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Sessions 1 & 2 - Welcome and JPSS-1 Readiness
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
1330 - 1500 Session 1: Opening Remarks
Chairs: Lihang Zhou and Arron Layns
, (PDF, 195.96 MB)
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1330 - 1345 STAR Welcome -- STAR Science Development Strategy Mike Kalb NESDIS/STAR
1345 - 1400 JPSS Overview Harry Cikanek NESDIS/JPSS
1400 - 1415 JPSS Applications and Impacts, (PDF, 185.74 MB) Mitch Goldberg NESDIS/JPSS
1415 - 1430 EUMETSAT Updates, (PDF, 5.98 MB) Ken Holmlund EUMETSAT
1430 - 1445 STAR JPSS Overview and Meeting Objectives, (PDF, 4.3 MB) Lihang Zhou NESDIS/STAR
1445 - 1515 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1515 - 1720 Session 2: JPSS-1 Readiness
Chairs:Arron Layns and Lihang Zhou
, (PDF, 28.58 MB)
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1515 - 1530 Suomi NPP/JPSS SDR Overview (Products, Applications and J1 Readiness), (PDF, 4.58 MB) Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1530 - 1545 Suomi NPP/JPSS Ocean EDR Overview (Products, Applications and J1 Readiness), (PDF, 3.28 MB) Paul DiGiacomo NESDIS/STAR
1545 - 1600 Suomi NPP/JPSS Land EDR Overview (Products, Applications and J1 Readiness), (PDF, 8.26 MB) Ivan Csiszar NESDIS/STAR
1600 - 1615 J1 Launch + 90 Days Post Launch Testing (PLT) & Integrate Mission Timeline Updates, (PDF, 270 KB) Natalie Provost NASA Flight
1615 - 1630 JPSS IDPS System J1 Readiness, (PDF, 3.7 MB) Wael A. Ibrahim Raytheon
1630 - 1645 Changes to NESDIS Product Generation and Distribution, (PDF, 2.51 MB) Geof Goodrum OSGS
1645 - 1700 ICVS SDR & EDR LTM for Suomi NPP/JPSS, (PDF, 5.21 MB) Ninghai Sun; Lori Brown ERT; Stormcenter Communications
1700 - 1720 JPSS SPARKS Report, (PDF, 1.83 MB) Murty Divakarla; SPARKS Interns IMSG; CICS-CREST
1720 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

1-29-2020 11:42 am

Session 3 - VIIRS
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1650 Session 3: VIIRS SDR
, (PDF, 31.8 MB)
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0830 - 1150 Part 1: JPSS J1 VIIRS and Beyond
Chairs: Changyong Cao and Jack Xiong
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0830 - 0835 Opening Remarks, (PDF, 338 KB) Changyong Cao NESDIS/STAR
0835 - 0855 VIIRS SDR Overview, (PDF, 3.55 MB) Changyong Cao NESDIS/STAR
0855 - 0915 VIIRS Prelaunch Test Update (J1-J4) Kurt Thome/Jim McCarthy NASA
0915 - 0935 J1 VIIRS Block2 System Verification, (PDF, 923 KB) Wenhui Wang NESDIS/STAR
0935 - 0955 J1 VIIRS Early Mission SDR Processing and LUT Updates Frank Deluccia Aerospace
0955 - 1030 Break --- ---
1030 - 1050 J1 VIIRS Pre-launch Radiometric Performance and Lessons Learned, (PDF, 3.21 MB) Hassan, Xiong, et al. NASA/VCST
1050 - 1110 Geospatial calibration for SNPP, J1 and beyond, (PDF, 2.42 MB) Gary Lin, Robert Wolfe NASA/VCST
1110 - 1130 J1 VIIRS RSR final release, comparison with SNPP, and potential impacts, (PDF, 2.37 MB) Moeller; Blonski U. Wisc.; STAR
1130 - 1150 Water vapor band trade study, (PDF, 1.69 MB) Slawomir Blonski, Chris Moeller NESDIS/STAR; U.Wisc.
1150-1200 Q&A All blank cell heading row
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1650 Part 2: VIIRS Cal/Val Improvements
Chairs: Slawomir Blonski, Frank Deluccia
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1315 - 1335 VIIRS RSB Calibration for Ocean Color applications, (PDF, 1.45 MB) Junqiang Sun and Menghua Wang NESDIS/STAR
1335 - 1355 Suomi NPP VIIRS RSB calibration stability assessments, (PDF, 3.25 MB) Jason Choi, Sean Shao, Slawomir Blonski NESDIS/STAR
1355 - 1415 Suomi NPP VIIRS RSB calibration improvements in support of SDR/L1B reprocessing, (PDF, 1.29 MB) Jack Xiong, Ning Lei, Ben Wang NASA/VCST
1415 - 1435 VIIRS TEB calibration potential improvements, (PDF, 1.6 MB) Wenhui Wang NESDIS/STAR
1435 - 1530 Poster Session I blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1550 Preparation for DNB recalibration, (PDF, 2.68 MB) Sirish Uprety and Yalong Gu NESDIS/STAR
1550 - 1610 VIIRS DNB SDR algorithm improvements, (PDF, 8.29 MB) Steve Mills NESDIS/STAR
1610 - 1630 Q&A All blank cell heading row
1630 - 1650 Wrap up and actions Changyong Cao NESDIS/STAR
1650 Session Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

1-29-2020 11:43 am

Session 4 - CrIS & ATMS
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0900 - 1650 Session 4: CrIS and ATMS SDRs
NCWCP Conference Center
, (PDF, 65.41 MB)
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0900 - 1200 Part 1: CrIS SDR
Chairs: Yong Han and David Johnson
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0900 - 0920 CrIS SDR Overview, (PDF, 1.23 MB) Yong Han NESDIS/STAR
0920 - 0940 J1 CrIS System Level Testing, Results and Preparation for Launch, (PDF, 2.38 MB) Mark Esplin SDL
0940 - 1000 CrIS Calibration Accuracy and Its Role as an Inter-calibration Reference, (PDF, 10.94 MB) Dave Tobin UW
1000 - 1020 CrIS Model Error Covariance and Four-Year Bias Observations, (PDF, 5.18 MB) Larrabee Strow UMBC
1020 - 1040 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1040 - 1100 True CrIS ILS-Consequences of Unapodized SDR Processing, (PDF, 2.42 MB) Joe Predina Logistikos
1100 - 1120 Combination of CrIS with VIIRS toward Extending Data Utilization, (PDF, 9.63 MB) Likun Wang NESDIS/STAR
1120 - 1140 Closed Loop Operational Calibration Checks, (PDF, 938 KB) Dan Mooney MIT/LL
1140 - 1200 CrIS on JPSS-2,3,4: A summary of instrument, bus, integration, and test changes, (PDF, 465 KB) Dave Johnson NASA
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1650 Part 2: ATMS SDR
Chair: Fuzhong Weng
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1315 - 1335 ATMS SDR Overview, (PDF, 3.3 MB) Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1335 - 1355 Suomi NPP ATMS Instrument Status & Collocation of GRUAN with ATMS/CrIS, (PDF, 2.07 MB) Ninghai Sun NESDIS/STAR
1355 - 1415 J1 ATMS Rework and Pre-launch Readiness Ed Kim NASA/GSFC
1415 - 1435 Re-evaluation of Suomi NPP ATMS Destriping Algorithm for Window Channels, (PDF, 21.22 MB) Xiaolei Zou UMD/ESSIC
1435 - 1530 Poster Session I blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1550 Suomi NPP ATMS Scan Reversal Study, (PDF, 1.21 MB) Hu Yang UMD/ESSIC
1550 - 1610 J1 ATMS EMI Testing Results, (PDF, 2.48 MB) Vincent Leslie MIT/LL
1610 - 1630 Suomi NPP/J1 SRF Imbalance Analysis, (PDF, 3.08 MB) Lin Lin NESDIS/STAR
1630 - 1650 The Benefits of X-Cal for Suomi NPP/JPSS, (PDF, 1.41 MB) Wesley Berg CSU
1650 -1710 Session Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

1-29-2020 11:45 am

Session 5 - OMPS
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1200 Session 5: OMPS SDR and Ozone EDRs
ESSIC Room 4201
, (PDF, 40.46 MB)
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0830 - 1200 Part 1: OMPS SDRs
Chair: Fuzhong Weng
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0830 - 0855 OMPS SDR Overview, (PDF, 1.61 MB) Chunhui Pan NESDIS/STAR/ESSIC
0855 - 0915 J1 OMPS Ground System Tests , (PDF, 1.16 MB) Trevor Beck NESDIS/STAR
0915 - 0935 OMPS Limb Calibration and Level 1 Product Status, (PDF, 1.43 MB) Glen Jaross NASA
0935 - 1015 SNPP OMPS Calibration Updates (SDR Reprocessing, OMI-OMPS Comparison etc.), (PDF, 2.75 MB) Colin Seftor NASA SSAI
1015 - 1045 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1045 - 1105 OMPS SDR Validation via Forward Model Simulations, (PDF, 467 KB) Shouguo Ding/Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1105 - 1125 Summary of J1 OMPS LEO&A Activities, (PDF, 1.43 MB) Tom Kelly NASA SSAI
1125 -1145 ICVS Preparation for J1 and SDR Data Reprocessing (Alerts and Monitoring), (PDF, 3.64 MB) Ding Liang NESDIS/STAR
1145 - 1200 OMPS Cal SDR dark automation, (PDF, 555 KB) Eve-Marie Devaliere NESDIS/STAR/ERT
1200 - 1300 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1300 - 1645 Part 2: Ozone EDRs
Chair: Larry Flynn
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1300 - 1305 Logistics, agenda, tour of the table Larry Flynn NESDIS/STAR
1305 - 1315 Introduction to OMPS Products and Validation Plans, (PDF, 429 KB) Larry Flynn NESDIS/STAR
1315 - 1330 OMPS Limb Profiler aerosol extinction profile measurements in the stratosphere, (PDF, 2.65 MB) G. Taha NASA
1330 - 1345 Ozone profile products from the Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler: overview of the quality of version 2.0 and a path for the updated version 2.5, (PDF, 4.33 MB) N. Kramarova NASA
1345 - 1400 Limb ozone data assimilation in GEOS-5: MLS and OMPS-LP, (PDF, 2.48 MB) K. Wargan NASA
1400 - 1415 TOAST total ozone maps using CrIS and OMPS LP ozone profiles, (PDF, 2.57 MB) J. Niu NESDIS/STAR/SRG
1415 - 1430 Validation of OMPS ozone products with ground-based Dobson network, (PDF, 2.1 MB) I. Petropavlovskikh NOAA/ESRL
1430 - 1445 NASA OMPS Nadir Science Team products, validation and applications, (PDF, 4.74 MB) C. Seftor NASA SSAI
1445 - 1500 Version 8 algorithm products and ICVS monitoring, (PDF, 4.12 MB) Z. Zhang NESDIS/STAR/IMSG
1500 - 1515 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1515 - 1530 Ozone Applications and CDRs, (PDF, 1.67 MB) C. Long NOAA/NCEP
1530 - 1545 Small Field of View Products from OMPS, (PDF, 1.24 MB) T. Beck NESDIS/STAR
1545 - 1600 Validation of V8Pro and V8TOz products, (PDF, 2.53 MB) L. Flynn NESDIS/STAR
1600 - 1645 Discussion L. Flynn NESDIS/STAR
1645 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

1-29-2020 11:49 am

Session 6 - Soundings EDRs
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1000 Session 6: Soundings EDRs
Chairs: Mark Liu and Tony Reale
, (PDF, 80.49 MB)
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0830 - 0840 Opening Remarks, (PDF, 1.69 MB) Mitch Goldberg NOAA/JPSS
0840 - 0900 Comparative results of AIRS/AMSU and CrIS/ATMS retrievals using scientifically equivalent retrieval algorithms, (PDF, 8.95 MB) Joel Susskind NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
0900 - 0920 Validation of JPSS Related Sounding Measurements During Suomi NPP and HS3 Airborne Field Campaigns, (PDF, 12.97 MB) Bill Smith University of Wisconsin
0920 - 0940 Status of NUCAPS: algorithm upgrades and lessons learned after 5 years in orbit, (PDF, 8.85 MB) Antonia Gambacorta Science and Technology Corporation
0940 - 1000 MTG-IRS: Mission and Products, (PDF, 552 KB) Stepehn A. Tjemkes EUMETSAT
1000 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1045 Fast Radiative Transfer Model Development for hyper spectral Sounders in the Presence of Clouds and Solar Radiation, (PDF, 1.24 MB) Xu Liu, Q. Yang, et al. NASA, LaRC
1045 - 1100 NUCAPS Products and Validation, (PDF, 3.13 MB) Nick Nalli NESDIS/STAR/IMSG
1100 - 1115 Development and Assessment of Gridded NUCAPS Products for NWS Forecasters, (PDF, 1.33 MB) Nadia Smith Science and Technology Corporation
1115 - 1130 Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Products Overview and Future Improvements, (PDF, 1.3 MB) Chris Grassotti ESSIC, University of Maryland
1130 - 1145 ATMS Snowfall Rate product to support NWS, (PDF, 1.43 MB) Huan Meng NESDIS/STAR
1145 - 1200 ATMS-MIRS retrievals in TC environments: evaluation and applications Galina Chirokova CIRA, Colorado State University
1200 - 1300 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1300 - 1320 Summary and Status of the JPSS Sounding Initiatives, (PDF, 9.76 MB) Chris Barnet Science and Technology Corporation
1320 - 1340 NUCAPS Evaluation at the HWT 2016 Spring Experiment, (PDF, 6 MB) William Line OU/CIMMS, NOAA/NWS/SPC, Norman OK
1340 - 1400 Introducing NUCAPS at NWS Alaska, (PDF, 3.06 MB) Eric Stevens GINA, Fairbanks Alaska
1400 - 1420 Suomi NPP EDR Validation at ARM (GRUAN) Sites, (PDF, 5.22 MB) Lori Borg SSEC, Madison, Wisconsin
1420 - 1440 Assessment of NUCAPS S-NPP (CrIS/ATMS) Sounding Products using Reference and Conventional Radiosondes, (PDF, 2.03 MB) Bomin Sun NESDIS/STAR/IMSG
1440 - 1500 Introducing the GRUAN Uncertainty in Sounding Cal/Val, (PDF, 1.6 MB) Tony Reale NESDIS/STAR
1500 - 1530 Poster Session 2 blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1700 Part 2: GCOM-W/AMSR-2 EDRs
Chairs: Paul Chang and Ralph Ferraro
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1530-1540 GCOM AMSR-2 Project Update and Status, (PDF, 432 KB) Paul Chang NESDIS/STAR
1540-1600 Impact/Applications of GCOM Products at NOAA, (PDF, 7.3 MB) Zorana Jelenak NESDIS/STAR
1600-1620 Precipitation EDR, (PDF, 2.85 MB) Patrick Meyers ESSIC/University of Maryland
1620-1640 Snow and Ice EDRs, (PDF, 1.61 MB) Jeff Key NESDIS/STAR
1640-1700 Soil Moisture EDR, (PDF, 840 KB) Jerry Zhan NESDIS/STAR
1730 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-23-2016 4:27 pm

Session 7 - Ocean Color
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1730 Session 7: Ocean Color
Chairs: Paul DiGiacomo and Menghua Wang
NCWCP Conference Center
, (PDF, 75.24 MB)
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0830 - 1045 Ocean Color - OC VIIRS EDR
Chair Menghua Wang
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0830 - 0900 Overview of MSL12 and Ocean Color EDR Team activities, (PDF, 5.76 MB) Wang, M. NESDIS/STAR
0900 - 0915 VIIRS SDR calibration for improvement of Ocean Color products, (PDF, 2.01 MB) Sun, J. NESDIS/STAR (GST)
0915 - 0930 OCView--Online display and monitoring of ocean color product imagery, (PDF, 1.42 MB) Mikelsons, K. NESDIS/STAR (GST)
0930 - 0945 Stable vicarious calibration, (PDF, 1.64 MB) Shi, W. NESDIS/STAR (CIRA)
0945 - 1000 VIIRS-derived Chlorophyll-a using Ocean Color Index Method, (PDF, 2.29 MB) Son, S. NESDIS/STAR (CIRA)
1000 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1045 Operational OC update, (PDF, 1.9 MB) Yan, Banghua NESDIS/STAR
1030 - 1200 Ocean Color - OC VIIRS EDR; VIIRS EDR Cal/Val PI reports part I
Chair Menghua Wang
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1045 - 1100 Intro and Overview to VIIRS Cal/Val team Wang, M. NESDIS/STAR
1100 - 1115 Cruise(s) Overview/Report update, (PDF, 1.15 MB) Lance, V. NESDIS/STAR (GST)
1115 - 1130 Comparisons of optical validation measurements, (PDF, 4.25 MB) Ondrusek, M. NESDIS/STAR
1130 - 1145 Evaluation of VIIRS ocean color products and development of enhanced ocean products and applications, (PDF, 5.59 MB) Arnone, R. Stennis
1145 - 1200 CCNY VIIRS validations at the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO) and on cruises, (PDF, 2.29 MB) Gilerson, A. CCNY
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1500 Ocean Color- OC VIIRS EDR; VIIRS EDR Cal/Val PI reports part II
Chair: Menghua Wang
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1315 - 1330 Evaluation of VIIRS performance in coastal waters and in its capacity to detect dark water and harmful algal blooms, (PDF, 2.76 MB) Hu, C. USF
1330 - 1345 Towards consistent VIIRS AOP and IOP products, (PDF, 6.13 MB) Lee, Z. UMB
1345 - 1400 Validation of VIIRS ocean color products for the US West Coast, (PDF, 19.84 MB) Tufillaro, N. (OSU); Jones, B./Ragan, M. (USC) OSU; USC
1400 - 1415 DINEOF as ocean color data gap-filling technique: Chesapeake Bay as example, (PDF, 2.26 MB) Liu, Xiaoming NESDIS/STAR (CIRA)
1415 - 1430 Improving MOBY vicarious calibration products at longer wavelengths, (PDF, 568 KB) Voss, K. U. Miami
1430 - 1445 NIST update, (PDF, 1.85 MB) Allen, David (on behalf of Carol Johnson) DOC/NIST
1445 - 1530 Poster Session II, (PDF, 1.53 MB) blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1730 Ocean Color - Users, New Applications
Co-Chairs: Paul DiGiacomo and Menghua Wang
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1530 - 1545 Intro/Overview DiGiacomo, P. (Chief, SOCD) NESDIS/STAR
1545 - 1600 Update: Monitoring Land-based Sources of Pollution for US Coral Reef Task Force Priority watersheds with VIIRS, (PDF, 1.53 MB) Strong, A. Coral Reef Watch
1600 - 1615 Ocean color, biological heating and upper ocean thermal structure: A sensitivity analysis, (PDF, 3.99 MB) Kim, H. NCEP/EMC
1615 - 1630 Ocean Color in physical environmental prediction modelling, (PDF, 1.01 MB) Kim, H. NCEP/EMC
1630 - 1645 VIIRS retrievals of harmful algal blooms in the West Florida Shelf using neural networks, (PDF, 4.46 MB) Ahmed, S. CCNY
1645 - 1700 BRDF Effect, (PDF, 1.11 MB) Zhai, Pengwang UMBC
1700 - 1715 Ocean Color Data distribution through NOAA CoastWatch, (PDF, 3.72 MB) Lance, V. NOAA CoastWatch/OceanWatch (GST)
1715 - 1730 User, Application and data access discussion All blank cell heading row
1730 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

1-09-2023 2:55 pm

Session 8 - Atmosphere
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1700 Wednesday
Session 8: Atmosphere (Aerosol, Clouds, Imagery)
Chairs: Shobha Kondragunta, Istvan Laszlo, Don Hillger, Andy Heidinger, and Satya Kalluri
ESSIC Room 4201
, (PDF, 87.83 MB)
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1030 - 1115 Part 1: Imagery:
Chair:Don Hillger
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0830 - 0850 VIIRS EDR Overview, (PDF, 1.89 MB) Don Hillger NESDIS/STAR
0850 - 0910 Nightime VIIRS (fires and boats), (PDF, 4.01 MB) Kim Baugh NEIC-Boulder
0910 - 0925 VIIRS applications at CIRA, (PDF, 12.44 MB) Curtis Seaman CIRA
0925 - 0940 Tropical Cyclone uses of VIIRS, (PDF, 4.22 MB) Galina Chirokova CIRA
0940 - 0955 VIIRS Training, (PDF, 3.43 MB) Jorel Torres CIRA
0955 - 1015 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1030 VIIRS Realtime at NRL, (PDF, 9.2 MB) Kim Richardson NRL
1030 - 1045 DNB/NCC Applications at CIMSS, (PDF, 11.81 MB) William Straka III CIMSS
1045 - 1115 Part 2: Clouds
Chair: Andy Heidinger
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1100 - 1110 Overall Status of JPSS Enterprise Cloud Products, (PDF, 384 KB) Andrew Heidinger NOAA
1110 - 1130 Performance of the VIIRS Enterprise Cloud Products in the Arctic for Supporting Polar Winds, (PDF, 3.63 MB) Andrew Heidinger NOAA
1130 - 1150 The Newly Operational VIIRS Cloud Base and CCL, (PDF, 4.82 MB) Yoo-Jeong Noh CIRA
1150 - 1300 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1300 - 1320 Enterprise Cloud Mask Status, (PDF, 2.84 MB) Tom Kopp Aerospace
1320 - 1340 JPSS Hydrological Initiative Activities, (PDF, 6.06 MB) John Forsythe CIRA
1340 - 1700 Part 3: Aerosol
Co-chairs: Istvan Laszlo and Shobha Kondragunta
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1340 - 1350 Higlights of Aerosol Cal/Val Team activities, (PDF, 2.29 MB) Istvan Laszlo & Shobha Kondragunta NOAA
1350 - 1405 The EPS aerosol optical depth algorithm and product, (PDF, 2.02 MB) Hongqing Liu & Hai Zhang IMSG
1405 - 1420 The EPS Aerosol Detection Product From Multi-Satellite Sensors, (PDF, 5.45 MB) Pubu Ciren & Shobha Kondragunta IMSG, NOAA
1430 - 1435 Assessing the Impact of Cloud Contamination in VIIRS Aerosol Products, (PDF, 1.86 MB) Stephen Superczynski SRG
1445 - 1530 Poster Session 2 blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1545 Investigating VIIRS aerosol retrievals during the SEAC4RS experiment, (PDF, 1.91 MB) Lorraine Remer UMBC
1545 - 1600 Incorporating NOAA-derived VIIRS AOD into the Navy Aerosol Model to Monitor SAL Events over the North Tropical Atlantic Basin, (PDF, 4.47 MB) Arunas Kuciauskas NRL
1600 - 1615 Assimilation of VIIRS aerosol products to improve NCEP global aerosol predictions, (PDF, 2.07 MB) Sarah Lu, et al. SUNY / Albany
1615 - 1630 Assimilation of VIIRS AOD and dust and smoke products for regional (dust) forecasting, (PDF, 1.29 MB) Mariusz Pagowski, et al. NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRES/CU
1630 - 1645 Forecasting the Impact of Smoke from Fort McMurray Fires on U.S. Air Quality Using Suomi NPP VIIRS Aerosol Products, (PDF, 3.5 MB) Amy Huff, et al. PSU
1700 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-23-2016 5:17 pm

Session 9 - Land and Cryosphere
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1700 Session 9: Land and Cryosphere
Chairs: Ivan Csiszar and Jeff Key
, (PDF, 60.68 MB)
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0830 - 0850 Introduction and welcome, (PDF, 272 KB) Ivan Csiszar /Jeff Key NESDIS/STAR
0850 - 0910 Surface reflectance , (PDF, 5.26 MB) Eric Vermote NASA
0910 - 0930 Terrestrial biophysical product suite, (PDF, 3.13 MB) Marco Vargas NESDIS/STAR
0930 - 0950 Land surface albedo, (PDF, 1.61 MB) Yunyue (Bob) Yu NESDIS/STAR
0950 - 1010 Land surface temperature , (PDF, 2.57 MB) Yunyue (Bob) Yu NESDIS/STAR
1010 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1050 Active fire, (PDF, 5.62 MB) Ivan Csiszar NESDIS/STAR
1050 - 1110 Surface type, (PDF, 1.72 MB) Xiwu (Jerry) Zhan NESDIS/STAR
1110 - 1130 Binary snow cover and snow fraction , (PDF, 1.64 MB) Peter Romanov CUNY
1130 - 1150 Sea ice surface temperature , (PDF, 1.72 MB) Mark Tschudi CU
1150 - 1210 Sea ice concentration , (PDF, 1.35 MB) Jeff Key NESDIS/STAR
1210 - 1230 Sea ice characterization and thickness, (PDF, 3.57 MB) Jeff Key NESDIS/STAR
1230 - 1330 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1330 - 1350 Enterprise land / cryosphere production system status , (PDF, 702 KB) I. Csiszar, J. Key, W. Wolf NESDIS/STAR
1350 - 1410 JPSS-1 SDR readiness and Suomi NPP reprocessing status , (PDF, 3.43 MB) Taeyoung (Jason) Choi ERT
1410 - 1430 NASA Science Team Land / Cryosphere Algorithms, (PDF, 1.12 MB) Miguel Román NASA
1430 - 1450 CEOS Land Product Validation , (PDF, 9.71 MB) Miguel Román NASA
1450 - 1510 Land product characterization system , (PDF, 3.94 MB) Gregory Stensaas USGS
1510 - 1530 Poster Session 3 blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1550 Vegetation Health Applications , (PDF, 2.84 MB) Wei Guo IMSG
1550 - 1610 NCEP Land Applications, (PDF, 2.5 MB) Mike Ek NCEP
1610 - 1630 National Ice Center Applications, (PDF, 10.16 MB) Pablo Clemente Colón NESDIS/STAR
1630 - 1700 Open discussion and wrap-up blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1700 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-24-2016 3:57 pm

Session 10 - Sea Surface Temperature
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0800 - 0830 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0830 - 1700 Session 10: Sea Surface Temperature
Chairs: Sasha Ignatov and Paul DiGiacomo
NCWCP Conference Center
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0830 - 1000 Part 1: L2/L3 SST Producers - ACSPO blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0830 - 0845 ACSPO Progress since 2015 Annual Mtg, (PDF, 1.7 MB) Sasha Ignatov NESDIS/STAR
0845 - 0900 ACSPO L3 products, (PDF, 1.8 MB) Yanni Ding STAR/CIRA
0900 - 0915 ACSPO v2.50 and v2.60, (PDF, 19.45 MB) Irina Gladkova STAR/CCNY
0915 - 0930 ACSPO Algorithms improvements, (PDF, 934 KB) Boris Petrenko STAR/GST
0930 - 0945 ACSPO Regional Monitor for SST (ARMS), (PDF, 3.64 MB) Yanni Ding STAR /CIRA
0945 - 1000 Discussion All blank cell heading row
1000 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1105 Part 2: ACSPO Data Holding, Distribution, and Archive blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1040 STAR/CoastWatch (ACSPO holdings/distribution), (PDF, 2.03 MB) Veronica Lance STAR/CoastWatch
1040 - 1050 NCEI/Silver Spring update (ACSPO archive), (PDF, 1.41 MB) Sheekela Baker-Yeboah NCEI/Silver Spring
1050 - 1105 Discussion All blank cell heading row
1105 - 1200 Part 3: L2/L3 SST Producers - Partners blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1105 - 1120 U. Miami update, (PDF, 2.83 MB) Kay Kilpatrick U. Miami
1120 - 1135 NAVO update, (PDF, 2.43 MB) Keith Willis NAVO
1135 - 1150 NAVO Uniformity fields/Frontal regions, (PDF, 6.44 MB) Jean-Francois Cayula NAVO/Vencore
1150 - 1200 Discussion All blank cell heading row
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1500 Part 4: L2/L3 Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1330 Impact of using VIIRS in OSTIA, (PDF, 1.16 MB) Emma Fiedler UK MO
1330 - 1345 Use of ACSPO VIIRS L3U SST in ABoM, (PDF, 956 KB) Helen Beggs ABoM
1345 - 1400 CMC update (CMC02/CMC01), (PDF, 505 KB) Dorina Surcel Colan CMC
1400 - 1415 JMA update (MGDSST), (PDF, 1.16 MB) Toshiyuki Sakurai JMA
1415 - 1430 Training AHI SST using ACSPO VIIRS L2P, (PDF, 544 KB) Chris Griffin ABoM
1430 - 1445 STAR Update (Coral Reef Watch), (PDF, 14.35 MB) Mark Eakin NESDIS/STAR
1445 - 1500 STAR Update (Geo-Polar Blended), (PDF, 10.85 MB) Andy Harris STAR/CICS
1500 - 1530 Part 5: Brief Users' Updates blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1505 JPL update (MUR) Mike Chin JPL
1505 - 1510 NCEI/Asheville Update (OISST), (PDF, 70 KB) Viva Banzon NCEI/Asheville
1510 - 1515 NOS/OSU Update (WCOFS), (PDF, 237 KB) Alexander Kurapov NOS/STAR/OSU
1515 - 1530 Discussion All blank cell heading row
1530 - 1600 Poster Session 3 blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1600 - 1700 Small Working Group Discussions (participation as needed) blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1700 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-23-2016 2:25 pm

Session 11 - Trace Gases
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1700 Session 11: Trace Gases
Chairs: Antonia Gambacorta and Monika Kopacz
NCWCP 2552-53
, (PDF, 63.55 MB)
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0830 - 0840 Opening Remarks, (PDF, 491 KB) Antonia Gambacorta; Monika Kopacz STC; NOAA/CPO
0840 - 0900 NOAA trace gas long term strategy from hyper spectral sounders, (PDF, 1.9 MB) Antonia Gambacorta STC
0900 - 0920 The MUlti-SpEctral, MUlti-SpEcies, MUlti-SatEllite (MUSES) retrieval algorithm for "A Train", Suomi-NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites Deijan Fu NASA/JPL
0920 - 0940 Global Ammonia Distributions and Trends in the last 13 years from AIRS Using Optimal Estimation Retrieval Method, (PDF, 2.94 MB) Larrabee Strow UMBC
0940 - 1000 Validation of Suomi NPP NUCAPS trace gas EDRs: O3, CO, and CO2, (PDF, 4.26 MB) Nick Nalli NESDIS/STAR
1000 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1050 Retrieval of Trace Gases using CrIS Full Spectrum Data, (PDF, 8.35 MB) Xiaozhen Xiong NESDIS/STAR
1050 - 1110 The NOAA Operational High-Resolution CrIS Channel Selection: Impacts On NUCAPS Trace Gas Retrievals, (PDF, 1.28 MB) Jonathan Smith STC
1110 - 1130 Lessons from the field: tailoring NUCAPS trace gas products to user needs, (PDF, 6.9 MB) Nadia Smith STC
1130 - 1150 Evaluation of NUCAPS CO retrieval and high resolution trajectory forecasting, (PDF, 6.38 MB) Brad Pierce NESDIS/STAR
1150 - 1210 Understanding emissions and tropospheric chemistry using NUCAPS and VIIRS, (PDF, 3.74 MB) Greg Frost NOAA/ESRL/CSD
1210 - 1320 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1320 - 1340 A Carbon Observing System for Decision Support, (PDF, 11.69 MB) Arlyn Andrews NOAA/ESRL/GMD
1340 - 1400 Quantifying Lower Tropospheric Methane Concentrations Using GOSAT near-IR and TES thermal IR measurements. A proposed method for CrIS and TROPOMI, (PDF, 3.29 MB) John Worden NASA/JPL
1400 - 1420 A new global HCHO retrieval technique based on principal component analysis of satellite radiance data: Implementation with OMPS and preliminary results, (PDF, 3.75 MB) Can Li NASA/GSFC
1420 - 1445 Applications of satellite NO2 observations in the US National Air Quality Forecasting Capability, (PDF, 1.5 MB) Barry Baker NOAA/ARL
1445 - 1530 Poster Session 3 blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1550 Continuation of global pollution and volcanic SO2 monitoring from OMI to OMPS, (PDF, 1.65 MB) Nick Krotkov NASA/GSFC
1550 - 1610 The capability of the OMPS Linear Fit SO2 algorithm for the implementation at NDE, (PDF, 2.22 MB) Jianguo Niu NESDIS/STAR
1610 - 1630 Development of Multi-sensor SO2 Products for JPSS, (PDF, 4.6 MB) Mike Pavolonis NESDIS/STAR
1630 - 1700 Discussion and wrap up blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1700 Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-23-2016 2:12 pm

Session 12 - GSICS Users' Workshop
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1715 Session 12: GSICS Users Workshop ESSIC Room 4201 Chairs: Larry Flynn and Manik Bali blank cell heading row
0830 - 0835 Workshop Introduction, (PDF, 406 KB) Chair - L. Flynn NESDIS/STAR
0835 - 0845 Introduction to GSICS Workshop, (PDF, 5.11 MB) Mitch Goldberg NOAA
0845 - 0900 GSICS Past Present and Future, (PDF, 1.84 MB) Ken Holmlund EUMETSAT
0900 - 0915 GSICS Research Working Group, (PDF, 2.69 MB) Fred Wu on behalf of D. Kim/T. Hewison KMA/EUM
0915 - 0930 GSICS Data Working Group, (PDF, 479 KB) Masaya Takahashi JMA
0930 - 0945 GCC GSICS Products and Deliverables, (PDF, 645 KB) Larry Flynn NESDIS/STAR
0945 - 1000 GSICS User Survey , (PDF, 1.25 MB) Manik Bali NESDIS/STAR
1000 - 1015 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1115 ICVS Session Chair - M. Goldberg NESDIS/STAR
1015 - 1030 Well Calibrated JPSS Instruments as GSICS References , (PDF, 5.08 MB) Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1030 - 1045 ICVS Design, content and structure, (PDF, 3.3 MB) Lori Brown STAR / StormCenter
1045 - 1100 ICVS Calibration and science, (PDF, 1.51 MB) Taeyoung Choi NESDIS/STAR
1100 - 1115 ICVS Alerts, events and monitoring, (PDF, 3.43 MB) Ninghai Sun NESDIS/STAR
1115 - 1120 MW Session Introduction, (PDF, 65 KB) Chair - R. Ferraro NESDIS/STAR
1120 - 1140 Investigating Shortcomings of Radiative Transfer Models at Microwave Frequencies , (PDF, 3.78 MB) Wesley Berg CSU
1140 - 1200 Stability and Interconsistency of Passive Microwave Water Vapor Products for Weather and Climate , (PDF, 3.17 MB) John Forsythe CSU
1200 - 1220 What Happens to Radiances after They Leave Home: Precipitation , (PDF, 24.31 MB) George Huffman NASA
1220 - 1240 Toward a Long-Term Climate Change Monitoring in the JPSS Era, (PDF, 2.44 MB) Cheng-Zhi Zou NESDIS/STAR
1240 - 1245 Closing Ralph Ferraro NESDIS/STAR
1245 - 1330 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1330 - 1445 IR Session Chair - Fred Wu NESDIS/STAR
1330 - 1345 Inter-Calibration with Hyperspectral Sounders, (PDF, 1.93 MB) Fred Wu NESDIS/STAR
1345 - 1350 Inter-Calibration of HIRS using IASI as Reference Fred Wu on behalf of Tim Hewison EUMETSAT
1350 - 1410 Inter-Calibration of Himawari-8 AHI Using CrIS as Reference, (PDF, 1.75 MB) Masaya Takahashi JMA
1410 - 1425 ISRO GSICS Activities for Inter-Calibration of INSAT3D Radiances, (PDF, 4.09 MB) Pradeep Thapliyal ISRO
1425 - 1445 Calibration Requirements for SST, (PDF, 1.25 MB) Andy Harris and Eileen Maturi NESDIS/STAR
1445 - 1530 VIS Session, (PDF, 847 KB) Chair - Dave Doelling NASA
1445 - 1500 GSICS visible sub-group calibration activities, (PDF, 847 KB) Dave Doelling NASA
1500 - 1515 MODIS and VIIRS Reflective Solar Calibration Update, (PDF, 2.91 MB) Jack Xiong NASA
1515 - 1530 PATMOS-x Reflective Solar Calibration Status, (PDF, 855 KB) Andy Heidinger NOAA
1530 - 1545 Poster Session 3 - NCWCP Atrium blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1545 - 1600 Preliminary SCIAMACHY Lunar observations as intercalibration source, (PDF, 2.12 MB) Matthijs Krijger and Ralph Snel SRON/ESS
1600 - 1615 The Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE), (PDF, 9.22 MB) Grant Matthews Zedika Solutions LLC
1615 - 1630 Instrument landing pages, OSCAR, (PDF, 252 KB) L. Flynn, M. Bali NESDIS/STAR
1630 - 1645 UV Projects, (PDF, 1.33 MB) L. Flynn NESDIS/STAR
1645 - 1700 Discussions and Conclusions blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-24-2016 10:10 am

Sessions 13 & 14 - User Impacts & Wrap Up
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1000 Session 13: Suomi NPP/JPSS Users' Impacts
Chairs: Fuzhong Weng and Paul DiGiacomo
, (PDF, 20.35 MB)
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0830 - 0845 Transition of JPSS Priority 3 and 4 EDR product generation to ESPC, (PDF, 245 KB) Arron Layns NESDIS/JPSS
0845 - 0900 JPSS ASSIST Overview and STAR Enterprise Algorithm Development, (PDF, 149 KB) Tom King IMSG
0900 - 0915 NOAA's Climate Data Records: Status and Steps to JPSS, (PDF, 815 KB) Jeffrey L. Privette (Remote) NESDIS/NCEI
0915 - 0945 JPSS Applications and User Engagements, (PDF, 17.74 MB) Mitch Goldberg NESDIS/JPSS
0945 - 1015 Societal Benefits of NOAA Data, (PDF, 1.65 MB) Monica Grasso NOAA
1015 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1200 Session 14: Report back and Wrap Up
Chair: Mitch Goldberg and Satya Kalluri
, (PDF, 8.89 MB)
blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1040 Sensor Data Records (SDRs) Summary, (PDF, 163 KB) Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1040 - 1050 Ocean Summary, (PDF, 1.38 MB) Alex Ignatov, Menghua Wang NESDIS/STAR
1050 - 1100 GCOM-W/AMSR-2 Summary, (PDF, 658 KB) Ralph Ferraro NESDIS/STAR
1100 - 1110 Land Summary, (PDF, 3.9 MB) Ivan Csiszar NESDIS/STAR
1110 - 1120 Cryosphere & Polar Winds Summary, (PDF, 239 KB) Jeff Key NESDIS/STAR
1120 - 1130 Atmosphere (Imagery, Cloud, Aerosol) Summary, (PDF, 329 KB) Don Hillger, Andy Heidinger, Istvan Laszlo NESDIS/STAR
1130 - 1140 Soundings and Trace Gases Summary, (PDF, 2.64 MB) Mark Liu, Antonia Gambacorta NESDIS/STAR, STC
1140 - 1150 Ozone/GSICS Summary, (PDF, 214 KB) Larry Flynn NESDIS/STAR
1150 - 1200 Wrap up, (PDF, 221 KB) Lihang Zhou NESDIS/STAR
1200 Meeting Adjourn blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

8-24-2016 4:02 pm