -157.1144, 1, 2.0974, 1.7536, 1.2101, 0.3938, 0.2906, 0.0131, 0.0118, 0.0006, 2004, 115, 20.7845,040424.2047, 226, 20.4851, -157.1153, 1, 2.0344, 1.7180, 1.2046, 0.3960, 0.2921, 0.0133, 0.0120, 0.0007, 2004, 116, 20.7845,040425.2047, 226, 20.4898, -157.1192, 2, 1.8683, 1.5188, 1.0240, 0.3056, 0.2212, 0.0081, 0.0072, 0.0006, 2004, 120, 20.8005,040429.2048, 226, 20.4845, -157.1142, 2, 2.1466, 1.7776, 1.2201, 0.3960, 0.2920, 0.0137, 0.0124, 0.0006, 2004, 121, 20.7848,040430.2047, 226, 20.4850, -157.1130, 1, 2.1722, 1.8089, 1.2362, 0.3991, 0.2939, 0.0136, 0.0123, 0.0006, 2004, 122, 20.7848,040501.2047, 226, 20.4855, -157.1112, 2, 2.1933, 1.8398, 1.2520, 0.4031, 0.2973, 0.0145, 0.0131, 0.0008, 2004, 124, 20.7850,040503.2047, 226, 20.4839, -157.1149, 2, 2.2433, 1.8876, 1.2937, 0.4176, 0.3083, 0.0152, 0.0138, 0.0007, 2004, 127, 20.7852,040506.2047, 226, 20.4859, -157.1116, 2, 2.2809, 1.9616, 1.2869, 0.3982, 0.2933, 0.0150, 0.0135, 0.0007,