File: 240_MODIS-2-LAND_IN_LUTOPKL01.MAT 14 Variables, 127 Data Points FhdS 1: MOBY240 MODIS-2-LAND In - MODELED KL - Band Averaged Data File FhdS 2: Dir: E:\ZFLORA\MLDATA\MOBY\DATA\MOBY240\PRECALS FhdS 3: Using a modeled KL01 to remove inelastic processes from Lw and Lwn2 FhdS 4: DATA INCLUDED: Good and Questionable Data FhdS 5: PROCESSING: Nov 2017 FhdS 6: All data are STRAY LIGHT CORRECTED with version 6.1 FhdS 7: DATE CREATED: 05-Jul-2019 09:07:56 FhdS 8: ##Nov 2017 reprocessing applied on 05-Jul-2019 09:07:56 ------------------------------------------- ## new matrix stray light correction applied ##MODELED KL: Band weighted modeled Kl data, missing data means the program was not able to calculate a model for that MOBY file and Lw ##0.234 meters added to the MOBY arm depths ##Lu RSG data shifted right by one pixel DscS 1: Year DscS 2: Julian Day DscS 3: GMT Time (HH.hh) DscS 4: Observation Date (YYMMDD.HHMMmm) DscS 5: MOBY deployment DscS 6: Latitide (DD.MMmm) (+N/-S) DscS 7: Longitide (DD.MMmm) (-W/+E) DscS 8: Data Status (1 = Good and 2 = Questionable) DscS 9: MODIS-2-LAND Water Leaving Radiance Band 1 645 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 10: MODIS-2-LAND Water Leaving Radiance Band 3 469 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 11: MODIS-2-LAND Water Leaving Radiance Band 4 555 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 12: MODIS-2-LAND Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 1 645 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 13: MODIS-2-LAND Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 3 469 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 14: MODIS-2-LAND Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 4 555 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) Xdat: Year, JDay, GMTTime, ObsDate,Deploy, Lat, Long, ?Data, LwB1, LwB3, LwB4, Lwn-2B1, Lwn-2B3, Lwn-2B4 2008, 89, 0.2337,080329.0014, 240, 20.4971, -157.1151, 1, 0.0169, 1.3834, 0.2133, 0.0202, 1.7338, 0.2576 2008, 90, 0.2335,080330.0014, 240, 20.4963, -157.1171, 2, 0.0142, 1.2258, 0.1813, 0.0189, 1.6857, 0.2420 2008, 92, 0.2338,080401.0014, 240, 20.4951, -157.1190, 1, 0.0166, 1.3241, 0.2006, 0.0199, 1.6649, 0.2432 2008, 93, 0.2338,080402.0014, 240, 20.4919, -157.1203, 1, 0.0164, 1.3195, 0.2007, 0.0195, 1.6498, 0.2416 2008, 94, 0.2338,080403.0014, 240, 20.4884, -157.1190, 1, 0.0166, 1.3234, 0.2033, 0.0200, 1.6773, 0.2480 2008, 95, 0.2340,080404.0014, 240, 20.4869, -157.1179, 1, 0.0172, 1.3148, 0.2052, 0.0211, 1.6874, 0.2543 2008, 96, 0.2338,080405.0014, 240, 20.4905, -157.1196, 1, 0.0176, 1.3239, 0.2093, 0.0213, 1.6702, 0.2548 2008, 97, 0.2340,080406.0014, 240, 20.4922, -157.1203, 1, 0.0177, 1.3133, 0.2058, 0.0214, 1.6654, 0.2523 2008, 98, 0.2422,080407.0015, 240, 20.4921, -157.1205, 1, 0.0171, 1.2865, 0.2013, 0.0212, 1.6609, 0.2521 2008, 99, 0.2342,080408.0014, 240, 20.4939, -157.1195, 1, 0.0179, 1.3184, 0.2090, 0.0216, 1.6642, 0.2547 2008, 100, 0.2357,080409.0014, 240, 20.4963, -157.1162, 1, 0.0159, 1.2440, 0.1935, 0.0199, 1.6611, 0.2474 2008, 108, 0.2348,080417.0014, 240, 20.4938, -157.1097, 1, 0.0138, 1.3528, 0.1921, 0.0167, 1.7037, 0.2339 2008, 110, 0.2348,080419.0014, 240, 20.4911, -157.1184, 1, 0.0166, 1.3692, 0.2080, 0.0199, 1.7176, 0.2520 2008, 111, 0.2350,080420.0014, 240, 20.4947, -157.1169, 1, , , , , , 2008, 112, 0.2350,080421.0014, 240, 20.4965, -157.1112, 2, , , , , , 2008, 113, 0.2350,080422.0014, 240, 20.4937, -157.1080, 1, 0.0135, 1.2714, 0.1719, 0.0155, 1.5266, 0.1989 2008, 114, 0.2352,080423.0014, 240, 20.4933, -157.1079, 1, 0.0156, 1.2614, 0.1846, 0.0182, 1.5402, 0.2172 2008, 115, 0.2348,080424.0014, 240, 20.4884, -157.1087, 2, 0.0163, 1.2724, 0.2010, 0.0203, 1.6693, 0.2541 2008, 117, 0.2353,080426.0014, 240, 20.4885, -157.1082, 1, 0.0175, 1.2892, 0.1968, 0.0217, 1.6851, 0.2470 2008, 118, 0.2357,080427.0014, 240, 20.4872, -157.1094, 1, 0.0174, 1.2771, 0.2001, 0.0220, 1.7061, 0.2568 2008, 119, 0.2350,080428.0014, 240, 20.4870, -157.1097, 1, 0.0162, 1.3272, 0.2022, 0.0198, 1.7042, 0.2493 2008, 125, 0.2357,080504.0014, 240, 20.4883, -157.1080, 1, 0.0188, 1.3890, 0.2161, 0.0213, 1.6447, 0.2462 2008, 126, 0.2507,080505.0015, 240, 20.4890, -157.1077, 1, 0.0174, 1.3454, 0.2100, 0.0200, 1.6154, 0.2427 2008, 128, 0.2360,080507.0014, 240, 20.4872, -157.1092, 1, 0.0189, 1.2332, 0.2155, 0.0224, 1.5304, 0.2573 2008, 130, 0.2387,080509.0014, 240, 20.4882, -157.1113, 2, 0.0092, 1.0532, 0.1454, 0.0115, 1.3738, 0.1830 2008, 133, 0.2392,080512.0014, 240, 20.4854, -157.1152, 1, 0.0192, 1.2572, 0.2240, 0.0237, 1.6367, 0.2802 2008, 134, 0.2388,080513.0014, 240, 20.4867, -157.1104, 1, 0.0171, 1.1418, 0.2004, 0.0231, 1.6167, 0.2737 2008, 135, 0.2240,080514.0013, 240, 20.4901, -157.1078, 2, 0.0118, 1.1928, 0.1645, 0.0141, 1.5014, 0.1986 2008, 136, 0.2423,080515.0015, 240, 20.4902, -157.1075, 1, 0.0128, 1.2153, 0.1720, 0.0161, 1.5872, 0.2162 2008, 137, 0.2395,080516.0014, 240, 20.4888, -157.1077, 2, 0.0133, 1.1579, 0.1762, 0.0164, 1.5211, 0.2203 2008, 138, 0.2365,080517.0014, 240, 20.4886, -157.1079, 1, 0.0141, 1.2833, 0.1846, 0.0170, 1.6472, 0.2261 2008, 140, 0.2368,080519.0014, 240, 20.4872, -157.1091, 1, 0.0160, 1.3046, 0.2048, 0.0196, 1.6595, 0.2510 2008, 146, 0.2372,080525.0014, 240, 20.4872, -157.1112, 1, 0.0181, 1.3655, 0.2197, 0.0223, 1.7829, 0.2737 2008, 148, 0.2410,080527.0014, 240, 20.4888, -157.1097, 2, 0.0129, 1.3124, 0.1821, 0.0161, 1.7379, 0.2304 2008, 154, 0.2397,080602.0014, 240, 20.4878, -157.1105, 2, 0.0116, 1.1711, 0.1690, 0.0145, 1.5606, 0.2150 2008, 159, 0.2500,080607.0015, 240, 20.4918, -157.1113, 2, 0.0165, 1.3782, 0.2236, 0.0184, 1.6341, 0.2519 2008, 160, 0.2380,080608.0014, 240, 20.4923, -157.1101, 1, 0.0170, 1.2342, 0.2096, 0.0208, 1.5981, 0.2587 2008, 161, 0.2380,080609.0014, 240, 20.4951, -157.1188, 1, 0.0169, 1.2895, 0.2105, 0.0206, 1.6670, 0.2594 2008, 162, 0.2350,080610.0014, 240, 20.4937, -157.1201, 1, 0.0187, 1.3189, 0.2279, 0.0208, 1.5711, 0.2574 2008, 163, 0.2532,080611.0015, 240, 20.4936, -157.1196, 1, 0.0183, 1.3286, 0.2146, 0.0223, 1.7157, 0.2646 2008, 166, 0.2393,080614.0014, 240, 20.4955, -157.1182, 1, 0.0182, 1.2715, 0.2148, 0.0218, 1.6056, 0.2594 2008, 167, 0.2383,080615.0014, 240, 20.4972, -157.1159, 1, 0.0193, 1.2644, 0.2182, 0.0235, 1.6233, 0.2681 2008, 172, 0.2358,080620.0014, 240, 20.4926, -157.1203, 1, 0.0178, 1.2925, 0.2159, 0.0217, 1.6660, 0.2661 2008, 174, 0.2385,080622.0014, 240, 20.4946, -157.1193, 1, 0.0177, 1.2768, 0.2115, 0.0216, 1.6444, 0.2606 2008, 175, 0.2388,080623.0014, 240, 20.4936, -157.1202, 1, 0.0186, 1.2668, 0.2146, 0.0226, 1.6271, 0.2641 2008, 178, 0.2390,080626.0014, 240, 20.4969, -157.1143, 1, 0.0199, 1.0399, 0.2219, 0.0234, 1.2991, 0.2638 2008, 182, 0.2513,080630.0015, 240, 20.4891, -157.1126, 1, 0.0173, 1.2576, 0.2081, 0.0214, 1.6516, 0.2608 2008, 183, 0.2393,080701.0014, 240, 20.4871, -157.1109, 1, 0.0172, 1.2442, 0.2065, 0.0213, 1.6262, 0.2573 2008, 185, 0.2393,080703.0014, 240, 20.4895, -157.1155, 1, 0.0166, 1.2539, 0.2097, 0.0196, 1.5718, 0.2505 2008, 187, 0.2408,080705.0014, 240, 20.4952, -157.1178, 1, 0.0179, 1.2385, 0.2201, 0.0212, 1.5537, 0.2636 2008, 188, 0.2397,080706.0014, 240, 20.4955, -157.1178, 1, 0.0191, 1.2694, 0.2238, 0.0226, 1.5839, 0.2670 2008, 189, 0.2397,080707.0014, 240, 20.4965, -157.1133, 1, 0.0179, 1.2104, 0.2196, 0.0209, 1.5029, 0.2596 2008, 190, 0.2395,080708.0014, 240, 20.4971, -157.1127, 1, 0.0172, 1.3186, 0.2143, 0.0205, 1.6717, 0.2586 2008, 191, 0.2398,080709.0014, 240, 20.4957, -157.1136, 1, 0.0174, 1.3158, 0.2168, 0.0206, 1.6463, 0.2587 2008, 193, 0.2550,080711.0015, 240, 20.4877, -157.1151, 1, 0.0169, 1.2943, 0.2156, 0.0205, 1.6735, 0.2654 2008, 194, 0.2372,080712.0014, 240, 20.4860, -157.1153, 1, 0.0181, 1.3610, 0.2251, 0.0219, 1.7470, 0.2751 2008, 195, 0.2540,080713.0015, 240, 20.4912, -157.1162, 1, 0.0163, 1.2337, 0.2117, 0.0194, 1.5645, 0.2551 2008, 196, 0.2525,080714.0015, 240, 20.4944, -157.1185, 1, 0.0183, 1.1957, 0.2191, 0.0217, 1.5081, 0.2630 2008, 197, 0.2402,080715.0014, 240, 20.4944, -157.1191, 1, 0.0194, 1.2621, 0.2261, 0.0234, 1.6145, 0.2756 2008, 201, 0.2407,080719.0014, 240, 20.4905, -157.1206, 1, 0.0169, 1.2964, 0.2144, 0.0203, 1.6565, 0.2605 2008, 208, 0.2410,080726.0014, 240, 20.4860, -157.1171, 1, 0.0242, 1.1176, 0.2599, 0.0292, 1.4329, 0.3171 2008, 210, 0.2353,080728.0014, 240, 20.4858, -157.1168, 1, 0.0167, 1.2478, 0.2180, 0.0202, 1.5981, 0.2656 2008, 212, 0.2523,080730.0015, 240, 20.4865, -157.1185, 2, 0.0183, 1.1807, 0.2188, 0.0226, 1.5454, 0.2727 2008, 213, 0.2413,080731.0014, 240, 20.4855, -157.1125, 1, 0.0179, 1.1461, 0.2145, 0.0215, 1.4637, 0.2604 2008, 214, 0.2502,080801.0015, 240, 20.4909, -157.1084, 2, 0.0188, 1.1704, 0.2169, 0.0216, 1.4391, 0.2533