Prasanjit DashSatellite Oceanography & Climatology DivisionCIRA Research Scientist IIIPublicationsTo view Dr. Dash's publications, visit:
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Since 2006, he has been with NOAA / NESDIS. He is affiliated with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) of Colorado State University (CIRA CSU). Prasanjit received a PhD in Physics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Meteorological Satellite Applications (MSA) Group, in 2004 and an MBA from Colorado State University, College of Business in 2017. In the spirit of NOAA-EUMETSAT trans-Atlantic collaboration, Prasanjit temporarily worked at the Remote Sensing and Products Division, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany between mid-2016 and end-2017, as a Copernicus Sentinel-3 SST Scientist while remaining affiliated with CSU CIRA and rejoined NOAA/CSU in Jan 2018. A few notable contributions include development and expansion of:
Prasanjit is an author of several high-impact peer-reviewed publications. He earned the CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award in 2021 and 2011. In 2002, he was awarded the "Best Scientific Letter Award" by Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Society of the UK and Taylor Francis Publishers, International Journal of Remote Sensing. Interests: Satellite infrared radiometry, radiative transfer modeling in terrestrial infrared, routine and synergistic study of multiple ocean parameters, modern visualization with web-GIS applications, inverse algorithms, and cloud detection. E-mail: |