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Auditorium: Keynotes & Program Overviews - Severe Weather - NWP/Data Assimilation
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0815 - 0930 Keynotes and Program Overviews I
Moderators: Mitch Goldberg and Dan Lindsey
, (PDF, 8.7 MB)
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0815 - 0830 Welcome and Logistics, (PPTX, 1.61 MB) Mitch Goldberg and Dan Lindsey blank cell heading row
0830 - 0900 A Holistic View of the Use of Satellite Data in the National Weather Service, (PPTX, 176.53 MB) Louis Uccellini NWS
0900 - 0915 Decision Support at Regional Scales: Connecting Products and Technologies to User Needs in a NOAA Services Framework, (PPTX, 14.7 MB) Ellen Mecray NCEI Regional Climate Services
0915 - 0930 The Value of Satellite Data, (PPTX, 2.73 MB) Chris Lauer NOAA Office of the CFO
0930 - 0945 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0945 - 1115 Severe Weather
Moderator: Bill Line
, (PDF, 14.65 MB)
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0945 - 1015 Severe Weather Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0945 - 0955 Severe Weather Applications: An SPC Perspective, (PPTX, 11.96 MB) Michael Bowlan CIMMS
0955 - 1005 NWS Regional Support of Integrating Satellite Data for Severe Weather, (PPTX, 69.48 MB) Chad Gravelle NWS SRH
1005 - 1015 Severe Weather Applications: A WFO User Perspective, (PPTX, 34.53 MB) Chauncy Schultz NWS Bismarck
1015 - 1045 Severe Weather Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1025 Adapting Satellite Soundings for Operational Forecasting, (PPTX, 6.88 MB) Rebekah Esmaili STC
1025 - 1035 Analysis and Detection of Hazardous Thunderstorms Through Remote Sensing Data Fusion, (PPTX, 93.69 MB) Kris Bedka NASA
1035 - 1045 Geostationary Lightning Mapepr Update and Applications, (PPTX, 92.68 MB) Scott Rudlosky STAR
1045 - 1115 Severe Weather Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1115 - 1215 Keynotes and Program Overviews II
Moderators: Mitch Goldberg and Dan Lindsey
, (PDF, 5.34 MB)
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1115 - 1125 STAR Intro Harry Cikanek STAR
1125 - 1135 JPSS Intro, (PPTX, 36.36 MB) Greg Mandt JPSS
1135 - 1145 GOES-R Intro, (PPTX, 23.88 MB) Pam Sullivan GOES-R
1145 - 1205 Keynote presentation, (PPTX, 21.64 MB) Steve Volz NESDIS
1205 - 1215 Questions/Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1215 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1445 NWP/Data Assimilation I: Radiances
Moderator: Jim Yoe
, (PDF, 4.92 MB)
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1315 - 1345 NWP/Data Assimilation Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1325 Ben Ruston NRL
1325 - 1335 Modeling and Data Assimilation for UFS Applications, (PPTX, 3.05 MB) Vijay Tallapragada EMC
1335 - 1345 Satellite Data Assimilation at the GMAO, (PPTX, 3.46 MB) Will McCarty NASA/GMAO
1345 - 1415 NWP/Data Assimilation Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1345 - 1355 NESDIS Support to NWP Radiance Assimilation, (PPTX, 2.4 MB) Kevin Garrett STAR
1355 - 1405 Satellite Radiance Assimilation for Rapidly Updating Regional and Global Models, (PPTX, 2.5 MB) Steve Weygandt ESRL
1405 - 1415 Use of Radiances in Global Data Assimilation at NOAA/NCEP, (PPTX, 154 KB) Andrew Collard EMC
1415 - 1445 NWP/Data Assimilation Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1445 - 1500 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1630 NWP/Data Assimilation II: Geophysical Parameters
Moderator: Nazmi Chowdhury
, (PDF, 9.05 MB)
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1500 - 1530 NWP/Data Assimilation Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1510 Satellite Data Use at NOAA/ESRL for Rapid Refresh Analysis and Forecast Systems, (PPTX, 1.38 MB) Amanda Back CIRA/ESRL
1510 - 1520 NWP and Assimilation (Geophysical Parameters), (PPTX, 10.67 MB) Jim Yoe JCSDA
1520 - 1530 Nay Requirements for EO/Aerosol Research, (PPTX, 18.95 MB) Ed Hyer NRL
1530 - 1600 NWP/Data Assimilation Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1540 NWP/Data Assimilation Part II: Geophysical Parameters, (PPTX, 202.38 MB) Kyle Hilburn CIRA
1540 - 1550 Improving Rapidly Developing Storm Prediction by Assimilating High-resolution GOES 16 ABI Infrared Water Vapor and Cloud Sensitive Radiances: Issues and Challenges, (PPTX, 51.36 MB) Xuguang Wang OU
1550 - 1600 Ozone Data Assimilation at NCEP, (PDF, 1.58 MB) Haixia Liu EMC
1600 - 1630 NWP/Data Assimilation Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

3-04-2020 12:56 pm

Auditorium: Land Products - Imagery - Smoke and Fire - Ocean and Coastal - Poster Session 1 (Conference Center)
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0845 - 1015 Land
Moderator: Kevin Gallo
, (PDF, 16.92 MB)
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0845 - 0915 Land Product Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0845 - 0855 Land Surface Datasets Used in NCWP Modeling Systems: Current Status and Future Plans, (PPTX, 2.4 MB) Mike Ek/Helin Wei UCAR/NCEP
0855 - 0905 Vegetaion Health Applications in USDA, (PPTX, 3.9 MB) Harlan Shannon USDA
0905 - 0915 Land Data Assimilation Capabilities and Opportunities, (PPTX, 14.32 MB) Christa Peters-Lidard NASA
0915 - 0945 Land Product Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0915 - 0925 STAR Land Product Development, (PPTX, 148.16 MB) Bob Yu STAR
0925 - 0935 Satellite Data Products for NWP and NWM, (PPTX, 5.5 MB) Jerry Zhan STAR
0935 - 0945 Vegetation Health 1981-2020 Applications, (PPTX, 3.26 MB) Felix Kogan STAR
0945 - 1015 Land Product Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1030 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1200 Imagery
Moderator: Dan Lindsey
, (PDF, 29.75 MB)
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1030 - 1050 Imagery Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1040 User Imagery From National Weather Service WFO Fairbanks, (PPTX, 76.57 MB) Melissa Kreller NWS Fairbanks
1040 - 1050 WFO (LWX) Perspective: Satellite Imaging, (PPTX, 38.17 MB) Steve Zubrick NWS Sterling
1050 - 1120 Imagery Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1050 - 1100 Satellite Imagery: A Developer's Perspective, (PPTX, 386.63 MB) Steve Miller CIRA
1100 - 1110 Imagery Panel, (PPTX, 20.48 MB) Tim Schmit STAR
1110 - 1120 Imagery: Global Coverage, Product Generation, and Distribution, (PPTX, 109.77 MB) Don Hillger STAR
1120 - 1200 Imagery Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1445 Smoke and Fire
Moderator: Bill Sjoberg
, (PDF, 15.15 MB)
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1315 - 1355 Smoke and Fire Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1325 Preliminary Findings from the NWCG Satellite Data Task Team, (PPTX, 41.72 MB) Chad Gravelle NWS
1325 - 1335 NWS Fire Weather Forecasters - Office, (PPTX, 8.03 MB) Robyn Heffernan NWS
1335 - 1345 JPSS in Western Region, (PPTX, 12.25 MB) Mike Stavish NWS
1345 - 1355 Satellite Analysis Branch Fire Detection Product: Hazard Mapping System (HMS), (PPTX, 4.23 MB) Davida Streett OSPO
1355 - 1415 Smoke and Fire Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1355 - 1405 High-resolution (3 km) Forecasting of Smoke, Visibility, and Smoke-weather Interactions for the US by Ingesting the VIIRS and MODIS FRP Data into the Experimental HRRR-Smoke Model, (PPTX, 72.71 MB) Ravan Ahmadov NASA
1405 - 1415 NOAA Active Fire Product Status and Developer's Perspective, (PPTX, 139.19 MB) Ivan Csiszar STAR
1415 - 1445 Smoke and Fire Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1445 - 1500 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1630 Ocean and Coastal
Moderator: Veronica Lance
, (PDF, 21.34 MB)
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1500 - 1525 Ocean and Coastal Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1505 Advancing Ocean Satellite Data into Applications, Information and Decisions: NOAA Coastwatch/Oceanwatch/Polarwatch, (PPTX, 8.16 MB) Veronica Lance STAR/Coastwatch
1505 - 1515 NOAA SST Products & Priorities, (PPTX, 4.25 MB) Sasha Ignatov STAR
1515 - 1525 VIIRS Global Ocean Color Products, (PPTX, 72.32 MB) Menghua Wang STAR
1525 - 1605 Ocean and Coastal Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1525 - 1535 Satellite Summit 2020, (PPTX, 14.68 MB) Mike Ford NMFS
1535 - 1545 NOS Requirements JPSS/GOES-R Summit, (PPTX, 105.76 MB) Shelly Tomlinson NCCOS
1545 - 1555 The West Coast Ocean Forecast System (WCOFS), (PPTX, 5.21 MB) Alex Kurapov NOS
1555 - 1605 Extreme Maritime Weather, (PPTX, 72.58 MB) Joe Sienkiewicz OPC
1600 - 1630 Ocean and Coastal Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1630 - 1645 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1645 - 1800 Poster Session (in Conference Rooms A/B/C) blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

5-20-2020 10:37 am

Auditorium: Tropical Weather - Clouds and Winds - Aviation Products - Air Quality/Aerosols - Poster Session 2 (Conference Center)
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0845 - 1015 Tropical Weather
Moderator: Monica Bozeman
, (PDF, 20.34 MB)
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0845 - 0915 Tropical Weather Product Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0845 - 0855 JPSS Data Isage at the National Hurricane Center, (PPTX, 26.35 MB) Monica Bozeman NHC
0855 - 0905 National Hurricane Center GOES-R User Perspective, (PPTX, 125.73 MB) Stephanie Stevenson NHC
0905 - 0915 GOES/JPSS Use for Tropical Margine Weather Forecasting at the TAFB at NHC, (PPTX, 74.58 MB) Michael Folmer OPC
0915 - 0945 Tropical Weather Product Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0915 - 0925 A Nacy Perspective on Tropical Weather Applications and Research, (PPTX, 58.55 MB) Josh Cossuth NRL
0925 - 0935 Why Are Hurricanes So Important to Wisconsin Anyway? Developing Satellite-bsed TC Appilcations at CIMSS, (PPTX, 42.02 MB) Tony Wimmers CIMSS
0935 - 0945 Tropical Weather: A Developer Perspective, (PPTX, 14.14 MB) John Knaff STAR
0945 - 1015 Tropical Weather Product Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1030 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1200 Clouds and Winds
Moderator: Jaime Daniels
, (PDF, 19.43 MB)
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1030 - 1100 Clouds and Winds Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1040 Winds In Rapidly Updating Regional Models, (PPTX, 6.38 MB) Steve Weygandt ESRL/GSD
1040 - 1050 Use of Cloud and Winds Products in NWP at NCEP, (PPTX, 1.2 MB) Andrew Collard NCEP
1050 - 1100 Use of Cloud/Winds Satellite Data at the Ocean Prediction Center, (PPTX, 905.85 MB) Michael Folmer OPC
1100 - 1130 Clouds and Winds Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1100 - 1110 Cloud Base and Cloud Cover/Layers, (PPTX, 175.99 MB) Y. J. Noh CIRA
1110 - 1120 Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs), (PPTX, 65.48 MB) Jaime Daniels STAR
1120 - 1130 User Engagement from the Cloud Product Team Developers, (PPTX, 57.42 MB) Andy Heidinger STAR
1130 - 1200 Clouds and Winds Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1445 Aviation Weather
Moderator: Jeff Weinrich
, (PDF, 12.82 MB)
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1315 - 1345 Aviation Weather Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1325 Impact-based Decision Support Services for the National Airspace System, (PPTX, 20.48 MB) David Bieger FAA
1325 - 1335 Weather Satellite Data in FAA Research, (PPTX, 4.38 MB) Randy Bass FAA
1335 - 1345 Cloud Research and Satellite R20 at the Aviation Weather Center, (PPTX, 18.13 MB) Ty Higginbotham AWC
1345 - 1415 Aviation Weather Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1345 - 1355 Product Application and Development in Support of Aviation, (PPTX, 11.65 MB) Mike Pavolonis STAR
1355 - 1405 Satellite Products for Aviation: Remote Sensing Needs in High Latitudes, (PPTX, 11.87 MB) Carl Dierking GINA
1405 - 1415 Aviation Initiative and Aviation Applications, (PPTX, 10.31 MB) Jeff Weinrich JPSS
1415 - 1445 Aviation Weather Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1445 - 1500 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1630 Air Quality/Aerosols
Moderator: Shobha Kondragunta
, (PDF, 18.98 MB)
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1500 - 1530 Air Quality/Aerosols Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1505 Aerosols and Air Quality Session, (PPTX, 7.75 MB) Shobha Kondragunta STAR
1505 - 1515 Application Area: Air Quality/Aerosols, (PPTX, 8.73 MB) Brad Pierce UW
1515 - 1525 Air Quality and Aerosol Predictions at NOAA/National Weather Service, (PPTX, 6.66 MB) Ivanka Stajner EMC
1525 - 1535 Navy Requirements for EO/Aerosol Research, (PPTX, 3.42 MB) Ed Hyer NRL
1535 - 1545 Aerosol Retrieval from All Sorts of Images: An Integrated View of Global Aerosol, (PPTX, 133.72 MB) Rob Levy NASA/GSFC
1545 - 1605 Air Quality/Aerosols Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1545 - 1555 JPSS and GOES-R AOD Products - Current Status, (PPTX, 25.64 MB) Istvan Laszlo STAR
1555 - 1605 Aerosols and Air Quality - Spacecraft Contributions, (PPT, 47.65 MB) Ralph Kahn NASA/GSFC
1605 - 1630 Air Quality/Aerosols Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1630 - 1645 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1645 - 1800 Poster Session (in Conference Rooms A/B/C) blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

3-04-2020 2:37 pm

Auditorium: Arctic/Cryosphere - River Ice and Flooding - Hydrology - Atmospheric Composition - Poster Session 3 (Conference Center)
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0845 - 1015 Arctic/Cryosphere
Moderator: Bonnie Reed
, (PDF, 15.95 MB)
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0845 - 0915 Arctic/Cryosphere Product Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0845 - 0855 Alaska Sea Ice Program Operations, (PPTX, 9.11 MB) Mike Lawson ASIP
0855 - 0905 U.S. National Ice Center: Prodiving Domain Awareness at High Latitudes, (PPTX, 45.39 MB) Kevin Berberich NIC, ASIP, GINA
0905 - 0915 Arctic Cryosphere Satellite Needs, (PPTX, 8.84 MB) Carl Dierking GINA
0915 - 0945 Arctic/Cryosphere Product Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
0915 - 0925 Rol of SAR in Operational Cryospheric Monitoring, (PPTX, 121.38 MB) Sean Helfrich STAR
0925- 0935 JPSS/GOES-R Snow Products, (PPTX, 2.99 MB) Peter Romanov STAR
0935 - 0945 (More) Ice Products at NESDIS, (PPTX, 4.22 MB) Jeff Key STAR
0945 - 1015 Arctic/Cryosphere Product Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1030 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1200 River Ice and Flooding
Moderator: Bill Sjoberg
, (PDF, 14.41 MB)
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1030 - 1110 River Ice and Flooding Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1040 Science, Technology, and Data Applications for Disaster Operations, (PPTX, 5.8 MB) Adam Barker FEMA
1040 - 1050 Proving Ground Summit, (PPTX, 4.22 MB) Eric Holloway NWS/AK
1050 - 1100 National Water Center Integrated Model and Remote Sensing Data for a Complete Hydrology, (PPTX, 7.73 MB) Shawn Carter NWC
1100 - 1110 AmeriGEO: Advancing the use of Earth Observations in the Americas, (PPTX, 16.99 MB) Angelica Gutierrez NWS/OH
1110 - 1130 River Ice and Flooding Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1110 - 1120 An Overview of the Current GEO-LEO Flood Products and Future Development, (PPTX, 9.16 MB) Sanmei Li GMU
1120 - 1130 Operational River Ice Monitoring and Forecasting Over the US and the Globe Using SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Data, (PPTX, 49.18 MB) Naira Chaouch CCNY
1130 - 1200 River Ice and Flooding Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1200 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1230 - 1300 Use of GeoCollaborate for Decision Support, (PPTX, 59.14 MB) Dave Jones Stormcenter Communications
1315 - 1445 Hydrology
Moderator: Ralph Ferraro
, (PDF, 12.54 MB)
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1315 - 1345 Hydrology Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1325 WFO Perspective on JPSS/GOES-R Products for Use in Hydrology, (PPTX, 32.32 MB) Aaron Jacobs NWS
1325 - 1335 JPSS/GOES-R Series Data Integration into WPC Operations, (PPTX, 352.33 MB) Andrew Orrison WPC
1335 - 1345 Climate Applications of JPSS Hydrometeorological Products, (PPTX, 13.48 MB) Pingping Xie CPC
1345 - 1415 Hydrology Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1345 - 1355 Developer Perspective on GOES-R ABI Rain Rates, (PPTX, 14.31 MB) Bob Kuligowski STAR
1355 - 1405 LEO (Mostly MW) L2 & L3 Products, (PPTX, 13.53 MB) Ralph Ferraro STAR
1405 - 1415 Blended, Multisensor Hydrometeorology Products for Forecasters, (PPTX, 17.68 MB) John Forsythe CIRA
1415 - 1445 Hydrology Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1445 - 1500 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1630 Atmospheric Composition
Moderator: Monika Kopacz
, (PDF, 89.74 MB)
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1500 - 1530 Atmospheric Composition Users blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1510 On the Role of Spaced-based Observations in Understanding Atmospheric Carbon, (PDF, 58.54 MB) Lori Bruhwiler ESRL
1510 - 1520 CrIS NH3 and CO Retrievals: From Idea to Applications, (PDF, 14.19 MB) Matt Alvarado AER
1520 - 1530 Use and Applications for the JPSS and Ground-based Ozone Products, (PPTX, 11.24 MB) Irina Petropavlovskikh ESRL
1530 - 1600 Atmospheric Composition Developers blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1540 Composition Products from Hyperspectral Thermal Sounders, (PDF, 1.58 MB) Chris Barnet STC
1540 -1550 NUCAPS Trace Gas Recent Updates, (PDF, 46.49 MB) Juying Warner UMD
1550 - 1600 Atmospheric Composition Products from Space-Based Hyperspectral Scattered Solar Measurements, (PPTX, 25.01 MB) Larry Flynn STAR
1600 - 1630 Atmospheric Composition Open Discussion blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1630 - 1645 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1645 - 1800 Poster Session (in Conference Rooms A/B/C) blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

3-04-2020 2:33 pm

Auditorium: Special Topics and Innovation - Session Summaries - Closing Remarks and Discussion
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1015 Special Topics/Innovation
Moderator: Lihang Zhou
, (PDF, 15.51 MB)
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0830 - 0845 NUCAPS and ABI - Stronger together using AI , (PPTX, 5.75 MB) Jun Li CIMSS
0845 - 0900 Applications of JPSS and GOES-R for long-term monitoring, (PDF, 3.39 MB) Andy Heidinger/Cheng Zhi Zou STAR
0900 - 0915 Lesson learned from VOLCAT and ProbSevere, (PPTX, 57.23 MB) Mike Pavolonis STAR
0915 - 0930 Cloud Computing, (PPTX, 1.57 MB) Kathryn Shontz OSAAP
0930 - 0945 User-Driven Innovation, (PPTX, 1.54 MB) Renata Lana NESDIS HQ
0945 - 1000 Air Force Weather User Needs, (PDF, 1.47 MB) Mike Farrar/Adam DeMarco Air Force Weather
1000 - 1015 Space Weather , (PPTX, 37.24 MB) Elsayed Talaat OPPA
1015 - 1030 Coffee blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1200 Closing Session
Moderator: Dan Lindsey and Mitch Goldberg
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1030 - 1035 Severe Weather, (PPTX, 5.9 MB) Bill Line NESDIS
1035 - 1040 Data Assimilation 1: Radiances, (PPTX, 403 KB) Jim Yoe JCSDA
1040 - 1045 Data Assimilation 2: Geophysical Parameters, (PPTX, 978 KB) Nazmi Chwodhury JPSS
1045 - 1050 Land Products, (PPTX, 1.06 MB) Kevin Gallo STAR
1050 - 1055 Imagery, (PPTX, 2.28 MB) Dan Lindsey GOES-R
1055 - 1100 Smoke and Fire, (PPTX, 5.9 MB) Bill Sjoberg JPSS
1100 - 1105 Oceans and Coastal Veronica Lance STAR/Coastwatch
1105 - 1110 Tropical Weather, (PPTX, 43.99 MB) Monica Bozeman NHC
1110 - 1115 Clouds and Winds, (PPTX, 5.9 MB) Jaime Daniels STAR
1115 - 1120 Aviation, (PPTX, 1.38 MB) Jeff Weinrich JPSS
1120 - 1125 Aerosols and Air Quality, (PPTX, 310 KB) Shobha Kondragunta STAR
1125 - 1130 Arctic/Cryosphere, (PPTX, 614 KB) Bonnie Reed OSPO
1130 - 1135 River Ice and Flooding, (PPTX, 5.89 MB) Bill Sjoberg JPSS
1135 - 1140 Hydrology, (PPTX, 7.79 MB) Ralph Ferraro STAR
1140 - 1145 Atmospheric Composition, (PPTX, 5.9 MB) Monika Kopacz CPO
1145 - 1150 Innovation and Special Topics, (PPTX, 1.69 MB) Lihang Zhou JPSS
1145 - 1200 Closing Remarks and discussions Mitch Goldberg JPSS

3-02-2020 2:31 pm

List of Posters and Presenters
Title Presenter
Tuesday Posters, (PDF, 60.48 MB) Tuesday Poster Session
NAVOCEANO's Use of JPSS Data, (PDF, 2.11 MB) Danielle Carpenter
Update on SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band Stray Light Correction, (PDF, 662 KB) Xi Shao
Multiple Temporal-Spatial Resolution Vegetation Products Derived From JPSS VIIRS Data For Environmental Modeling and Monitoring Mingshi Chen
Improvement of VIIRS Day/Night Band Image Quality, (PDF, 3.61 MB) Yalong Gu
Quality Assessment and Comparisons of NOAA 20 and SNPP VIIRS LST Poduct, (PDF, 3.75 MB) Yuling Liu
NVPS Vegetation Index products, (PDF, 3.75 MB) Corinne Carter
Blended shortwave daily mean albedo from SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS observations, (PDF, 7.53 MB) Jingjing Peng
Validation of NOAA-20 Green Vegetation Fraction Product, (PDF, 1.13 MB) Zhangyan Jiang
Near Rear Time 1 km SMAP Soil Moisture Data Product for Potential Use in National Water Model, (PDF, 1.12 MB) Jifu Yin
The Status of the GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Product, (PDF, 3.88 MB) Peng Yu
A novel re-compositing approach to create continuous and consistent cross-sensor/cross-production global NDVI datasets, (PDF, 1.27 MB) Wenze Yang
Global Surface Type Products from VIIRS, (PDF, 2.27 MB) Chengquan Huang
An Evapotranspiration Product at 2-km resolution from NOAA GOES-16, (PDF, 1.04 MB) Li Fang
GEO-POLAR Blended SST Analysis, (PDF, 1.47 MB) Eileen Maturi
Remote sensing of shallow-water bathymetry: Leveraging multispectral satellite ocean color observations Yongsheng Zhang
Water Quality and Bio-optical Properties Measured from the Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Ocean Color Sensors in the Northwestern Pacific Region, (PDF, 4.12 MB) Seunghyun Son
Retrieval of water depth and bottom albedo over shallow waters from multiband satellite ocean color sensors, (PDF, 2.12 MB) Jianwei Wei
Preliminary JPSS-3 VIIRS polarization sensitivity and comparison with S-NPP, NOAA-20 and JPSS-2 David Moyer
VIIRS Fire Activity Associated with Land Grabs Evan Ellicott
Wildfire smoke forecasts using HYSPLIT-based emission inverse modeling system and GOES observations, (PDF, 1.81 MB) Tianfeng Chai
Towards the Development of Real-Time Normalized Burn Ratio Imagery for AWIPS from GOES and JPSS, (PDF, 2.23 MB) Kristopher White
Current Status of ABI Fire Detection Chris Schmidt
Evaluating Performance of GOES during FIREX-AQ, (PDF, 4.3 MB) Michael Garay
Severe Weather Forecasting Using Combined Polar Hyperspectral and Geo-multispectral Soundings, (PDF, 14.11 MB) William Smith
Blended Multisensor Water Vapor Products for Forecasters, (PDF, 2.23 MB) John Forsythe
Wednesday Posters, (PDF, 681.23 MB) Wednesday Poster Session
Using GLM Sub Flash Properties to Diagnose Convective State, (PDF, 3.73 MB) Christopher Schultz
NWS Complementary Use of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) and Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), (PDF, 1.56 MB) Steven Goodman
Integrating Additional Modules into CrIS ICVS to Support CalVal Tasks Xin Jin
Resolution Enhancements for ATMS Low Frequency Channels and Their Potential Applications, (PDF, 28.14 MB) Hu Yang
Reassessing Geolocation Performance of CrIS aboard Suomi-NPP with ICVS, (PDF, 3.58 MB) Warren Porter
Performance of Radiative Transfer Models in Microwave Region Isaac Moradi
JPSS/SNPP SDR Reprocessing, (PDF, 2.46 MB) Cheng-Zhi Zou
CSPP SDR Scott Mindock
ICVS Monitoring on the Cross-Calibration of S-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Sensor Data Records, (PDF, 2.77 MB) Jingfeng Huang
Vectorized CRTM supporting JPSS applications, (PDF, 802 KB) Changyong Cao
Assessing the radiometric consistency between NOAA-20 and S-NPP VIIRS, (PDF, 1.58 MB) Sirish Uprety
Testing JPSS ATMS and OMPS SDRs in Cloud in ADL Block 2.1 MX8, (PDF, 394 KB) Bigyani Das
Recent VIIRS solar vector anomaly root cause analysis and lessons learned Bin Zhang
Use of satellite cloud product data for HRRR and RTMA cloud analysis Steve Weygandt
Assimilation of GOES-16 ABI, N20 CrIS-FSR/ATMS (including Direct Broadcast) in RAP Version 5, (PDF, 8.18 MB) Haidao Lin
Assimilation of GOES-16 convective indicators into the High Resolution Rapid Refresh for improved storm spin-up, (PDF, 16.81 MB) Amanda Back
GOES Proving Ground Activities & Feedback in the Hazardous Weather Testbed, (PDF, 591.01 MB) Kristin Calhoun
NRT Monitoring of Hurricane Warm Core Animations via ICVS Banghua Yan
Polar satellite microwave observations of severe convective storms, (PDF, 2.35 MB) Kenneth Pryor
Volcanic Ash Forecasting for Aviation, (PDF, 2.17 MB) Alice Crawford
Turbulence nowcasting from the ABI and AHI Tony Wimmers
Dense Optical Flow Applications for Operational Users, (PDF, 1.92 MB) Jason Apke
The Aerospace Cloud Mask (ArCM) Utility, (PDF, 1.55 MB) Eric Wendoloski
LEO-GEO Stereo Winds: a Demonstration using MODIS and ABI, (PDF, 1.43 MB) James Carr
Use of Deep-Dive Analysis Tools to Validate GOES-16/17 Atmospheric Motion Vectors, (PDF, 2.41 MB) Andrew Bailey
GEO-GEO Stereo 3D Winds with a Path into NOAA Operations, (PDF, 825 KB) Houria Madani
Diurnal Assessment of GOES-ABI Aerosol AOD, (PDF, 1.21 MB) Barry Gross
Using GLM Flash Density, Flash Area, and Flash Energy to Diagnose Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensification, (PDF, 1.98 MB) Patrick Duran
Next Generation Satellite within the Pacific Region Bill Ward
Preliminary Development and Assessment of the NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System for Tropical Cyclones (MiRS-TC), (PDF, 851 KB) Christopher Grassotti
Operational Tropical Cyclone Satellite Products, (PDF, 1.46 MB) Liqun Ma
How JPSS Data Can Improve Operational TC Analysis and Forecasting Galina Chirokova
Improved Fire Activity Time Series by Accounting for Variation in Viewing Geometry Edward Hyer
Validating and Improving GOES-16/-17 Operational Aerosol Optical Depth Product, (PDF, 3.53 MB) Mi Zhou
Thursday Posters, (PDF, 169.23 MB) Thursday Poster Session
Blended VIIRS and AMSR2 Sea Ice Concentration, (PDF, 2.42 MB) Richard Dworak
Enterprise Snow Cover Algorithm Migration, (PDF, 6.9 MB) Aaron Letterly
Adaptation of MODIS Sea Ice Leads Detection Algorithm to VIIRS, (PDF, 9.13 MB) Jeff Key
Changes in Sea Ice Extent Will Outweigh Changes in Snow Cover in Future Arctic Climate Change, (PDF, 1.85 MB) Yinghui Liu
Ice Products from NOAA Operational LEO and GEO Satellites, (PDF, 1.56 MB) Yinghui Liu
A TROPOMI- and GLM-based Estimate of NOx Production by Lightning over the U.S., (PDF, 9.01 MB) Dale Allen
NOx Production by Lightning as Inferred Using NO2 Slant Columns from GCAS during the GOES-R Validation Campaign, (PDF, 2.9 MB) Kenneth Pickering
Probabilistic precipitation rate estimates from GOES-R for hydrologic applications Pierre Kirstetter
Operational Transition to the Enterprise GOES-R Rainfall Rate Algorithm, (PDF, 1.02 MB) Bob Kuligowski
Enhancement to the JPSS Snowfall Rate Product, (PDF, 1.41 MB) Huan Meng
The CIRA Advected Layered Precipitable Water (ALPW) Product and Applications to Help Forecast Hazardous Precipitation Events, (PDF, 3.42 MB) Sheldon Kusselson
CMORPH2 Integrated Satellite Precipitation Estimates, (PDF, 1.5 MB) Pingping Xie
Investigating the potential of multi-spectral data from the GOES-R satellite for precipitation retrieval, (PDF, 17.99 MB) Shruti Upadhyaya
Exploiting NOAA-20 and S-NPP VIIRS sensors for Sea Ice Mapping in Antarctica Marouane Temimi
Arctic Ocean as a significant source of atmospheric methane: year-round satellite data, (PDF, 3.59 MB) Leonid Yurganov
NOAA Volcanic SO2 cloud measurement from SNPP and NOAA-20 using LFSO2 algorithm, (PDF, 1.06 MB) Jianguo Niu
Is stratospheric ozone recovering as we expect? Results of the SPARC/WMO LOTUS analyses, (PDF, 2.26 MB) Irina Petropavlovskikh
V8TOz and V8PRO Products at NOAA, (PDF, 3.06 MB) Zhihua Zhang
AC4 Program collaboration with NESDIS on atmospheric composition, (PDF, 608 KB) Monika Kopacz
Towards an improved understanding of the CO budget through multiple model and data assimilation framework, (PDF, 4.12 MB) Benjamin Gaubert
Global Formaldehyde Products from the OMPS Nadir Mappers on Suomi NPP and NOAA-20, (PDF, 21.06 MB) Caroline Nowlan
Ozone recovery as detected in NOAA Ground-Based and Satellite Ozone Measurements, (PDF, 1.85 MB) Jeannette Wild
Using Machine Learning to Assimilate Precipitating Pixel Information from GOES ABI and GLM, (PDF, 51.68 MB) Kyle Hilburn
Development of a Machine Learning-Based Radiometric Bias Correction for NOAA's Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS), (PDF, 2.03 MB) Yan Zhou
NUCAPS research in the Atlantic and Pacific basins Arunas Kuciauskas
Airborne Demonstration of Next-Gen Imaging Infrared Sounder Capabilities and Algorithms, (PDF, 6.06 MB) Joe Taylor
NUCAPS Soundings Support Forecasters, (PDF, 4.61 MB) Anthony Reale
Adapting Satellite Soundings for Operational Forecasting within the Hazardous Weather Testbed, (PDF, 6.76 MB) Rebekah Esmaili
Radio Occultation Data for Numerical Weather Prediction, (PDF, 2.2 MB) Erin Lynch
Howard University Beltsville Campus (HUBC): Involvement, Contribution, and Impact in Atmospheric Sciences Research, (PDF, 1.64 MB) Adrian Flores

Side Sessions
Time Presentations / Topics Organization Location
1030 - 1200 Land Splinter
Tuesday, February 25, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Organizer: Xiwu Zhan NCWCP 2552-53
1500 - 1530 VIIRS Imagery Side Session
Tuesday, February 25, 3:00 PM-3:30 PM
Organizer: Don Hillger NCWCP Conference Center
1000 - 1400 CrIS SDR Splinter
Wednesday, February 26, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Organizer: Flavo Iturbide-Sanchez NCWCP 2554-55
0830 - 1030 Aerosols Part I
Thursday, February 27, 8:30-10:30 AM
Organizer: Istvan Lazslo NCWCP 4552-53
0900 - 1030 Tropical Weather Breakout
Thursday, February 27, 9:00-10:30 AM
Organizer: Monica Bozeman NCWCP 2552-53
1000 - 1230 AC4 PI Meeting
Thursday, February 27, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Organizer: Monika Kopacz NCWCP 4552-53
1300 - 1500 Aerosols Part II
Thursday, February 27, 1:00-3:00 PM
Organizer: Istvan Lazslo ESSIC 3250

3-18-2020 10:53 am

Slido Questions
Session Question Submitter Votes
Keynotes How solid is NWS Funding in the next year Anonymous 0
Keynotes Is this event being recorded / are all the slides going to be made available? Scott Lindstrom 0
Keynotes How does SPC stay current on satellite developments Anonymous 0
Keynotes Ellen, you mentioned Health Sector but did not go into details. Can you tell us what products/information and health impacts you are working on. Thanks Shobha Kondragunta 1
Keynotes Shobha- please email me, and I can share health impacts and info requests. I was unable to take questions (probably went over time!). Ellen Mecray 0
Keynotes How can NWS dramatically increase the availability and greatly reduce the latency of JPSS data before the next generation of polar satellites ? Anonymous 7
Keynotes How can GOESR update the algorithms for 16 and 17 more quickly ? Anonymous 5
Keynotes How is JPSS-2 being readied for launch and what will the JPSS constellation look like if Suomi NPP stays healthy? Anonymous 1
Keynotes What is the status of having space weather users using data from 16 and 17 ? Anonymous 1
Keynotes How does NESDIS 'hit the pause button' and truly integrate its satellite program. The current mission plans seemed etched in stone... Anonymous 3
Keynotes Isn't GOES 15 being turned off on March 2nd? Anonymous 0
Keynotes How will the Tundra orbit operate if GOES-16 and GOES-17 are still operating? What if one of the operational satellites goes down? Anonymous 3
Keynotes Many NOAA users would like geostationary ocean color data. We just heard it is being studied, but will we get it anytime soon from GOES? Please?! Anonymous 1
Keynotes Can JPSS maintain data flow from 3 satellites at once to support NWSFO uses? More obs close in time has its advantages. Anonymous 5
Keynotes What is the status of adding a synthetic green channel to the GOES R/S Ground system and the ABIs for T and U ? Anonymous 4
Keynotes Are there any plans to adjust how the NSOF operates to increase the data partnership between the US and its international partners? Anonymous 1
Keynotes Lots of talk about Earth system “integration,” but we just heard that NAWIPS and AWIPS aren't even compatible with each other! Anonymous 2
Keynotes Dr. Volz, what is your response to NWS Director's comment that in the satellite arena we (US) have become followers and no longer leading. Anonymous 7
Keynotes How might we build a better bridge to cross the R2O2S “Valley of Death” Steve Goodman 3
Keynotes Will it be cost-prohibitive for NOAA staff to access the full period of record (data) in cloud applications used for NOAA's missions (AWIPS, GeoCollaborate Anonymous 2
Keynotes Users probably don't know today what they will need 10 years from now. How can we develop systems and budget plans that are agile? Anonymous 6
Keynotes Any thoughts to microwave imagers or sounders for GEO-XO or JPSS next? Anonymous 3
Keynotes Presentations/discussions were very JPSS/GOES program centric - When will we actually have a formal NESDIS Program to bring in diverse non-NOAA satellite data? Anonymous 4
Keynotes Chris, from your outside perspective on satellites is there a valuation area we could best direct our efforts? Anonymous 1
Keynotes How will NESDIS modernize the product suite given the many tough decisions that will have to be made regarding continuity vs. new capabilities? Anonymous 1
Keynotes A 6 hr assimilation is a global view. Regional models are 1 hr. Anonymous 0
Keynotes Will NOAA and NASA increase their coordination, like we see with EUMETSAT and ESA, as a form of risk reduction and pathway for new kinds of observations? Anonymous 4
Severe Weather How does SPC stay current on satellite developments Anonymous 2
Severe Weather How does the NWS Southern Region communicate with its individual WFOs on satellite issues Anonymous 5
Severe Weather How many emergency operation centers (EOC) do you connect with and how frequently do you engage EOCs with your webinars for translation of science to operations Anonymous 3
Severe Weather Michael, do spc forecasters view GLM lightning data? Does it provide them valuable information they aren't already getting from ground based lightning networks? Anonymous 8
Severe Weather What cloud heights are the typical severe thunderstorms in ND? Are you able to use satellite products to track cloud heights as precursors to severe weather/ Anonymous 0
Severe Weather What's your sense (good or bad) of interactions/relationships with “commercial” weather product providers? Anonymous 2
Severe Weather How often would you ideally like to receive nucaps-like profiles? Anonymous 3
Severe Weather It seemed like the NUCAPS missed the inverted V signal in the sounding. Isn't that important? Anonymous 5
Severe Weather What are the challenges associated with multi-layer clouds in severe convection forecasting? What are user needs for improvement here? Anonymous 1
Severe Weather Is there a plan for SPC to transition from NAWIPS to AWIPS? Anonymous 6
Severe Weather Does SPC do any additional outreach to TV broadcasters? Steve Goodman 4
Severe Weather Chauncey: does the field have access to the automated adjusted boundary layer version of NUCAPS that was evaluated at the last few HWTs? Anonymous 3
Severe Weather Are the locations of nucaps parallax corrected if over plotted on a GOES image? Anonymous 1
Severe Weather Given the successes with NUCAPS Can Chauncey or others comment on the expectations for GEO hyperspectral sounder obs/products for severe storm forecasting? Anonymous 8
Severe Weather How do the number of NUCAPS Soundings vary with latitude? Anonymous 3
Severe Weather Are NuCaps Soundings used in Warn on Forecast? Steve Goodman 3
Severe Weather Multiple satellites close in overpass time is advantageous; NESDIS likes to retire older satellites. How can we ensure that all satellites can support NWSFO? Anonymous 4
Severe Weather Chauncey - Pls tell us more about what you would like in a GLM product to assist in tracking “lightning jumps” Anonymous 6
Severe Weather For the automated hazardous storm detection, how is parallax corrected to better place and resolve the ‘surface' features for the end users? Sam Shea 2
Severe Weather There is not an overshooting top product from GOES-R because forecasters can use their eyes on the VIS/IR imagery. What are forecasters missing without it? Anonymous 5
Severe Weather NWS is operationalizing ProbSvr- what do you think would add the most value to POD and FAR improvements? Steve Goodman 3
Severe Weather Are there any statistics on the performance of NUCAPS vs. MiRS soundings? Anonymous 1
Severe Weather Can you point us to where the answers for these Q&A sessions are archived? (As we remote people have no audio) Scott Lindstrom 4
Severe Weather Michael, should GOES-R Cloud Top Temperatures be produced for the CONUS domain? Anonymous 0
NWP / DA 1 What are the biggest hurdles to getting all-sky radiances into operational models? Anonymous 6
NWP / DA 1 Is there any hope of creating a 4D radiance "shell" for all operational satellites' instruments in the NESDIS, NWS, or NOAA cloud platform ?? Anonymous 2
NWP / DA 1 When do you expect to assimilate more radiance's over land? Anonymous 2
NWP / DA 1 In devops environment, algorithms can be updated frequently but it still takes time to validate. Can you be a trusted source and change algorithms-frequently? Anonymous 0
NWP / DA 1 Is there any publicly available data to tell which satellite data was assimilated across the domain for a given model run? Anonymous 4
NWP / DA 1 Can anyone comment the future challenges of forward operators (like CRTM) in the perspective of data assimilation? What is the priority that needs to advance. Anonymous 2
NWP / DA 1 What's your thought of using observation-minus-forecast residuals instead of adjoint approaches as discussed in a 2017 ECMWF paper by Mohamed Dahoui Anonymous 1
NWP / DA 1 What should satellite DA researchers focus on in order to maximize our satellite obs' utility in the models in the most timely manner possible? Anonymous 0
NWP / DA 1 For Andrew. Earlier NCEP presentations showed larger CrIS impacts than AIRS. CrIS will be here for next 20 years, so what are you going to do? Anonymous 0
NWP / DA 1 HRRR: are there plans to output simulated imagery from ABI bands? Currently is only previous imager bands IR and wv. Anonymous 2
NWP / DA 2 Why is data assimilation important to you? Bill Sjoberg 0
NWP / DA 2 How can info from parameter assimilation be fed back into constraint of variables that covary with, but not included in, the variables in the forward operator? Anonymous 0
NWP / DA 2 There is an observational gap with vertical profile of smoke. How can we provide forecasters confidence the profile of smoke from the HRRR is representative? Anonymous 0
NWP / DA 2 What do DA scientists want to see from NESDIS to make better use of geophysical parameters for DA? Is there any body that coordinates this communication? Anonymous 7
NWP / DA 2 Are there plans to assimilate any goes 17 level 2 products? If so, is there enough meta data on the quality? Eg detector temperatures, flags, etc. Anonymous 4
NWP / DA 2 Would there be uses for 1 min fire level 2 products, such as fire radiative power? Anonymous 2
NWP / DA 2 Question for Jim Yoe: What is being done (in those areas you identified that keep you up at night) that would help you get more sleep? Anonymous 4
NWP / DA 2 Might you consider assimilating derived GOES products like snow or aerosols? This might be more straight forward than via RGB imagery. Anonymous 1
NWP / DA 2 I've noticed several presentations where data from NOAA-20 is not being ingested, yet S-NPP is being ingested. How can the JPSS program help? Anonymous 2
Land Helin, one of your slides showed a list of parameters and data source. GVF did not have a data source. Please clarify. Anonymous 0
Land Helin, have you considered using the NOAA CMORPH precipitation product? Anonymous 2
Land Question for Helin: good to see the land remote sensing data is used in NCEP modeling. Any plan to use VIIRS Land Surface products Anonymous 4
Land Where do users find in-land lake temperatures? From the land side or the sea surface side? By in-land lakes I mean smaller than the Great Lakes. Anonymous 1
Land Helin. Your quad chart says there are issues. Funding requiring management attention. However your schedule has no risk Green. Please explain Anonymous 1
Land The Australia example is from 2010 before VIIRS. Do you have examples using high resolution VIIRS VH from more recent years Anonymous 2
Land The STAR website with VHI is awesome ( ) Thank you for showing it! Anonymous 1
Land Why aren't more land products available via geo tiff to GIS users? Anonymous 4
Land It may also be worth exploring Chlorophyll fluorescence (MODIS) as another metric that is tied to vegetation health. Future NOAA LEO sat observation? Anonymous 0
Land Where do you see the role of SAR in monitoring land data products? Anonymous 4
Land Christa: describe the pathway of NASA research to NOAA operations for land modeling. Are there obstacles? What needs to be done? Anonymous 4
Land How often would you like snow cover estimates for regional model assimilations? What spatial resolutions? Anonymous 1
Land Surfaces change at timescales faster than hourly. Any plans to exploit GOES-R's temporal abilities for sfc properties like temperature? Every 5 minutes? Anonymous 7
Land All: What is the biggest need in land data that remote sensing may fill? Anonymous 2
Land What improvements are needed in soil moisture satellite products? Anonymous 3
Land Jerry- would it be appropriate to consider overlaying the soil moisture high res data with the US Drought Monitor in situ soil moisture sites to ground-truth? Anonymous 0
Land Felix: do you see improvements in VH from the spectrally narrower sensors, compared to the AVHRR data? e.g. less moisture contamination. Anonymous 0
Land Jerry - any comparisons have been done between VIIRS ST/SMOPS and independent products such as the ESA CCI LC and SM? Anonymous 0
Land Felix: do you know have any examples of the benefits of half km data for VH? Maybe using higher res data. Anonymous 0
Land Felix, are you able to capture the factor causing crop damage? Right now much of Africa is facing a locust invasion and they are wreaking havoc to vegetation? Anonymous 1
Land Felix, part II, can the vegetation damage (caused by locusts) show up in your product? If so, how is it characterized? Drought? Anonymous 0
Land Any chance for higher resolution (half km) land surface type product? Perhaps using VIIRS SNPP + NOAA-20 + Sentinel-3A+B? Anonymous 1
Land Is there a pathway to address user requirements outside of NASA or NOAA or DoD to drive future satellite systems? For example, Economic benefit drivers? Anonymous 2
Land BTW -- the 5-minute temperature question was for the CONUS domain which is routinely 5-minute. And I'd like to see Land Surface Temperature at 5-min cadence Anonymous 0
Imagery Is there any user push for more GEO/LEO product fusion? Anonymous 10
Imagery Does Alaska routinely track, monitor, or forecast polar lows? What products are used to estimated surface wind speeds and impacts? Need for this capability? John Knaff 6
Imagery Melissa- NOAA GEO-XO architecture is looking at Tundra Highly Elliptical Orbit. How might that improve your river flooding, fire mapping, clouds in Alaska? Steve Goodman 6
Imagery Is there any resolution conversion tools for GOES-R imagery products? To convert GOES-R projection to other standard projections? Anonymous 6
Imagery Does the default 1-minute meso domain help better articulate the regions of blowing snow? Anonymous 5
Imagery And how about Geo-XO Tundra with DNB? Steve Goodman 2
Imagery How much of the data used in your office is coming via the Direct Broadcast antenna at GINA? Anonymous 8
Imagery Is there added value by combining images and quantitative estimates from EDR products? Anonymous 2
Imagery ARe new hires required to take the goes r online training? If not, why not, given that it used to to required for all, just before launch. Anonymous 2
Imagery Steve why doesn't Sterling take more experienced staff from other offices rather than new employees? Isn't your work-load high enough? What about COMET ? Anonymous 2
Imagery I'm always up for reading new blogs -- Steve can you share the url for it? Anonymous 0
Imagery Regarding training for new hires, would Sterling office be receptive to training tutorials (webinars) on a regular basis through PGRR initiatives? Shobha Kondragunta 1
Imagery Would users be interested in parallax corrected cloud positions, despite the possibilities of data voids and holes? Anonymous 12
Imagery Steve, Melissa: How many GOES or JPSS products do you use when briefing your core partners? Anonymous 4
Imagery Training- forecasters use RGBs extensively but quantitative products not so much. At 2019 SATAPPS workshop we were told You need training- way forward? Steve Goodman 1
Imagery Steve - how easily can these enhancements get to NWS field offices (not going through the AWIPS program office and waiting 3 years). Is there heavy processing? Sam Shea 10
Imagery Steven how often do you see WFOs making their own color tables in AWIPS? Does this require remote sensing training or do they go with their ‘instincts'? Anonymous 4
Imagery Is there an operational need for the capability you showed with optical flow? Is this information deceptive if it isn't capturing convective initiation timing? Anonymous 4
Imagery Why don't we agree that multivariate satellite imagery is the way to move forward in the future? RGBs are great, but we have the tech to make them better. Anonymous 2
Imagery Steven are any of these enhancements automated or all by hand? Such as night lights enhancements, aerosol enhancements etc. Anonymous 3
Imagery Users: what mode of training have you found to be most effective? Blogs, live webinars, recorded training, in person, etc Anonymous 11
Imagery Is there any evidence that RGBs actually save forecasters time? Not to argue there is no value but many RGB color schemes are not intuitive. Anonymous 3
Imagery GOES-16/17 Total Precip Water is great, but what research shows is TPW layers are better for heavy precip monitoring. Why doesn't NESDIS send these to NWS? Anonymous 6
Imagery Can anyone comment on the implantation of other successful blended products into wfo operations such as FLS (prob flight cats) or an operational blended SST? Dave Radell 6
Imagery Is run by NOAA? The CIs? What is the background of that domain name? Anonymous 2
Imagery The only way to have forecasters use JPSS imagery is to get it in their hands. NWS forecasters get DNB and NCC, that's it. Anonymous 2
Imagery Don Hillger why did you use blue for ‘warming' when you showed Katabatic winds in Antarctica? Why not a warm color like orange/reddish? Does STAR work with user Anonymous 2
Imagery Love SLIDR, but am hoping to see its caching behavior on zooming improve. Prospects for this being done? Anonymous 2
Imagery Will NWS forecasters get the VIIRS cloud/snow discriminator RGB into AWIPS any time soon? Anonymous 2
Imagery Who do we consider ‘Users' here? Is this definition consistent with NESDIS vision? Seems only users are NWS...? Anonymous 4
Imagery What can we do to educate folks about the need for a GOES visible green channel ? Is management and leadership training needed ? Anonymous 1
Smoke / Fire Any thoughts on the potential development of a unified GEO+LEO fire application that includes alerting and fire tracking (for auto time series generation)? Anonymous 7
Smoke / Fire What are prospects for getting vertical resolution of smoke concentrations? Can smoke from fire obscure satellite information, e.g., for Fire Radiative Power? Mark Cohen, ARL 6
Smoke / Fire Robyn are your challenges to get data to forecasters in the field and/or information to the actual firefighters? What would you like to deliver to the line? Anonymous 2
Smoke / Fire How significant would the impact on NWSFO operations be if AWIPS was no longer used for data visualization? Anonymous 5
Smoke / Fire What are prospects for fire smoke plume 3-D visualization products, say, for first 50 km of plume? Mark Cohen, ARL 3
Smoke / Fire In a few years Europe will have a 1 km operational 4 um band from GEO. Do you support this on the next generation GEO imager? Anonymous 5
Smoke / Fire How close is the operational FDC algorithm to the WF-ABBA algorithm currently being run at Wisconsin? Michael J. Garay 5
Smoke / Fire How many things can AWIPS do when more keeps getting stuffed into a limited compute environment? Is this why it is occasionally slow? Anonymous 3
Smoke / Fire Surprised the HRRR Smoke Team isn't using GOES detections. Why is that? GOES-16/17 has FRP too. Anonymous 6
Smoke / Fire When will the VIIRS baseline fire products be transitioned from 750-m to 375-m? Anonymous 2
Smoke / Fire Why isn't the GOES-R fire product run on the Mesoscale Domain Sectors? This is a significant limitation of the GOES-R product. Anonymous 6
Smoke / Fire What wavelengths and resolutions do you advocate for GEO-XO to improve fire detection in the 2030s and beyond? Anonymous 4
Smoke / Fire For the NWS USFS MOU: Does NWS participate in the Tactical Fire Remote Sensing Advisory Committee meetings to identify innovation to put to work? Anonymous 2
Smoke / Fire Chad, What spatial resolution of the 3.9 um band would provide forecasters with a precision for hot spot detections that is good enough for NWS partners? Anonymous 1
Smoke / Fire how are people using Smoke forecasts? What kind of lead time, spatial resolution, accuracy do they need? Alice Crawford 1
Oceans / Coastal What's the difference between CoastWatch and NOWcoast? Anonymous 4
Oceans / Coastal What spectral bands do you want to see for coastal/ocean applications on the next gen (GOES-XO) Imager? Would that be different for a Tundra/Arctic mission? Mat Gunshor 6
Oceans / Coastal Comment: great news about the VIIRS 375 M FRP. The VIIRS 375 M fire product is now available from direct readout using CSPP Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal How long chlorophyll anomaly data is available? How to access that data? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal When do STAR products become operational? How do you determine which products go operational and who are your main users? Anonymous 4
Oceans / Coastal What does the amount of plankton tell you about the biodiversity in that part of the oceans? Is it linear... Does more plankton translate to a stronger fishery? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Is the VIIRS DNB still actively used to combat illegal fishing? Anonymous 3
Oceans / Coastal What advantages does Korea's GEO KOMPSAT 2B provide for ocean and coastal products? Anonymous 4
Oceans / Coastal Mike Ford -- the VIIRS Day/Night Band (DNB) has unique capabilities to detect boat lights. Are you leveraging the DNB for surveillance support? Anonymous 6
Oceans / Coastal What operational benefits would having marine vessel positioning in AWIPS provide for IDSS? Anonymous 4
Oceans / Coastal Is there a location to identify and track HABs along cost daily? CoastWatch? NOWcoast? ERMA? NWS? NESDIS STAR? So many NOAA data portals..which is authoritative Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal The speaker voice is fading in and out - can it be improved? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal For Harmful Algal Blooms, what mixture of spatial/spectral/temporal would be optimal? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Remote attendees: We can hear the speaker fine in the room. She has the mic on her shirt. Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Shelly. Explain the VIIRS shortfall again. You are using it to identify new blooms and you show other examples like C-HARM. Explain what it cannot do. Anonymous 0
Oceans / Coastal Is there an authoritative source for HABs along Florida coast? Forecasts? Tracking? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Are you aware JAXA uses AI to train AHI to GCOM-C SGLI? The results are encouraging. May want to consider to test concept with ABI Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Does the Ocean Prediction Center apply SAR wind speeds into their forecasts? Anonymous 2
Oceans / Coastal Joe S., does OPC/WPC have access or use SMAP, SMOS or AMSR2 winds? Are those helpful? Have you had time to evaluate? John Knaff 2
Oceans / Coastal Oceanography & meteorology over oceans are often treated with separate development. How can satellite observations of air/sea interactions be more holististic? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Is ocean modeling 20 years behind atmospheric modeling? 10 years? 30 years? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal If SAR winds (like SARsat 1 and 2 and Sentinel) were in AWIPS would that improve the wind detection to go along with ASCAT? Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal Joe S, Does OPC or WPC have a historical database of Extra tropical cyclones with hurricane force winds that developers may use for product development? John Knaff 0
Oceans / Coastal At one point there were plans for GOESR current product, what is priority for working that Anonymous 1
Oceans / Coastal What spectral bands do you want to see for coastal/ocean applications on the next gen (GOES-XO) Imager? Would that be different for a Tundra/Arctic mission? Anonymous 2
Oceans / Coastal Are all NOAA data portals authoritative trusted sources? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather To operational users: What satellite capability is most needed in your operations that does not exist or exists but is less than optimal? Anonymous 8
Tropical Weather To operational users: What aspects of your operational requirements are the most difficult or least certain? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather To operational users: What is missing in the current satellite capabilities that could be addressed by the next generation geostationary satellite suite? Anonymous 3
Tropical Weather Developers: What can do with existing satellite obs in the next 3 yrs that would significantly help with the weather forecasting and monitoring in the Tropics? Anonymous 4
Tropical Weather Developers: What are your biggest obstacles to developing new capabilities or improving older ones? Anonymous 2
Tropical Weather What are the most challenging aspects you find for transitioning a new product into operations? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather What are some effective ways to get forecasters to use a new product in operations? Anonymous 4
Tropical Weather Are there enough opportunities for communication between developers and users? Anonymous 2
Tropical Weather Improving TC intensity forecasts continues to be a high priority - do you think we are utilizing enough of the satellite observations to tackle this problem? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather What is the most glaring gap in tropical cyclone satellite observing? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Is there any expertise or training needed to better use current products? Anonymous 0
Tropical Weather CIMSS's R2O path makes products on the web, solicits feedback, iterates, then streams products to users. Is this working, or is a more direct approach better? Anonymous 6
Tropical Weather Assuming that AI-based apps can work with limitless data and create probabilistic predictions. What would you want these apps to address? What is the simplest? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Monica, why is CLASS insufficient for creating a training dataset? Anonymous 4
Tropical Weather How much interaction do you have with AWIPS developers who might take your sampling improvements and implement them generally (for example) Anonymous 0
Tropical Weather Why is it important to the forecaster which satellite makes the ob? In a fused product (e.g., SST briefed yesterday) it's not necessary if data is good quality. Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Monica - how do you feel the use of AMSR-2 is doing at NHC? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Could NHC and TAFB use high resolution (500m res) SAR winds and wave spectra during TS events, even if the latency is 3-6 hour? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Monica: You mentioned we can't just provide a NetCDF4 file for use. Is there a template or specific example of the header requirements available somewhere? Anonymous 4
Tropical Weather Stephanie: How easy is it for tropical forecasters to develop their own RGBs -- rather than having a new RGB thrust upon them. Anonymous 2
Tropical Weather No need to force use of RGB or channel just because they are there. What specific forecast challenges need to be addressed? Then we can easily id relevant tool. Anonymous 6
Tropical Weather Can we decide if it's AMVs or DMWs please. It's confusing to the forecaster. Anonymous 6
Tropical Weather Are there plans to add the ATCF into AWIPS? Anonymous 0
Tropical Weather Josh, can you speak to JTWCs plans for AWIPS 2 in their operations? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Who should be responsible for making imagery and products available in AWIPS? (Data formats, visualization, delivery methods, etc.) Anonymous 6
Tropical Weather How much cross-pollination is there between GeoIPS and Satpy developers in GitHub world? Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Does JTWC have plans to use GLM- can help with storm structure and micrphysics, updraft strength as NWS noted. Steve Goodman 0
Tropical Weather I reviewed tropical/marine demonstration reports on and noticed few final reports, and none since 2016. Are those missing or never conducted/written? Anonymous 6
Tropical Weather Please clarify the relationship between GeoIPS and AWIPS, particularly the compatibility between products developed for one platform or the other. Anonymous 1
Tropical Weather Monica/Stephanie: Are the NHC forecasters willing to embrace an AI-driven tropical cyclone intensity estimate? Anonymous 7
Tropical Weather Tony: what metrics will the AI competition use to determine success? Kyle Hilburn 0
Tropical Weather Wimmers- SSEC funding 2022; R2O Valley of Death, does this include funding the whole end-to-end SPSRB operational implementation To ensure a transition to ops? Steve Goodman 0
Tropical Weather John, Thanks for your refreshing frankness. What else does NOAA do with observations and research that some could consider as “dumb”? Anonymous 8
Tropical Weather Should NOAA resort to more competitions on sites like Kaggle to encourage a more generalized approach to solving tropical and other weather forecast challenges? Anonymous 2
Tropical Weather When will ADT be running in Ops at NESDIS? Where will it be running and how will data be distributed? Anonymous 2
Tropical Weather Why can't OSPO be the trusted source for NOAA satellite data?? Anonymous 5
Tropical Weather Can you speak more to the feasibility of using AI techniques to help detect atmospheric turbulence, especially during periods of GOES-17 ABI data degradation? Anonymous 0
Clouds & Winds GOES-16/17 operational cloud products are still provided at reduced spatial resolution. Is there a desire for products at the highest spatial resolution? Anonymous 10
Clouds & Winds So: AMVs it is! Anonymous 6
Clouds & Winds ESRL uses some of the NASA Langley products. Are there features of those products that NESDIS should adopt? Anonymous 5
Clouds & Winds Are there any specific plans to do more assimilation testing with goes-16/17 winds in regional forecast system (HRRR, etc)? Anonymous 0
Clouds & Winds NESDIS cloud products generally provide uncertainties. Do users find these beneficial? Anonymous 6
Clouds & Winds Ignoring cost, where should NOAA be targeting new cloud and wind observations for operations (e.g. Wind lidar, ice cloud imaging > 200 GHz, low frequency mw) Anonymous 10
Clouds & Winds Any thoughts on the impact of increasing the vertical resolution of regional models (e.g. HRRR) on assimilating clouds and storms? Anonymous 2
Clouds & Winds Steve, why not using GOES-16 channel 2 (vis) DMWs? Any plans to use/test those in RAP/HRRR? Anonymous 3
Clouds & Winds Question for Andrew collard: what is the best way for satellite developers to coordinate with NWP assimilation developers at NCEP? Anonymous 6
Clouds & Winds Andrew. With respect to GEO ring clear sky radiance how do you treat overlapping satellite coverage. GOES 16 vs MSG as an example. Anonymous 1
Clouds & Winds Low level AMVs have been "blacklisted" in ECMWF due to poor height assignment. Are low level AMVs currently assimilated by NOAA? Michael J. Garay 6
Clouds & Winds Is there a need for an automated hourly objective analyses based on ASCAT, AMVs, SHIPS, Buoys (at the surface) and at ~250 hPa based on AMV, Aircraft, & raobs? John Knaff 6
Clouds & Winds ADM Aeolus provides line of sight (LOS) winds. Is it an easy matter to assimilate these, or do you require typical u-v winds (and uncertainties)? Michael J. Garay 1
Clouds & Winds Are satellite derived winds are used by the Rtma/urma for the wind analysis over the oceanic areas? Dave Radell 9
Clouds & Winds For Mike: What OPC products do you deliver to the mariner out at sea to improve safety and marine transportation IDSS? Anonymous 2
Clouds & Winds CIRA - How difficult would it be to have some west coast cross sections added? I could see these potentially adding value for coastal aviation forecasts. Anonymous 2
Clouds & Winds Are there any plans to work with GK2A winds? Anonymous 1
Clouds & Winds Jaime, what is the accuracy of G16/17 stereo cloud heights compared to the standard product? Steve Goodman 2
Clouds & Winds Jaime: Plans to generate enhanced vortex scale AMVs in real-time and deliver to NWS offices? Perhaps running constantly in meso sectors? Anonymous 6
Clouds & Winds Should we be providing winds to forecasters in only vector format or also in a gridded or analysis form as a basis for shear products (magnitude contoured)? Anonymous 4
Clouds & Winds Where is the best site (ie. non-PDA, non-SBN delivery) to obtain digital real-time winds and cloud products? Anonymous 2
Clouds & Winds What is it going to take to get to an hourly 3D cloud product (all sensors combined)? Anonymous 5
Clouds & Winds Do you have anyone focusing on satellite applications for users outside of NOAA perhaps looking at economic drivers or is NWS the big customer? Anonymous 3
Clouds & Winds Are there any satellite based wind profile data out there? Anonymous 1
Aviation How does NWS aviation support to FAA impact smaller aircraft authorizations to fly? Such as the recent Kobe Bryant accident in CA with low clouds/marine layer? Anonymous 5
Aviation How does the FAA envision closer ties with the research community? What interactions are needed to better integrate? Anonymous 6
Aviation Are there some warnings that are so short-term that they can only work by viewing them directly in the cockpit? Are there any efforts underway to enable this? Anonymous 3
Aviation There is a lot of good JPSS capabilities available to mention in the Aviation Weather Center Anonymous 4
Aviation Does the Graphical Forecasts for Aviation use only model clouds? Do they envision using new cloud capabilities being developed for ABI/JPSS (e.g. cloud base)? Anonymous 4
Aviation What are the units on the SO2 graph? Anonymous 2
Aviation With all the monitoring currently in place, how many volcanic eruptions have been missed in the past year that were detected by humans? Anonymous 4
Aviation I've seen the GOES-R Fog and Low Stratus product referenced multiple times. When will this be available for GOES-17? Anonymous 4
Aviation Can you speak more to the feasibility of using AI techniques to help detect atmospheric turbulence, especially during periods of GOES-17 ABI data degradation? Anonymous 4
Aviation Mike P, regarding increasing environmental data, is NOAA capable of developing tools to efficiently take advantage of it all? What changes must be made? Anonymous 4
Aviation Given that you also cater to user communities outside the NWS, how do you adapt your training needs to help them understand your products? Anonymous 3
Aviation I recall Weather in the cockpit projects back in 1989-1991. What's taking so long? Anonymous 4
Aviation Could 'weather in the cockpit' be NOAA's Moon Shot? NOAA leadership is looking for something to hold up high. Anonymous 3
Aviation Any comments on: AI will only be as good as the humans that help program or direct the interrogation algorithms. Diversity of experts in the process helps. Anonymous 2
Aviation What is the place if all this research within an international framework? Do you see the US as a leader in this area? Alice Crawford 2
Air Quality / Aerosols Are there plans to assimilate trace gas products (non ozone) such as NO2 in regional and global models? Anonymous 1
Air Quality / Aerosols What tailored aerosol products are needed (e.g., smoke AOD, dust AOD, gridded AOD etc.) and for what applications? Anonymous 4
Air Quality / Aerosols Regarding communication between users and developers, how can the process be improved? Anonymous 1
Air Quality / Aerosols What is the DA community consensus on data thinning? if data are thinned, what is the need for developers to provide pixel level data for assimilation? Anonymous 3
Air Quality / Aerosols A lot of the aerosol detection is daytime only. What are the plans for night-time detection of, say, smoke plumes? Anonymous 6
Air Quality / Aerosols How well does GEFS perform against persistence? Michael J. Garay 1
Air Quality / Aerosols When NOAA updates their algorithm (e.g., ABI AOD), do they reprocess the existing data, or just forward process? Michael J. Garay 3
Air Quality / Aerosols How do we translate this aerosol work to estimating visibility in smoke and areas of blowing snow or sea spray? Anonymous 1
Air Quality / Aerosols Asian dust storms exacerbated the spread of the avian flu. What can we learn from aerosols about the source and spread of certain infectious diseases? Anonymous 1
Arctic / Cryosphere What, if anything, can be done to improve cloud mask and snow mask input to cryosphere product algorithms? Anonymous 1
Arctic / Cryosphere Are any snow or ice products currently assimilated in NWP or other models? Which are used for model verification? Anonymous 6
Arctic / Cryosphere What snow and ice products will be needed in NWP models in the next 5-10 years, as model resolution increases and model physics become more complex? Anonymous 4
Arctic / Cryosphere Is NESDIS open to developing and operationalizing multi-sensor products with NOAA and non-NOAA satellites, such as VIIRS and ICESat-2? Anonymous 1
Arctic / Cryosphere What is the best satellite product resolution for ice operations? Is there such a thing as too high of a resolution? What about temporal frequency? Anonymous 5
Arctic / Cryosphere What hampers a broader use of VIIRS cryosphere products in user applications? Anonymous 3
Arctic / Cryosphere Do users need gridded global products or are granule-based products satisfactory? What would be the optimal grid cell size, projection for the gridded product? Anonymous 2
Arctic / Cryosphere How do users cope with cloud-caused gaps in coverage? To what extent do these gaps limit/complicate the use of VIIRS and ABI products? Anonymous 4
Arctic / Cryosphere Would users be interested in a multi-day clear-sky composite product? What is an acceptable lag (period of compositing)? Anonymous 1
Arctic / Cryosphere Mike, what satellite products could be used for surface freezing degree days? Have you thought about NUCAPS for that? Anonymous 2
Arctic / Cryosphere How much coordination between the two first speakers wrt to ice analyses over AK? Anonymous 3
Arctic / Cryosphere How far polar-ward do you use ABI data? Do you do ice motion products? Anonymous 6
Arctic / Cryosphere Is there anything NESDIS can do to help getting GOES-West data into operations at the National Ice Center? Anonymous 5
Arctic / Cryosphere Does the NIC have a requirement for a GOES Visible Green Imager channel ? Anonymous 4
Arctic / Cryosphere If SAR data are important -- when can they be expected in AWIPS in forecast offices? Anonymous 9
Arctic / Cryosphere Users: What NESDIS snow and ice products are you currently using? If you're not using NESDIS snow/ice products, why not? Anonymous 2
Arctic / Cryosphere Will Radarsat-2 data ever be free? Anonymous 1
Arctic / Cryosphere How are the quantitative products being used in addition to imagery? Anonymous 2
Arctic / Cryosphere Where can we access the most accurate snow cover data from NOAA. Looking for a consistent product in GIS format. Anonymous 3
Arctic / Cryosphere What is the use of the SWE products in hydrological models/applications at NOAA? Anonymous 2
Arctic / Cryosphere Many ice products seem to want buoys for some sort of validation, but there are never enough. Who/what is the best bet for dropping more buoys into the Arctic? Anonymous 2
Arctic / Cryosphere The NOAT recommended several GOES-R ice products as part of a “Pick 5” several years ago. What is that status of implementing those on the ground system? Anonymous 5
Arctic / Cryosphere What kind of training is available for SAR data? You can't just give them the data and expect them to know how to use it. Anonymous 3
Arctic / Cryosphere Are GOES mesoscale sectors used by the snow/ice community ? Anonymous 4
Arctic / Cryosphere What ice products are available from JPSS VIIRS for small rivers (less than 200m resolution)?? Anonymous 0
Arctic / Cryosphere Are you particular as to the type of users? Science vs. applications? Anonymous 1
Hydrology For the users - Given the limitations of optically based flood detection algorithms, what role does SAR data play in flood monitoring for you? Anonymous 0
Hydrology Does the footprint of the DB Antenna in Fairbanks extend far enough south to give Juneau good coverage? Anonymous 2
Hydrology Why does WPC do not cover Alaska for atmospheric rivers in their discussions? Anonymous 5
Hydrology How important are satellite-only products for analysis and forecasting? Is the model quality comparable to the satellite products? Anonymous 1
Hydrology To users: For what products does the model do best / worst? Does the answer depend on whether over CONUS or over the open ocean? Anonymous 2
Hydrology People keep talking about CMORPH2 Precipitation. I can never find it online. Does a website exist with realtime data? Anonymous 12
Hydrology Why are there several products for same climate variables? Is there a way to combine all products and give one best product to user? Anonymous 4
Hydrology What is more important to users: the quantitative value of a parameter or its deviation from normal? For example, TPW or % TPW of normal? Anonymous 11
Hydrology How is the malfunction of the G17 ABI LHP impacting rainfall rate estimates? Anonymous 8
Hydrology For users- What's the path forward to making reprocessed data sets available,particularly for climate applications?Currently, there's no unified way to do this. Anonymous 2
Hydrology What's the path forward to making reprocessed data sets available, particularly for climate applications? Anonymous 3
Hydrology Re: Parallax shifts of G17 precip. Is there a way to ship both parallax shifted and non? (I ask wondering about overlaying estimates on top of ABI imagery) Anonymous 7
Hydrology How important are rainfall estimates over the ocean, away from islands/land? If it rains and no one sees it, did it really rain? How do you verify over ocean? Anonymous 7
Hydrology What is the interest in generating uncertainty products esp. for precipitation? Anonymous 4
Hydrology Andrew, what *unique* +useful information does NUCAPS provide forecasters at WPC? Anonymous 5
Hydrology Can you integrate GPM (when available) with GOES-R ABI to produce and/or Validate/Verify GOES-R only rain rate product? Anonymous 4
Hydrology Does the new GOES rainrate improve the over estimate from cirrus clouds and under estimate for the low(warm) clouds that produce rain? Anonymous 6
Hydrology To Dev/Users: Any practical tips on engaging field forecasters and other users given the demands on their time and the overload of information / products? Anonymous 3
Hydrology Is AI the new frontier to advance rain rates and short-term predictions? From Google: Anonymous 6
Hydrology Do RFCs, WFOs, or WPC in the CONUS use the GOES-R QPE product? RFCs produce a QC'd QPE product each day. Anonymous 4
Hydrology Comments? Real time: use radar, MRMS, GOES RR QPR (depending on the environment. ~ The day after the event, use CMORPH. In a climatological sense, use IMERG. Anonymous 3
Hydrology How is the CIRA ALPW product being transitioned to operations? Through NESDIS? Anonymous 3
Hydrology How can the ALPW be fused with GOES-R TPW? Can a fused product be created for an hourly cadence? Anonymous 0
Hydrology But do you know the IMPACTS of the % of normal? Isn't this a very big gap? Alot of forecasters do not understand what 200% of normal means. Anonymous 1
Hydrology Ralph: can you please describe ‘back door' into AWIPS? Sincerely NWS IT ? Anonymous 7
River Ice / Flooding For the users - Given the limitations of optically based flood detection algorithms, what role does SAR data play in flood monitoring for you? Anonymous 2
River Ice / Flooding Is it true that if Alaska were cut in half, Texas would become the THIRD largest state? Anonymous 4
River Ice / Flooding What is the goal with so many hydro runs a day? What requirements were met with the model running so frequently, versus 14 runs a day? Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding NWS WFOs do not have the Flood/Ice products either and they should. Since they are briefing and working with individual emergency managers. Anonymous 5
River Ice / Flooding During a flood event how much coverage will sentinel 1 provide over an area of interest. Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding For Shawn - In NWC use of SAR, do you employ objective flood mapping methods or is it a subjective analysis? Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding LEO GEO together provide situational awareness. If the flood is in a populated area one could use drones or aircraft to take a closer look. Is this done? Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding Do you work with the MRMS FLASH team in your streamflow forecasting? Anonymous 2
River Ice / Flooding How does NOAA coordinate it's GEO activities? My experience is that the engagement of satellite subject matter experts is rather ad hoc.... Anonymous 6
River Ice / Flooding What is the relationship between GEO and CGMS activities in the area of flooding? Anonymous 4
River Ice / Flooding Can the NWC provide NESDIS algorithm producers a consolidated list of AWIPS product requirements? Anonymous 4
River Ice / Flooding Who actually runs the GeoGLOWS streamflow forecast for worldwide users? Who delivers the software? Who runs the software? How is the info distributed Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding How could river flood mapping work and satellite locations of water bodies translate to estimating populations and movements of migratory water fowl and fishes? Anonymous 1
River Ice / Flooding What is the time period for the VIIRS flood map archive? The ABI/AHI archive? Anonymous 1
River Ice / Flooding what is the general process to validate flood inundation mapping from algorithm developers and operational users? Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding Remote attendees: We can hear the presenter fine in the meeting room. The presenter is having to face the screen because the monitor was moved away from her. Anonymous 1
River Ice / Flooding Does the flooding community have a requirement for the goes visible Green imager channel ? Anonymous 1
River Ice / Flooding What is the role of National Water Center in providing IDSS? How do you support RFCs? Anonymous 3
River Ice / Flooding How has the flood mapping and ice flow mapping been verified/calibrated? Anonymous 1
River Ice / Flooding Regarding LEO/GEO flood products, which format do users like the best? JPEG, GeoTIFF, netCDF, HDF, Shapefile? Anonymous 2
River Ice / Flooding CGMS links with WMO VLab which has links to GEO as well. Anonymous 1
River Ice / Flooding Should there be an AWIPS mobile app? Anonymous 2
Atmospheric composition comment to Ed Hyer. Regarding uncertainties, we (aerosol team) plan to discuss this during the splinter meeting. Shobha Kondragunta 0
Atmospheric composition Matt. You should use VIIRS fire info along with CriS. Not MODIS. Anonymous 0
Atmospheric composition Can you use VIIRS to quality control the cloud cleared CrIS to screen out the cloud contaminated CRIS CO product. Anonymous 1
Atmospheric composition Will trace gas averaging kernels be added to NUCAPS netCDF files? Anonymous 1
Atmospheric composition If one retrieval has, for instance, Temperature and CO2 interdependent, can a different source of Temp information improve constraint? Anonymous 1