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SOCD Team Releases OceanView 1.0

Screen Capture - Ocean View 1.0
OceanView provides a graphical tour for user onboarding by clicking on the chalkboard teacher blue icon. Click image to enlarge.

19 May 2021 - OceanView 1.0 (OV) is a web-based visualization application delivering integrated display of remote sensing, in situ, and model output data over oceans, coastal waterways, and inland bodies of water. Today's release is the culmination of nearly two years of work, starting from vision to design, development, and implementation. OceanView's release follows a rigorous development and beta testing period beginning this past winter. 

OV's objective is to assist the satellite remote sensing community, oceanographers, researchers, ocean enthusiasts, students, and the general public in understanding these diverse water bodies in space and over time, both from a synoptic and an event-scale perspective. The OV incorporates data and products from NOAA and non-NOAA sources, spanning satellites, airborne and field platforms, and environmental modeling output.

"OV delivers an impressive array of remote sensing observations and data products combined with model output, in situ data, and the ability to track events and phenomena over the oceans in near real-time. We think OV will help both researchers and institutional stakeholders to examine and understand these data via a single integrated platform."

Paul DiGiacomo, Chief, Satellite Oceanography & Climatology Divison at STAR

OceanView will contribute to international earth observing activities, including the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Coastal Observations, Applications, Services and Tools (COAST) Ad Hoc Team, as well as the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet and AquaWatch initiatives. These efforts are directed to the U.N. Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. A special thanks to all who provided us with their valuable time and feedback.

Developed by:

Prasanjit Dash (CIRA Research Scientist III), Paul DiGiacomo (Chief, NOAA/STAR/SOCD)

Looking Ahead:

The Ocean View system development will continue post release, with future planned enhancements that will incorporate additional data
sources, features, and technologies.

Future Data Enhancements include:
Operation Icebridge Digital Mapping System polar images; Marine Heatwave products; Real Time Ocean Forecast Systems surface parameters, and additional data products.
Future Functionality Enhancements:
Animation, data download, tracking of more event types, and an alert system.
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