Oceans are mysterious, beautiful and complex. While understanding the oceans is rewarding, the process itself is challenging. We may never fully decode the DNA of the ocean systems, but by using data from many sources, such as satellite sensors, in situ instruments and model outputs, and of many geophysical parameters, such as temperature, color, wind, height and salinity, we have incrementally and tremendoulsy improved upon our past understading.
The ultimate race of the human intelligence and exploration is to breakout of the limitations by pushing the frontiers of our knowledge – the understanding of the nature: the oceans, the atmosphere, and interaction of everything living and non-living contained within. There is no one foreseeable final frontier – each frontier will open gates to another frontier. One of the major support tools in this race is improved visualization of the information available to us through scientific and technical breakthroughs.
The Ocean Viewer (OV) is a step towards comprehensive visualization of multiple ocean products available from the Satellite Oceanography and Climate Division (SOCD) of NOAA STAR.
This is work in progress and we value your feedback. 25-Apr-2023.
Disclaimer: Data and images displayed on STAR sites are provided for experimental use only. Click for more information. Origin: NOAA STAR, Satellite Oceanography and Climate Division, 2020-
Disclaimer: Data and images displayed on STAR sites are provided for experimental use only. Click for more information. Origin: NOAA STAR, Satellite Oceanography and Climate Division, 2019- .
OceanView (OV) v1.2: an SOCD initiative
Search Events by Category & Name
Polar flight and satellite data
Experimental and preliminary
search Arctic
search Antarctic
Flight-Satellite MatchUp Placeholder
Track flying and sailing man-made objects
Ship Track Placeholder
Saildrone Track Placeholder
Overlay local data (experimental)
Date-specific ocean data & events