Keynotes |
How solid is NWS Funding in the next year |
Anonymous |
0 |
Keynotes |
Is this event being recorded / are all the slides going to be made available? |
Scott Lindstrom |
0 |
Keynotes |
How does SPC stay current on satellite developments |
Anonymous |
0 |
Keynotes |
Ellen, you mentioned Health Sector but did not go into details. Can you tell us what products/information and health impacts you are working on. Thanks |
Shobha Kondragunta |
1 |
Keynotes |
Shobha- please email me, and I can share health impacts and info requests. I was unable to take questions (probably went over time!). |
Ellen Mecray |
0 |
Keynotes |
How can NWS dramatically increase the availability and greatly reduce the latency of JPSS data before the next generation of polar satellites ? |
Anonymous |
7 |
Keynotes |
How can GOESR update the algorithms for 16 and 17 more quickly ? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Keynotes |
How is JPSS-2 being readied for launch and what will the JPSS constellation look like if Suomi NPP stays healthy? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Keynotes |
What is the status of having space weather users using data from 16 and 17 ? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Keynotes |
How does NESDIS 'hit the pause button' and truly integrate its satellite program. The current mission plans seemed etched in stone... |
Anonymous |
3 |
Keynotes |
Isn't GOES 15 being turned off on March 2nd? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Keynotes |
How will the Tundra orbit operate if GOES-16 and GOES-17 are still operating? What if one of the operational satellites goes down? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Keynotes |
Many NOAA users would like geostationary ocean color data. We just heard it is being studied, but will we get it anytime soon from GOES? Please?! |
Anonymous |
1 |
Keynotes |
Can JPSS maintain data flow from 3 satellites at once to support NWSFO uses? More obs close in time has its advantages. |
Anonymous |
5 |
Keynotes |
What is the status of adding a synthetic green channel to the GOES R/S Ground system and the ABIs for T and U ? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Keynotes |
Are there any plans to adjust how the NSOF operates to increase the data partnership between the US and its international partners? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Keynotes |
Lots of talk about Earth system “integration,” but we just heard that NAWIPS and AWIPS aren't even compatible with each other! |
Anonymous |
2 |
Keynotes |
Dr. Volz, what is your response to NWS Director's comment that in the satellite arena we (US) have become followers and no longer leading. |
Anonymous |
7 |
Keynotes |
How might we build a better bridge to cross the R2O2S “Valley of Death” |
Steve Goodman |
3 |
Keynotes |
Will it be cost-prohibitive for NOAA staff to access the full period of record (data) in cloud applications used for NOAA's missions (AWIPS, GeoCollaborate |
Anonymous |
2 |
Keynotes |
Users probably don't know today what they will need 10 years from now. How can we develop systems and budget plans that are agile? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Keynotes |
Any thoughts to microwave imagers or sounders for GEO-XO or JPSS next? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Keynotes |
Presentations/discussions were very JPSS/GOES program centric - When will we actually have a formal NESDIS Program to bring in diverse non-NOAA satellite data? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Keynotes |
Chris, from your outside perspective on satellites is there a valuation area we could best direct our efforts? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Keynotes |
How will NESDIS modernize the product suite given the many tough decisions that will have to be made regarding continuity vs. new capabilities? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Keynotes |
A 6 hr assimilation is a global view. Regional models are 1 hr. |
Anonymous |
0 |
Keynotes |
Will NOAA and NASA increase their coordination, like we see with EUMETSAT and ESA, as a form of risk reduction and pathway for new kinds of observations? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Severe Weather |
How does SPC stay current on satellite developments |
Anonymous |
2 |
Severe Weather |
How does the NWS Southern Region communicate with its individual WFOs on satellite issues |
Anonymous |
5 |
Severe Weather |
How many emergency operation centers (EOC) do you connect with and how frequently do you engage EOCs with your webinars for translation of science to operations |
Anonymous |
3 |
Severe Weather |
Michael, do spc forecasters view GLM lightning data? Does it provide them valuable information they aren't already getting from ground based lightning networks? |
Anonymous |
8 |
Severe Weather |
What cloud heights are the typical severe thunderstorms in ND? Are you able to use satellite products to track cloud heights as precursors to severe weather/ |
Anonymous |
0 |
Severe Weather |
What's your sense (good or bad) of interactions/relationships with “commercial” weather product providers? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Severe Weather |
How often would you ideally like to receive nucaps-like profiles? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Severe Weather |
It seemed like the NUCAPS missed the inverted V signal in the sounding. Isn't that important? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Severe Weather |
What are the challenges associated with multi-layer clouds in severe convection forecasting? What are user needs for improvement here? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Severe Weather |
Is there a plan for SPC to transition from NAWIPS to AWIPS? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Severe Weather |
Does SPC do any additional outreach to TV broadcasters? |
Steve Goodman |
4 |
Severe Weather |
Chauncey: does the field have access to the automated adjusted boundary layer version of NUCAPS that was evaluated at the last few HWTs? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Severe Weather |
Are the locations of nucaps parallax corrected if over plotted on a GOES image? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Severe Weather |
Given the successes with NUCAPS Can Chauncey or others comment on the expectations for GEO hyperspectral sounder obs/products for severe storm forecasting? |
Anonymous |
8 |
Severe Weather |
How do the number of NUCAPS Soundings vary with latitude? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Severe Weather |
Are NuCaps Soundings used in Warn on Forecast? |
Steve Goodman |
3 |
Severe Weather |
Multiple satellites close in overpass time is advantageous; NESDIS likes to retire older satellites. How can we ensure that all satellites can support NWSFO? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Severe Weather |
Chauncey - Pls tell us more about what you would like in a GLM product to assist in tracking “lightning jumps” |
Anonymous |
6 |
Severe Weather |
For the automated hazardous storm detection, how is parallax corrected to better place and resolve the ‘surface' features for the end users? |
Sam Shea |
2 |
Severe Weather |
There is not an overshooting top product from GOES-R because forecasters can use their eyes on the VIS/IR imagery. What are forecasters missing without it? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Severe Weather |
NWS is operationalizing ProbSvr- what do you think would add the most value to POD and FAR improvements? |
Steve Goodman |
3 |
Severe Weather |
Are there any statistics on the performance of NUCAPS vs. MiRS soundings? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Severe Weather |
Can you point us to where the answers for these Q&A sessions are archived? (As we remote people have no audio) |
Scott Lindstrom |
4 |
Severe Weather |
Michael, should GOES-R Cloud Top Temperatures be produced for the CONUS domain? |
Anonymous |
0 |
NWP / DA 1 |
What are the biggest hurdles to getting all-sky radiances into operational models? |
Anonymous |
6 |
NWP / DA 1 |
Is there any hope of creating a 4D radiance "shell" for all operational satellites' instruments in the NESDIS, NWS, or NOAA cloud platform ?? |
Anonymous |
2 |
NWP / DA 1 |
When do you expect to assimilate more radiance's over land? |
Anonymous |
2 |
NWP / DA 1 |
In devops environment, algorithms can be updated frequently but it still takes time to validate. Can you be a trusted source and change algorithms-frequently? |
Anonymous |
0 |
NWP / DA 1 |
Is there any publicly available data to tell which satellite data was assimilated across the domain for a given model run? |
Anonymous |
4 |
NWP / DA 1 |
Can anyone comment the future challenges of forward operators (like CRTM) in the perspective of data assimilation? What is the priority that needs to advance. |
Anonymous |
2 |
NWP / DA 1 |
What's your thought of using observation-minus-forecast residuals instead of adjoint approaches as discussed in a 2017 ECMWF paper by Mohamed Dahoui |
Anonymous |
1 |
NWP / DA 1 |
What should satellite DA researchers focus on in order to maximize our satellite obs' utility in the models in the most timely manner possible? |
Anonymous |
0 |
NWP / DA 1 |
For Andrew. Earlier NCEP presentations showed larger CrIS impacts than AIRS. CrIS will be here for next 20 years, so what are you going to do? |
Anonymous |
0 |
NWP / DA 1 |
HRRR: are there plans to output simulated imagery from ABI bands? Currently is only previous imager bands IR and wv. |
Anonymous |
2 |
NWP / DA 2 |
Why is data assimilation important to you? |
Bill Sjoberg |
0 |
NWP / DA 2 |
How can info from parameter assimilation be fed back into constraint of variables that covary with, but not included in, the variables in the forward operator? |
Anonymous |
0 |
NWP / DA 2 |
There is an observational gap with vertical profile of smoke. How can we provide forecasters confidence the profile of smoke from the HRRR is representative? |
Anonymous |
0 |
NWP / DA 2 |
What do DA scientists want to see from NESDIS to make better use of geophysical parameters for DA? Is there any body that coordinates this communication? |
Anonymous |
7 |
NWP / DA 2 |
Are there plans to assimilate any goes 17 level 2 products? If so, is there enough meta data on the quality? Eg detector temperatures, flags, etc. |
Anonymous |
4 |
NWP / DA 2 |
Would there be uses for 1 min fire level 2 products, such as fire radiative power? |
Anonymous |
2 |
NWP / DA 2 |
Question for Jim Yoe: What is being done (in those areas you identified that keep you up at night) that would help you get more sleep? |
Anonymous |
4 |
NWP / DA 2 |
Might you consider assimilating derived GOES products like snow or aerosols? This might be more straight forward than via RGB imagery. |
Anonymous |
1 |
NWP / DA 2 |
I've noticed several presentations where data from NOAA-20 is not being ingested, yet S-NPP is being ingested. How can the JPSS program help? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Land |
Helin, one of your slides showed a list of parameters and data source. GVF did not have a data source. Please clarify. |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Helin, have you considered using the NOAA CMORPH precipitation product? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Land |
Question for Helin: good to see the land remote sensing data is used in NCEP modeling. Any plan to use VIIRS Land Surface products |
Anonymous |
4 |
Land |
Where do users find in-land lake temperatures? From the land side or the sea surface side? By in-land lakes I mean smaller than the Great Lakes. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Land |
Helin. Your quad chart says there are issues. Funding requiring management attention. However your schedule has no risk Green. Please explain |
Anonymous |
1 |
Land |
The Australia example is from 2010 before VIIRS. Do you have examples using high resolution VIIRS VH from more recent years |
Anonymous |
2 |
Land |
The STAR website with VHI is awesome ( ) Thank you for showing it! |
Anonymous |
1 |
Land |
Why aren't more land products available via geo tiff to GIS users? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Land |
It may also be worth exploring Chlorophyll fluorescence (MODIS) as another metric that is tied to vegetation health. Future NOAA LEO sat observation? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Where do you see the role of SAR in monitoring land data products? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Land |
Christa: describe the pathway of NASA research to NOAA operations for land modeling. Are there obstacles? What needs to be done? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Land |
How often would you like snow cover estimates for regional model assimilations? What spatial resolutions? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Land |
Surfaces change at timescales faster than hourly. Any plans to exploit GOES-R's temporal abilities for sfc properties like temperature? Every 5 minutes? |
Anonymous |
7 |
Land |
All: What is the biggest need in land data that remote sensing may fill? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Land |
What improvements are needed in soil moisture satellite products? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Land |
Jerry- would it be appropriate to consider overlaying the soil moisture high res data with the US Drought Monitor in situ soil moisture sites to ground-truth? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Felix: do you see improvements in VH from the spectrally narrower sensors, compared to the AVHRR data? e.g. less moisture contamination. |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Jerry - any comparisons have been done between VIIRS ST/SMOPS and independent products such as the ESA CCI LC and SM? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Felix: do you know have any examples of the benefits of half km data for VH? Maybe using higher res data. |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Felix, are you able to capture the factor causing crop damage? Right now much of Africa is facing a locust invasion and they are wreaking havoc to vegetation? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Land |
Felix, part II, can the vegetation damage (caused by locusts) show up in your product? If so, how is it characterized? Drought? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Land |
Any chance for higher resolution (half km) land surface type product? Perhaps using VIIRS SNPP + NOAA-20 + Sentinel-3A+B? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Land |
Is there a pathway to address user requirements outside of NASA or NOAA or DoD to drive future satellite systems? For example, Economic benefit drivers? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Land |
BTW -- the 5-minute temperature question was for the CONUS domain which is routinely 5-minute. And I'd like to see Land Surface Temperature at 5-min cadence |
Anonymous |
0 |
Imagery |
Is there any user push for more GEO/LEO product fusion? |
Anonymous |
10 |
Imagery |
Does Alaska routinely track, monitor, or forecast polar lows? What products are used to estimated surface wind speeds and impacts? Need for this capability? |
John Knaff |
6 |
Imagery |
Melissa- NOAA GEO-XO architecture is looking at Tundra Highly Elliptical Orbit. How might that improve your river flooding, fire mapping, clouds in Alaska? |
Steve Goodman |
6 |
Imagery |
Is there any resolution conversion tools for GOES-R imagery products? To convert GOES-R projection to other standard projections? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Imagery |
Does the default 1-minute meso domain help better articulate the regions of blowing snow? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Imagery |
And how about Geo-XO Tundra with DNB? |
Steve Goodman |
2 |
Imagery |
How much of the data used in your office is coming via the Direct Broadcast antenna at GINA? |
Anonymous |
8 |
Imagery |
Is there added value by combining images and quantitative estimates from EDR products? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
ARe new hires required to take the goes r online training? If not, why not, given that it used to to required for all, just before launch. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
Steve why doesn't Sterling take more experienced staff from other offices rather than new employees? Isn't your work-load high enough? What about COMET ? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
I'm always up for reading new blogs -- Steve can you share the url for it? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Imagery |
Regarding training for new hires, would Sterling office be receptive to training tutorials (webinars) on a regular basis through PGRR initiatives? |
Shobha Kondragunta |
1 |
Imagery |
Would users be interested in parallax corrected cloud positions, despite the possibilities of data voids and holes? |
Anonymous |
12 |
Imagery |
Steve, Melissa: How many GOES or JPSS products do you use when briefing your core partners? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Imagery |
Training- forecasters use RGBs extensively but quantitative products not so much. At 2019 SATAPPS workshop we were told You need training- way forward? |
Steve Goodman |
1 |
Imagery |
Steve - how easily can these enhancements get to NWS field offices (not going through the AWIPS program office and waiting 3 years). Is there heavy processing? |
Sam Shea |
10 |
Imagery |
Steven how often do you see WFOs making their own color tables in AWIPS? Does this require remote sensing training or do they go with their ‘instincts'? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Imagery |
Is there an operational need for the capability you showed with optical flow? Is this information deceptive if it isn't capturing convective initiation timing? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Imagery |
Why don't we agree that multivariate satellite imagery is the way to move forward in the future? RGBs are great, but we have the tech to make them better. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
Steven are any of these enhancements automated or all by hand? Such as night lights enhancements, aerosol enhancements etc. |
Anonymous |
3 |
Imagery |
Users: what mode of training have you found to be most effective? Blogs, live webinars, recorded training, in person, etc |
Anonymous |
11 |
Imagery |
Is there any evidence that RGBs actually save forecasters time? Not to argue there is no value but many RGB color schemes are not intuitive. |
Anonymous |
3 |
Imagery |
GOES-16/17 Total Precip Water is great, but what research shows is TPW layers are better for heavy precip monitoring. Why doesn't NESDIS send these to NWS? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Imagery |
Can anyone comment on the implantation of other successful blended products into wfo operations such as FLS (prob flight cats) or an operational blended SST? |
Dave Radell |
6 |
Imagery |
Is run by NOAA? The CIs? What is the background of that domain name? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
The only way to have forecasters use JPSS imagery is to get it in their hands. NWS forecasters get DNB and NCC, that's it. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
Don Hillger why did you use blue for ‘warming' when you showed Katabatic winds in Antarctica? Why not a warm color like orange/reddish? Does STAR work with user |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
Love SLIDR, but am hoping to see its caching behavior on zooming improve. Prospects for this being done? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
Will NWS forecasters get the VIIRS cloud/snow discriminator RGB into AWIPS any time soon? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Imagery |
Who do we consider ‘Users' here? Is this definition consistent with NESDIS vision? Seems only users are NWS...? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Imagery |
What can we do to educate folks about the need for a GOES visible green channel ? Is management and leadership training needed ? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Smoke / Fire |
Any thoughts on the potential development of a unified GEO+LEO fire application that includes alerting and fire tracking (for auto time series generation)? |
Anonymous |
7 |
Smoke / Fire |
What are prospects for getting vertical resolution of smoke concentrations? Can smoke from fire obscure satellite information, e.g., for Fire Radiative Power? |
Mark Cohen, ARL |
6 |
Smoke / Fire |
Robyn are your challenges to get data to forecasters in the field and/or information to the actual firefighters? What would you like to deliver to the line? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Smoke / Fire |
How significant would the impact on NWSFO operations be if AWIPS was no longer used for data visualization? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Smoke / Fire |
What are prospects for fire smoke plume 3-D visualization products, say, for first 50 km of plume? |
Mark Cohen, ARL |
3 |
Smoke / Fire |
In a few years Europe will have a 1 km operational 4 um band from GEO. Do you support this on the next generation GEO imager? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Smoke / Fire |
How close is the operational FDC algorithm to the WF-ABBA algorithm currently being run at Wisconsin? |
Michael J. Garay |
5 |
Smoke / Fire |
How many things can AWIPS do when more keeps getting stuffed into a limited compute environment? Is this why it is occasionally slow? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Smoke / Fire |
Surprised the HRRR Smoke Team isn't using GOES detections. Why is that? GOES-16/17 has FRP too. |
Anonymous |
6 |
Smoke / Fire |
When will the VIIRS baseline fire products be transitioned from 750-m to 375-m? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Smoke / Fire |
Why isn't the GOES-R fire product run on the Mesoscale Domain Sectors? This is a significant limitation of the GOES-R product. |
Anonymous |
6 |
Smoke / Fire |
What wavelengths and resolutions do you advocate for GEO-XO to improve fire detection in the 2030s and beyond? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Smoke / Fire |
For the NWS USFS MOU: Does NWS participate in the Tactical Fire Remote Sensing Advisory Committee meetings to identify innovation to put to work? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Smoke / Fire |
Chad, What spatial resolution of the 3.9 um band would provide forecasters with a precision for hot spot detections that is good enough for NWS partners? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Smoke / Fire |
how are people using Smoke forecasts? What kind of lead time, spatial resolution, accuracy do they need? |
Alice Crawford |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
What's the difference between CoastWatch and NOWcoast? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Oceans / Coastal |
What spectral bands do you want to see for coastal/ocean applications on the next gen (GOES-XO) Imager? Would that be different for a Tundra/Arctic mission? |
Mat Gunshor |
6 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Comment: great news about the VIIRS 375 M FRP. The VIIRS 375 M fire product is now available from direct readout using CSPP |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
How long chlorophyll anomaly data is available? How to access that data? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
When do STAR products become operational? How do you determine which products go operational and who are your main users? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Oceans / Coastal |
What does the amount of plankton tell you about the biodiversity in that part of the oceans? Is it linear... Does more plankton translate to a stronger fishery? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Is the VIIRS DNB still actively used to combat illegal fishing? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Oceans / Coastal |
What advantages does Korea's GEO KOMPSAT 2B provide for ocean and coastal products? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Mike Ford -- the VIIRS Day/Night Band (DNB) has unique capabilities to detect boat lights. Are you leveraging the DNB for surveillance support? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Oceans / Coastal |
What operational benefits would having marine vessel positioning in AWIPS provide for IDSS? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Is there a location to identify and track HABs along cost daily? CoastWatch? NOWcoast? ERMA? NWS? NESDIS STAR? So many NOAA data portals..which is authoritative |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
The speaker voice is fading in and out - can it be improved? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
For Harmful Algal Blooms, what mixture of spatial/spectral/temporal would be optimal? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Remote attendees: We can hear the speaker fine in the room. She has the mic on her shirt. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Shelly. Explain the VIIRS shortfall again. You are using it to identify new blooms and you show other examples like C-HARM. Explain what it cannot do. |
Anonymous |
0 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Is there an authoritative source for HABs along Florida coast? Forecasts? Tracking? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Are you aware JAXA uses AI to train AHI to GCOM-C SGLI? The results are encouraging. May want to consider to test concept with ABI |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Does the Ocean Prediction Center apply SAR wind speeds into their forecasts? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Joe S., does OPC/WPC have access or use SMAP, SMOS or AMSR2 winds? Are those helpful? Have you had time to evaluate? |
John Knaff |
2 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Oceanography & meteorology over oceans are often treated with separate development. How can satellite observations of air/sea interactions be more holististic? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Is ocean modeling 20 years behind atmospheric modeling? 10 years? 30 years? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
If SAR winds (like SARsat 1 and 2 and Sentinel) were in AWIPS would that improve the wind detection to go along with ASCAT? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Joe S, Does OPC or WPC have a historical database of Extra tropical cyclones with hurricane force winds that developers may use for product development? |
John Knaff |
0 |
Oceans / Coastal |
At one point there were plans for GOESR current product, what is priority for working that |
Anonymous |
1 |
Oceans / Coastal |
What spectral bands do you want to see for coastal/ocean applications on the next gen (GOES-XO) Imager? Would that be different for a Tundra/Arctic mission? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Oceans / Coastal |
Are all NOAA data portals authoritative trusted sources? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
To operational users: What satellite capability is most needed in your operations that does not exist or exists but is less than optimal? |
Anonymous |
8 |
Tropical Weather |
To operational users: What aspects of your operational requirements are the most difficult or least certain? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
To operational users: What is missing in the current satellite capabilities that could be addressed by the next generation geostationary satellite suite? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Tropical Weather |
Developers: What can do with existing satellite obs in the next 3 yrs that would significantly help with the weather forecasting and monitoring in the Tropics? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Tropical Weather |
Developers: What are your biggest obstacles to developing new capabilities or improving older ones? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Tropical Weather |
What are the most challenging aspects you find for transitioning a new product into operations? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
What are some effective ways to get forecasters to use a new product in operations? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Tropical Weather |
Are there enough opportunities for communication between developers and users? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Tropical Weather |
Improving TC intensity forecasts continues to be a high priority - do you think we are utilizing enough of the satellite observations to tackle this problem? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
What is the most glaring gap in tropical cyclone satellite observing? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Is there any expertise or training needed to better use current products? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Tropical Weather |
CIMSS's R2O path makes products on the web, solicits feedback, iterates, then streams products to users. Is this working, or is a more direct approach better? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Tropical Weather |
Assuming that AI-based apps can work with limitless data and create probabilistic predictions. What would you want these apps to address? What is the simplest? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Monica, why is CLASS insufficient for creating a training dataset? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Tropical Weather |
How much interaction do you have with AWIPS developers who might take your sampling improvements and implement them generally (for example) |
Anonymous |
0 |
Tropical Weather |
Why is it important to the forecaster which satellite makes the ob? In a fused product (e.g., SST briefed yesterday) it's not necessary if data is good quality. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Monica - how do you feel the use of AMSR-2 is doing at NHC? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Could NHC and TAFB use high resolution (500m res) SAR winds and wave spectra during TS events, even if the latency is 3-6 hour? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Monica: You mentioned we can't just provide a NetCDF4 file for use. Is there a template or specific example of the header requirements available somewhere? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Tropical Weather |
Stephanie: How easy is it for tropical forecasters to develop their own RGBs -- rather than having a new RGB thrust upon them. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Tropical Weather |
No need to force use of RGB or channel just because they are there. What specific forecast challenges need to be addressed? Then we can easily id relevant tool. |
Anonymous |
6 |
Tropical Weather |
Can we decide if it's AMVs or DMWs please. It's confusing to the forecaster. |
Anonymous |
6 |
Tropical Weather |
Are there plans to add the ATCF into AWIPS? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Tropical Weather |
Josh, can you speak to JTWCs plans for AWIPS 2 in their operations? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Who should be responsible for making imagery and products available in AWIPS? (Data formats, visualization, delivery methods, etc.) |
Anonymous |
6 |
Tropical Weather |
How much cross-pollination is there between GeoIPS and Satpy developers in GitHub world? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Does JTWC have plans to use GLM- can help with storm structure and micrphysics, updraft strength as NWS noted. |
Steve Goodman |
0 |
Tropical Weather |
I reviewed tropical/marine demonstration reports on and noticed few final reports, and none since 2016. Are those missing or never conducted/written? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Tropical Weather |
Please clarify the relationship between GeoIPS and AWIPS, particularly the compatibility between products developed for one platform or the other. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Tropical Weather |
Monica/Stephanie: Are the NHC forecasters willing to embrace an AI-driven tropical cyclone intensity estimate? |
Anonymous |
7 |
Tropical Weather |
Tony: what metrics will the AI competition use to determine success? |
Kyle Hilburn |
0 |
Tropical Weather |
Wimmers- SSEC funding 2022; R2O Valley of Death, does this include funding the whole end-to-end SPSRB operational implementation To ensure a transition to ops? |
Steve Goodman |
0 |
Tropical Weather |
John, Thanks for your refreshing frankness. What else does NOAA do with observations and research that some could consider as “dumb”? |
Anonymous |
8 |
Tropical Weather |
Should NOAA resort to more competitions on sites like Kaggle to encourage a more generalized approach to solving tropical and other weather forecast challenges? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Tropical Weather |
When will ADT be running in Ops at NESDIS? Where will it be running and how will data be distributed? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Tropical Weather |
Why can't OSPO be the trusted source for NOAA satellite data?? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Tropical Weather |
Can you speak more to the feasibility of using AI techniques to help detect atmospheric turbulence, especially during periods of GOES-17 ABI data degradation? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Clouds & Winds |
GOES-16/17 operational cloud products are still provided at reduced spatial resolution. Is there a desire for products at the highest spatial resolution? |
Anonymous |
10 |
Clouds & Winds |
So: AMVs it is! |
Anonymous |
6 |
Clouds & Winds |
ESRL uses some of the NASA Langley products. Are there features of those products that NESDIS should adopt? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Clouds & Winds |
Are there any specific plans to do more assimilation testing with goes-16/17 winds in regional forecast system (HRRR, etc)? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Clouds & Winds |
NESDIS cloud products generally provide uncertainties. Do users find these beneficial? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Clouds & Winds |
Ignoring cost, where should NOAA be targeting new cloud and wind observations for operations (e.g. Wind lidar, ice cloud imaging > 200 GHz, low frequency mw) |
Anonymous |
10 |
Clouds & Winds |
Any thoughts on the impact of increasing the vertical resolution of regional models (e.g. HRRR) on assimilating clouds and storms? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Clouds & Winds |
Steve, why not using GOES-16 channel 2 (vis) DMWs? Any plans to use/test those in RAP/HRRR? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Clouds & Winds |
Question for Andrew collard: what is the best way for satellite developers to coordinate with NWP assimilation developers at NCEP? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Clouds & Winds |
Andrew. With respect to GEO ring clear sky radiance how do you treat overlapping satellite coverage. GOES 16 vs MSG as an example. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Clouds & Winds |
Low level AMVs have been "blacklisted" in ECMWF due to poor height assignment. Are low level AMVs currently assimilated by NOAA? |
Michael J. Garay |
6 |
Clouds & Winds |
Is there a need for an automated hourly objective analyses based on ASCAT, AMVs, SHIPS, Buoys (at the surface) and at ~250 hPa based on AMV, Aircraft, & raobs? |
John Knaff |
6 |
Clouds & Winds |
ADM Aeolus provides line of sight (LOS) winds. Is it an easy matter to assimilate these, or do you require typical u-v winds (and uncertainties)? |
Michael J. Garay |
1 |
Clouds & Winds |
Are satellite derived winds are used by the Rtma/urma for the wind analysis over the oceanic areas? |
Dave Radell |
9 |
Clouds & Winds |
For Mike: What OPC products do you deliver to the mariner out at sea to improve safety and marine transportation IDSS? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Clouds & Winds |
CIRA - How difficult would it be to have some west coast cross sections added? I could see these potentially adding value for coastal aviation forecasts. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Clouds & Winds |
Are there any plans to work with GK2A winds? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Clouds & Winds |
Jaime, what is the accuracy of G16/17 stereo cloud heights compared to the standard product? |
Steve Goodman |
2 |
Clouds & Winds |
Jaime: Plans to generate enhanced vortex scale AMVs in real-time and deliver to NWS offices? Perhaps running constantly in meso sectors? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Clouds & Winds |
Should we be providing winds to forecasters in only vector format or also in a gridded or analysis form as a basis for shear products (magnitude contoured)? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Clouds & Winds |
Where is the best site (ie. non-PDA, non-SBN delivery) to obtain digital real-time winds and cloud products? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Clouds & Winds |
What is it going to take to get to an hourly 3D cloud product (all sensors combined)? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Clouds & Winds |
Do you have anyone focusing on satellite applications for users outside of NOAA perhaps looking at economic drivers or is NWS the big customer? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Clouds & Winds |
Are there any satellite based wind profile data out there? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Aviation |
How does NWS aviation support to FAA impact smaller aircraft authorizations to fly? Such as the recent Kobe Bryant accident in CA with low clouds/marine layer? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Aviation |
How does the FAA envision closer ties with the research community? What interactions are needed to better integrate? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Aviation |
Are there some warnings that are so short-term that they can only work by viewing them directly in the cockpit? Are there any efforts underway to enable this? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Aviation |
There is a lot of good JPSS capabilities available to mention in the Aviation Weather Center |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
Does the Graphical Forecasts for Aviation use only model clouds? Do they envision using new cloud capabilities being developed for ABI/JPSS (e.g. cloud base)? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
What are the units on the SO2 graph? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Aviation |
With all the monitoring currently in place, how many volcanic eruptions have been missed in the past year that were detected by humans? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
I've seen the GOES-R Fog and Low Stratus product referenced multiple times. When will this be available for GOES-17? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
Can you speak more to the feasibility of using AI techniques to help detect atmospheric turbulence, especially during periods of GOES-17 ABI data degradation? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
Mike P, regarding increasing environmental data, is NOAA capable of developing tools to efficiently take advantage of it all? What changes must be made? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
Given that you also cater to user communities outside the NWS, how do you adapt your training needs to help them understand your products? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Aviation |
I recall Weather in the cockpit projects back in 1989-1991. What's taking so long? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Aviation |
Could 'weather in the cockpit' be NOAA's Moon Shot? NOAA leadership is looking for something to hold up high. |
Anonymous |
3 |
Aviation |
Any comments on: AI will only be as good as the humans that help program or direct the interrogation algorithms. Diversity of experts in the process helps. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Aviation |
What is the place if all this research within an international framework? Do you see the US as a leader in this area? |
Alice Crawford |
2 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
Are there plans to assimilate trace gas products (non ozone) such as NO2 in regional and global models? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
What tailored aerosol products are needed (e.g., smoke AOD, dust AOD, gridded AOD etc.) and for what applications? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
Regarding communication between users and developers, how can the process be improved? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
What is the DA community consensus on data thinning? if data are thinned, what is the need for developers to provide pixel level data for assimilation? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
A lot of the aerosol detection is daytime only. What are the plans for night-time detection of, say, smoke plumes? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
How well does GEFS perform against persistence? |
Michael J. Garay |
1 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
When NOAA updates their algorithm (e.g., ABI AOD), do they reprocess the existing data, or just forward process? |
Michael J. Garay |
3 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
How do we translate this aerosol work to estimating visibility in smoke and areas of blowing snow or sea spray? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Air Quality / Aerosols |
Asian dust storms exacerbated the spread of the avian flu. What can we learn from aerosols about the source and spread of certain infectious diseases? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What, if anything, can be done to improve cloud mask and snow mask input to cryosphere product algorithms? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Are any snow or ice products currently assimilated in NWP or other models? Which are used for model verification? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What snow and ice products will be needed in NWP models in the next 5-10 years, as model resolution increases and model physics become more complex? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Is NESDIS open to developing and operationalizing multi-sensor products with NOAA and non-NOAA satellites, such as VIIRS and ICESat-2? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What is the best satellite product resolution for ice operations? Is there such a thing as too high of a resolution? What about temporal frequency? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What hampers a broader use of VIIRS cryosphere products in user applications? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Do users need gridded global products or are granule-based products satisfactory? What would be the optimal grid cell size, projection for the gridded product? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
How do users cope with cloud-caused gaps in coverage? To what extent do these gaps limit/complicate the use of VIIRS and ABI products? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Would users be interested in a multi-day clear-sky composite product? What is an acceptable lag (period of compositing)? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Mike, what satellite products could be used for surface freezing degree days? Have you thought about NUCAPS for that? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
How much coordination between the two first speakers wrt to ice analyses over AK? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
How far polar-ward do you use ABI data? Do you do ice motion products? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Is there anything NESDIS can do to help getting GOES-West data into operations at the National Ice Center? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Does the NIC have a requirement for a GOES Visible Green Imager channel ? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
If SAR data are important -- when can they be expected in AWIPS in forecast offices? |
Anonymous |
9 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Users: What NESDIS snow and ice products are you currently using? If you're not using NESDIS snow/ice products, why not? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Will Radarsat-2 data ever be free? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
How are the quantitative products being used in addition to imagery? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Where can we access the most accurate snow cover data from NOAA. Looking for a consistent product in GIS format. |
Anonymous |
3 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What is the use of the SWE products in hydrological models/applications at NOAA? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Many ice products seem to want buoys for some sort of validation, but there are never enough. Who/what is the best bet for dropping more buoys into the Arctic? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
The NOAT recommended several GOES-R ice products as part of a “Pick 5” several years ago. What is that status of implementing those on the ground system? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What kind of training is available for SAR data? You can't just give them the data and expect them to know how to use it. |
Anonymous |
3 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Are GOES mesoscale sectors used by the snow/ice community ? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
What ice products are available from JPSS VIIRS for small rivers (less than 200m resolution)?? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Arctic / Cryosphere |
Are you particular as to the type of users? Science vs. applications? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Hydrology |
For the users - Given the limitations of optically based flood detection algorithms, what role does SAR data play in flood monitoring for you? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Hydrology |
Does the footprint of the DB Antenna in Fairbanks extend far enough south to give Juneau good coverage? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Hydrology |
Why does WPC do not cover Alaska for atmospheric rivers in their discussions? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Hydrology |
How important are satellite-only products for analysis and forecasting? Is the model quality comparable to the satellite products? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Hydrology |
To users: For what products does the model do best / worst? Does the answer depend on whether over CONUS or over the open ocean? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Hydrology |
People keep talking about CMORPH2 Precipitation. I can never find it online. Does a website exist with realtime data? |
Anonymous |
12 |
Hydrology |
Why are there several products for same climate variables? Is there a way to combine all products and give one best product to user? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Hydrology |
What is more important to users: the quantitative value of a parameter or its deviation from normal? For example, TPW or % TPW of normal? |
Anonymous |
11 |
Hydrology |
How is the malfunction of the G17 ABI LHP impacting rainfall rate estimates? |
Anonymous |
8 |
Hydrology |
For users- What's the path forward to making reprocessed data sets available,particularly for climate applications?Currently, there's no unified way to do this. |
Anonymous |
2 |
Hydrology |
What's the path forward to making reprocessed data sets available, particularly for climate applications? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Hydrology |
Re: Parallax shifts of G17 precip. Is there a way to ship both parallax shifted and non? (I ask wondering about overlaying estimates on top of ABI imagery) |
Anonymous |
7 |
Hydrology |
How important are rainfall estimates over the ocean, away from islands/land? If it rains and no one sees it, did it really rain? How do you verify over ocean? |
Anonymous |
7 |
Hydrology |
What is the interest in generating uncertainty products esp. for precipitation? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Hydrology |
Andrew, what *unique* +useful information does NUCAPS provide forecasters at WPC? |
Anonymous |
5 |
Hydrology |
Can you integrate GPM (when available) with GOES-R ABI to produce and/or Validate/Verify GOES-R only rain rate product? |
Anonymous |
4 |
Hydrology |
Does the new GOES rainrate improve the over estimate from cirrus clouds and under estimate for the low(warm) clouds that produce rain? |
Anonymous |
6 |
Hydrology |
To Dev/Users: Any practical tips on engaging field forecasters and other users given the demands on their time and the overload of information / products? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Hydrology |
Is AI the new frontier to advance rain rates and short-term predictions? From Google: |
Anonymous |
6 |
Hydrology |
Do RFCs, WFOs, or WPC in the CONUS use the GOES-R QPE product? RFCs produce a QC'd QPE product each day. |
Anonymous |
4 |
Hydrology |
Comments? Real time: use radar, MRMS, GOES RR QPR (depending on the environment. ~ The day after the event, use CMORPH. In a climatological sense, use IMERG. |
Anonymous |
3 |
Hydrology |
How is the CIRA ALPW product being transitioned to operations? Through NESDIS? |
Anonymous |
3 |
Hydrology |
How can the ALPW be fused with GOES-R TPW? Can a fused product be created for an hourly cadence? |
Anonymous |
0 |
Hydrology |
But do you know the IMPACTS of the % of normal? Isn't this a very big gap? Alot of forecasters do not understand what 200% of normal means. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Hydrology |
Ralph: can you please describe ‘back door' into AWIPS? Sincerely NWS IT ? |
Anonymous |
7 |
River Ice / Flooding |
For the users - Given the limitations of optically based flood detection algorithms, what role does SAR data play in flood monitoring for you? |
Anonymous |
2 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Is it true that if Alaska were cut in half, Texas would become the THIRD largest state? |
Anonymous |
4 |
River Ice / Flooding |
What is the goal with so many hydro runs a day? What requirements were met with the model running so frequently, versus 14 runs a day? |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
NWS WFOs do not have the Flood/Ice products either and they should. Since they are briefing and working with individual emergency managers. |
Anonymous |
5 |
River Ice / Flooding |
During a flood event how much coverage will sentinel 1 provide over an area of interest. |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
For Shawn - In NWC use of SAR, do you employ objective flood mapping methods or is it a subjective analysis? |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
LEO GEO together provide situational awareness. If the flood is in a populated area one could use drones or aircraft to take a closer look. Is this done? |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Do you work with the MRMS FLASH team in your streamflow forecasting? |
Anonymous |
2 |
River Ice / Flooding |
How does NOAA coordinate it's GEO activities? My experience is that the engagement of satellite subject matter experts is rather ad hoc.... |
Anonymous |
6 |
River Ice / Flooding |
What is the relationship between GEO and CGMS activities in the area of flooding? |
Anonymous |
4 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Can the NWC provide NESDIS algorithm producers a consolidated list of AWIPS product requirements? |
Anonymous |
4 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Who actually runs the GeoGLOWS streamflow forecast for worldwide users? Who delivers the software? Who runs the software? How is the info distributed |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
How could river flood mapping work and satellite locations of water bodies translate to estimating populations and movements of migratory water fowl and fishes? |
Anonymous |
1 |
River Ice / Flooding |
What is the time period for the VIIRS flood map archive? The ABI/AHI archive? |
Anonymous |
1 |
River Ice / Flooding |
what is the general process to validate flood inundation mapping from algorithm developers and operational users? |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Remote attendees: We can hear the presenter fine in the meeting room. The presenter is having to face the screen because the monitor was moved away from her. |
Anonymous |
1 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Does the flooding community have a requirement for the goes visible Green imager channel ? |
Anonymous |
1 |
River Ice / Flooding |
What is the role of National Water Center in providing IDSS? How do you support RFCs? |
Anonymous |
3 |
River Ice / Flooding |
How has the flood mapping and ice flow mapping been verified/calibrated? |
Anonymous |
1 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Regarding LEO/GEO flood products, which format do users like the best? JPEG, GeoTIFF, netCDF, HDF, Shapefile? |
Anonymous |
2 |
River Ice / Flooding |
CGMS links with WMO VLab which has links to GEO as well. |
Anonymous |
1 |
River Ice / Flooding |
Should there be an AWIPS mobile app? |
Anonymous |
2 |
Atmospheric composition |
comment to Ed Hyer. Regarding uncertainties, we (aerosol team) plan to discuss this during the splinter meeting. |
Shobha Kondragunta |
0 |
Atmospheric composition |
Matt. You should use VIIRS fire info along with CriS. Not MODIS. |
Anonymous |
0 |
Atmospheric composition |
Can you use VIIRS to quality control the cloud cleared CrIS to screen out the cloud contaminated CRIS CO product. |
Anonymous |
1 |
Atmospheric composition |
Will trace gas averaging kernels be added to NUCAPS netCDF files? |
Anonymous |
1 |
Atmospheric composition |
If one retrieval has, for instance, Temperature and CO2 interdependent, can a different source of Temp information improve constraint? |
Anonymous |
1 |