File: 244_MERSI_IN_LUTOPKL01.MAT 28 Variables, 132 Data Points FhdS 1: MOBY244 MERSI In - MODELED KL - Band Averaged Data File FhdS 2: Dir: C:\ZFLORA\MLDATA\MOBY\DATA\MOBY244\PRECALS FhdS 3: Using a modeled KL01 to remove inelastic processes from Lw and Lwn2 FhdS 4: DATA INCLUDED: Good and Questionable Data FhdS 5: PROCESSING: Nov 2017 FhdS 6: All data are STRAY LIGHT CORRECTED with version 6.1 FhdS 7: DATE CREATED: 05-Jul-2019 13:25:21 FhdS 8: ##Nov 2017 reprocessing applied on 05-Jul-2019 13:25:21 ------------------------------------------- ## new matrix stray light correction applied ##MODELED KL: Band weighted modeled Kl data, missing data means the program was not able to calculate a model for that MOBY file and Lw ##0.234 meters added to the MOBY arm depths ##Lu RSG data shifted right by one pixel DscS 1: Year DscS 2: Julian Day DscS 3: GMT Time (HH.hh) DscS 4: Observation Date (YYMMDD.HHMMmm) DscS 5: MOBY deployment DscS 6: Latitide (DD.MMmm) (+N/-S) DscS 7: Longitide (DD.MMmm) (-W/+E) DscS 8: Data Status (1 = Good and 2 = Questionable) DscS 9: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 1 470 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 10: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 2 550 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 11: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 3 650 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 12: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 8 412 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 13: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 9 443 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 14: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 10 490 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 15: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 11 520 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 16: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 12 565 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 17: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 13 650 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 18: MERSI Water Leaving Radiance Band 14 685 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 19: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 1 470 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 20: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 2 550 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 21: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 3 650 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 22: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 8 412 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 23: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 9 443 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 24: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 10 490 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 25: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 11 520 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 26: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 12 565 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 27: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 13 650 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 28: MERSI Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 14 685 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) Xdat: Year, JDay, GMTTime, ObsDate,Deploy, Lat, Long, ?Data, LwB1, LwB2, LwB3, LwB8, LwB9, LwB10, LwB11, LwB12, LwB13, LwB14, Lwn-2B1, Lwn-2B2, Lwn-2B3, Lwn-2B8, Lwn-2B9, Lwn-2B10, Lwn-2B11, Lwn-2B12, Lwn-2B13, Lwn-2B14 2009, 221, 22.8377,090809.2250, 244, 20.4897, -157.1199, 2, 1.3672, 0.2730, 0.0180, 1.9319, 1.5898, 1.1162, 0.4183, 0.1817, 0.0191, , 1.5224, 0.2946, 0.0195, 2.2077, 1.7821, 1.2261, 0.4499, 0.1970, 0.0209, 2009, 223, 22.8257,090811.2250, 244, 20.4848, -157.1176, 2, 1.2630, 0.2836, 0.0228, 1.7027, 1.4258, 1.0564, 0.4249, 0.1932, 0.0240, , 1.4202, 0.3098, 0.0252, 1.9622, 1.6134, 1.1726, 0.4620, 0.2123, 0.0268, 2009, 227, 22.8385,090815.2250, 244, 20.4955, -157.1110, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2009, 228, 22.8387,090816.2250, 244, 20.4920, -157.1169, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2009, 229, 22.8385,090817.2250, 244, 20.4917, -157.1178, 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2009, 233, 22.8390,090821.2250, 244, 20.4939, -157.1195, 1, 1.3988, 0.2659, 0.0186, 2.0762, 1.6553, 1.1265, 0.4095, 0.1766, 0.0197, , 1.5615, 0.2878, 0.0203, 2.3787, 1.8606, 1.2402, 0.4416, 0.1922, 0.0216, 2009, 234, 22.8595,090822.2252, 244, 20.4926, -157.1204, 2, 1.3694, 0.2629, 0.0191, 2.0276, 1.6178, 1.1039, 0.4040, 0.1753, 0.0202, , 1.5077, 0.2806, 0.0205, 2.2926, 1.7938, 1.1985, 0.4295, 0.1880, 0.0218, 2009, 235, 22.8420,090823.2251, 244, 20.4941, -157.1192, 1, 1.3758, 0.2714, 0.0193, 2.0081, 1.6142, 1.1136, 0.4157, 0.1812, 0.0204, , 1.5399, 0.2943, 0.0211, 2.3073, 1.8193, 1.2291, 0.4491, 0.1975, 0.0225, 2009, 237, 22.8542,090825.2251, 244, 20.4927, -157.1201, 1, 1.4800, 0.2746, 0.0191, 2.1795, 1.7649, 1.1823, 0.4236, 0.1824, 0.0203, , 1.5628, 0.2804, 0.0196, 2.3695, 1.8782, 1.2301, 0.4312, 0.1872, 0.0210, 2009, 239, 22.8412,090827.2250, 244, 20.4931, -157.1196, 1, 1.3647, 0.2664, 0.0182, 2.0092, 1.6071, 1.1013, 0.4089, 0.1774, 0.0193, , 1.5234, 0.2885, 0.0198, 2.3027, 1.8065, 1.2126, 0.4410, 0.1932, 0.0212, 2009, 240, 22.8398,090828.2250, 244, 20.4955, -157.1155, 1, 1.3951, 0.2640, 0.0177, 2.0962, 1.6580, 1.1186, 0.4066, 0.1754, 0.0188, , 1.5805, 0.2901, 0.0196, 2.4393, 1.8918, 1.2495, 0.4449, 0.1937, 0.0209, 2009, 243, 22.8403,090831.2250, 244, 20.4956, -157.1146, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2009, 245, 22.8707,090902.2252, 244, 20.4939, -157.1096, 1, 1.3224, 0.2460, 0.0147, 1.9850, 1.5690, 1.0626, 0.3823, 0.1616, 0.0157, , 1.5228, 0.2743, 0.0165, 2.3499, 1.8202, 1.2061, 0.4248, 0.1812, 0.0177, 2009, 246, 22.8380,090903.2250, 244, 20.4941, -157.1157, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2009, 247, 22.8382,090904.2250, 244, 20.4919, -157.1174, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2009, 248, 22.8410,090905.2250, 244, 20.4874, -157.1178, 1, 1.3165, 0.2587, 0.0170, 1.9013, 1.5398, 1.0693, 0.3974, 0.1720, 0.0180, , 1.4990, 0.2851, 0.0188, 2.2309, 1.7675, 1.1998, 0.4363, 0.1905, 0.0200, 2009, 251, 22.8412,090908.2250, 244, 20.4843, -157.1147, 1, 1.2910, 0.2639, 0.0185, 1.8182, 1.4926, 1.0585, 0.4028, 0.1765, 0.0195, , 1.5094, 0.2987, 0.0211, 2.1883, 1.7589, 1.2199, 0.4542, 0.2008, 0.0224, 2009, 252, 22.8430,090909.2251, 244, 20.4848, -157.1121, 1, 1.2867, 0.2653, 0.0176, 1.7614, 1.4743, 1.0626, 0.4051, 0.1771, 0.0187, , 1.5015, 0.2996, 0.0199, 2.1173, 1.7344, 1.2222, 0.4558, 0.2010, 0.0213, 2009, 257, 22.8422,090914.2251, 244, 20.4878, -157.1110, 1, 1.3167, 0.2529, 0.0149, 1.9183, 1.5427, 1.0687, 0.3907, 0.1669, 0.0158, , 1.5581, 0.2884, 0.0170, 2.3473, 1.8429, 1.2448, 0.4445, 0.1911, 0.0182, 2009, 258, 22.8423,090915.2251, 244, 20.4869, -157.1111, 1, 1.2761, 0.2576, 0.0156, 1.8085, 1.4752, 1.0482, 0.3960, 0.1706, 0.0166, , 1.5266, 0.2971, 0.0180, 2.2378, 1.7817, 1.2344, 0.4555, 0.1976, 0.0193, 2009, 259, 22.8422,090916.2251, 244, 20.4900, -157.1087, 1, 1.2783, 0.2618, 0.0163, 1.8111, 1.4728, 1.0526, 0.4009, 0.1741, 0.0173, , 1.4699, 0.2894, 0.0180, 2.1643, 1.7124, 1.1904, 0.4422, 0.1932, 0.0192, 2009, 262, 22.8593,090919.2252, 244, 20.4903, -157.1085, 2, 1.2656, 0.2516, 0.0161, 1.8012, 1.4683, 1.0365, 0.3882, 0.1664, 0.0171, , 1.5467, 0.2961, 0.0189, 2.2835, 1.8134, 1.2462, 0.4557, 0.1966, 0.0202, 2009, 264, 22.8432,090921.2251, 244, 20.4891, -157.1081, 1, 1.3251, 0.2629, 0.0171, 1.9205, 1.5422, 1.0819, 0.4028, 0.1750, 0.0182, , 1.5724, 0.3007, 0.0196, 2.3594, 1.8483, 1.2634, 0.4595, 0.2010, 0.0210, 2009, 265, 22.8432,090922.2251, 244, 20.4904, -157.1079, 1, 1.3490, 0.2568, 0.0167, 1.9766, 1.5929, 1.0887, 0.3948, 0.1707, 0.0178, , 1.6532, 0.3038, 0.0198, 2.5015, 1.9698, 1.3138, 0.4657, 0.2030, 0.0212, 2009, 266, 22.8500,090923.2251, 244, 20.4919, -157.1085, 1, 1.3096, 0.2450, 0.0151, 1.8972, 1.5462, 1.0557, 0.3783, 0.1624, 0.0161, , 1.5963, 0.2881, 0.0177, 2.3924, 1.9030, 1.2665, 0.4435, 0.1919, 0.0191, 2009, 267, 22.8500,090924.2251, 244, 20.4931, -157.1153, 1, 1.2588, 0.2500, 0.0166, 1.8425, 1.4682, 1.0281, 0.3829, 0.1664, 0.0176, , 1.4907, 0.2850, 0.0190, 2.2643, 1.7572, 1.1977, 0.4355, 0.1906, 0.0202,