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Post-tropical Cyclone Lee at 48.0°N - 62.0°W

Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada

Last observation: 17 Sep 2023 - 22:50 UTC

« 2023 Storms »

5 Sep 2023 - 17 Sep 2023

Approximately 1200 miles from the U.S. east coast

Storm images and information

NHC Storm Description:

17 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...ALL TROPICAL STORM WARNINGS FOR CANADA ARE DISCONTINUED... ...THIS IS THE LAST ADVISORY ON LEE... As of 11:00 AM AST Sun Sep 17 the center of Lee was located near 48.0, -62.0 with movement NE at 22 mph. The minimum central pressure was 989 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

17 Sep 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...GUSTY WINDS CONTINUE THIS MORNING IN PORTIONS OF ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 8:00 AM AST Sun Sep 17 the center of Lee was located near 47.3, -63.0 with movement NE at 22 mph. The minimum central pressure was 989 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

17 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE NEAR PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND... ...GUSTY WINDS AND COASTAL FLOODING OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 5:00 AM AST Sun Sep 17 the center of Lee was located near 46.5, -63.7 with movement NE at 22 mph. The minimum central pressure was 987 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

17 Sep 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...LEE OVER SOUTHEASTERN NEW BRUNSWICK... ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ARE OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 2:00 AM AST Sun Sep 17 the center of Lee was located near 45.9, -64.8 with movement NNE at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 983 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 60 mph.

17 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE NEAR THE COAST OF NEW BRUNSWICK... ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ARE OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 11:00 PM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 45.3, -65.5 with movement NNE at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 979 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 60 mph.

17 Sep 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ARE OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF MAINE AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 8:00 PM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 44.7, -66.3 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 979 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 65 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...CORE OF LEE BRUSHING WESTERN NOVA SCOTIA... ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ARE OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF MAINE AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 5:00 PM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 44.5, -66.1 with movement N at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 970 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 70 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...LEE VERY NEAR WESTERN NOVA SCOTIA... ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ARE OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF MAINE AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 2:00 PM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 43.8, -66.4 with movement N at 22 mph. The minimum central pressure was 968 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 70 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...LEE EXPECTED TO MAKE LANDFALL LATER TODAY... ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ARE OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF MAINE AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 11:00 AM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 43.5, -66.2 with movement N at 22 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 75 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...LEE EXPECTED TO MAKE LANDFALL LATER TODAY... ...STRONG WINDS, COASTAL FLOODING, AND HEAVY RAINS ALREADY OCCURRING IN PORTIONS OF NEW ENGLAND AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 8:00 AM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 42.7, -66.2 with movement N at 25 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE BECOMES POST-TROPICAL AS IT APPROACHES NOVA SCOTIA, BUT IT IS STILL PRODUCING HURRICANE-FORCE WINDS... ...NHC ADVISORIES WILL CONTINUE... As of 5:00 AM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 41.8, -66.0 with movement N at 25 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS OCCURRING ALONG THE COASTS OF MASSACHUSETTS, NOVA SCOTIA, AND APPROACHING THE COAST OF MAINE... As of 2:00 AM AST Sat Sep 16 the center of Lee was located near 40.8, -65.9 with movement N at 22 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS IMMINENT IN SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND... As of 11:00 PM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 39.5, -65.8 with movement NNE at 20 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

16 Sep 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS NEARING SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND... As of 8:00 PM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 38.3, -66.0 with movement NNE at 20 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO OCCUR THIS EVENING IN SOUTHEASTERN NEW ENGLAND... As of 5:00 PM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 37.9, -66.7 with movement N at 20 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...OUTER RAIN BANDS OF LEE APPROACHING SOUTHEASTERN NEW ENGLAND... As of 2:00 PM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 37.0, -66.8 with movement NNE at 18 mph. The minimum central pressure was 965 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...LEE REMAINS A LARGE HURRICANE OVER THE WESTERN ATLANTIC... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO BEGIN ACROSS PARTS OF COASTAL NEW ENGLAND LATER THIS AFTERNOON... As of 11:00 AM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 36.0, -66.9 with movement NNE at 18 mph. The minimum central pressure was 962 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...LEE REMAINS A LARGE HURRICANE OVER THE WESTERN ATLANTIC... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO BEGIN ACROSS PARTS OF COASTAL NEW ENGLAND LATER THIS AFTERNOON... As of 8:00 AM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 35.1, -67.0 with movement N at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 962 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE ACCELERATING NORTHWARD OVER THE WESTERN ATLANTIC... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO BEGIN ACROSS PARTS OF COASTAL NEW ENGLAND LATER THIS AFTERNOON... As of 5:00 AM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 34.4, -67.5 with movement N at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 957 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...DANGEROUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO PERSIST ALONG MUCH OF THE U.S. EAST COAST THROUGH THE UPCOMING WEEKEND... As of 2:00 AM AST Fri Sep 15 the center of Lee was located near 33.7, -67.6 with movement N at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 957 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM WARNINGS ISSUED FOR PORTIONS OF ATLANTIC CANADA... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS AFFECTING MUCH OF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES... As of 11:00 PM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 32.9, -67.6 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 957 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

15 Sep 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...LEE CAUSING TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS IN BERMUDA... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS AFFECTING MUCH OF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES... As of 8:00 PM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 32.1, -68.0 with movement N at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 956 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM WARNINGS EXTENDED NORTHEASTWARD ALONG THE COAST OF NEW ENGLAND... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS AFFECTING MUCH OF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES... As of 5:00 PM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 31.7, -68.3 with movement N at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 957 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...LEE'S LARGE WIND FIELD MOVING NORTHWARD OVER THE WESTERN ATLANTIC... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS AFFECTING MUCH OF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES... As of 2:00 PM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 31.0, -68.4 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 957 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 85 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM WARNING ISSUED FOR CAPE COD, MARTHA'S VINEYARD, AND NANTUCKET... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS AFFECTING MUCH OF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES... As of 11:00 AM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 30.4, -68.3 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 956 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 90 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS BEING REPORTED ON BERMUDA... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS AFFECTING MUCH OF THE EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES... As of 8:00 AM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 29.8, -68.2 with movement N at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 955 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 100 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE'S EXPANSIVE WIND AND WAVE FIELD PROGRESSING NORTHWARD OVER THE WESTERN ATLANTIC... As of 5:00 AM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 29.1, -68.1 with movement N at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 953 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 100 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO BEGIN ON BERMUDA IN A FEW HOURS... As of 2:00 AM AST Thu Sep 14 the center of Lee was located near 28.5, -68.0 with movement N at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 953 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 100 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...HURRICANE AND TROPICAL STORM WATCHES ISSUED FOR PORTIONS OF ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 11:00 PM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 28.0, -67.7 with movement N at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 953 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 105 mph.

14 Sep 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS LIKELY OVER BERMUDA BY EARLY TOMORROW... As of 8:00 PM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 27.6, -67.7 with movement NNW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 951 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 105 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...HURRICANE AND TROPICAL STORM WATCHES ISSUED FOR MUCH OF COASTAL NEW ENGLAND... ...STORM SURGE WATCH ISSUED FOR SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS... As of 5:00 PM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 27.4, -67.6 with movement NNW at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 952 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 105 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE HURRICANE HUNTERS INVESTIGATING LEE... ...RISK OF WIND, COASTAL FLOODING, AND RAIN IMPACTS INCREASING FOR PORTIONS OF NEW ENGLAND AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 2:00 PM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 26.8, -67.5 with movement NNW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 952 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 110 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED ON BERMUDA BEGINNING EARLY TOMORROW... ...RISK OF WIND, COASTAL FLOODING, AND RAIN IMPACTS INCREASING FOR PORTIONS OF NEW ENGLAND AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 11:00 AM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 26.4, -67.2 with movement NNW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED ON BERMUDA BEGINNING EARLY TOMORROW... ...RISK OF WIND, COASTAL FLOODING, AND RAIN IMPACTS INCREASING FOR PORTIONS OF NEW ENGLAND AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 8:00 AM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 26.0, -67.2 with movement NW at 6 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE JUST ABOUT TO TURN TOWARD THE NORTH-NORTHWEST OVER THE SOUTHWESTERN ATLANTIC... ...RISK OF WIND, COASTAL FLOODING, AND RAIN IMPACTS INCREASING FOR PORTIONS OF NEW ENGLAND AND ATLANTIC CANADA... As of 5:00 AM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 25.7, -67.1 with movement NW at 6 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...LEE CHURNING UP THE WESTERN ATLANTIC WITH DANGEROUS SEAS... As of 2:00 AM AST Wed Sep 13 the center of Lee was located near 25.4, -66.9 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 946 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LARGE LEE LUMBERING NORTHWESTWARD... ...TROPICAL STORM WARNING ISSUED FOR BERMUDA... As of 11:00 PM AST Tue Sep 12 the center of Lee was located near 25.3, -66.7 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 946 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

13 Sep 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 8:00 PM AST Tue Sep 12 the center of Lee was located near 25.0, -66.5 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 946 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

12 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE HURRICANE HUNTER FINDS LEE GROWING IN SIZE... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 5:00 PM AST Tue Sep 12 the center of Lee was located near 24.7, -66.4 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 946 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

12 Sep 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE HURRICANE HUNTER CURRENTLY INVESTIGATING LEE... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 2:00 PM AST Tue Sep 12 the center of Lee was located near 24.5, -66.2 with movement WNW at 6 mph. The minimum central pressure was 951 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

12 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM WATCH ISSUED FOR BERMUDA... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Tue Sep 12 the center of Lee was located near 24.3, -65.9 with movement WNW at 6 mph. The minimum central pressure was 951 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

12 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE REMAINS A LARGE AND POWERFUL HURRICANE... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 5:00 AM AST Tue Sep 12 the center of Lee was located near 24.0, -65.4 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

12 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE IS A LARGE MAJOR HURRICANE EXPECTED TO SLOWLY TURN NORTHWARD LATER THIS WEEK... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 11:00 PM AST Mon Sep 11 the center of Lee was located near 23.9, -64.8 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

11 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...LEE REMAINS A SLOW MOVING MAJOR HURRICANE... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 5:00 PM AST Mon Sep 11 the center of Lee was located near 23.6, -64.2 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

11 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...NOAA HURRICANE HUNTERS INDICATE THAT LEE REMAINS A MAJOR HURRICANE... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ALL WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Mon Sep 11 the center of Lee was located near 23.5, -63.5 with movement NW at 8 mph. The minimum central pressure was 948 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 120 mph.

11 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LARGE LEE REMAINS A MAJOR HURRICANE... ...HAZARDOUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED AT BEACHES ACROSS THE WESTERN ATLANTIC DURING THE WEEK... As of 5:00 AM AST Mon Sep 11 the center of Lee was located near 23.1, -62.6 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 950 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 120 mph.

11 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE GROWING LARGER BUT MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS HAVE NOT YET INCREASED... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO SPREAD THROUGH THE WESTERN ATLANTIC DURING THE WEEK... As of 11:00 PM AST Sun Sep 10 the center of Lee was located near 22.6, -62.2 with movement NW at 8 mph. The minimum central pressure was 950 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 120 mph.

10 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE RESERVE HURRICANE HUNTERS FIND LEE RESTRENGTHENING... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO SPREAD THROUGH THE WESTERN ATLANTIC DURING THE WEEK... As of 5:00 PM AST Sun Sep 10 the center of Lee was located near 22.1, -61.7 with movement WNW at 8 mph. The minimum central pressure was 954 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 120 mph.

10 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...LEE PASSING WELL NORTH OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO SPREAD THROUGH THE WESTERN ATLANTIC DURING THE WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Sun Sep 10 the center of Lee was located near 21.6, -61.0 with movement WNW at 8 mph. The minimum central pressure was 958 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 110 mph.

10 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE SLOWING DOWN OVER THE SOUTHWESTERN ATLANTIC... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO SPREAD THROUGH THE WESTERN ATLANTIC DURING THE WEEK... As of 5:00 AM AST Sun Sep 10 the center of Lee was located near 21.4, -60.5 with movement WNW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 958 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 105 mph.

10 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE EXPECTED TO GROW IN SIZE OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC OVER THE UPCOMING WEEK... As of 11:00 PM AST Sat Sep 9 the center of Lee was located near 21.0, -59.9 with movement WNW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 962 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 105 mph.

9 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...LEE TO PASS WELL NORTH OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS DURING THE NEXT DAY OR SO... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH NEXT WEEK... As of 5:00 PM AST Sat Sep 9 the center of Lee was located near 20.7, -59.1 with movement WNW at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 958 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

9 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...NOAA AND AIR FORCE HURRICANE HUNTERS FIND LEE MAINTAINING ITS STRENGTH... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH NEXT WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Sat Sep 9 the center of Lee was located near 20.3, -58.2 with movement WNW at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 957 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

9 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE MAINTAINS MAJOR HURRICANE STATUS WHILE MOVING WEST-NORTHWESTWARD... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH NEXT WEEK... As of 5:00 AM AST Sat Sep 9 the center of Lee was located near 19.7, -57.4 with movement WNW at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 963 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

9 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE RESERVE AND NOAA HURRICANE HUNTERS FIND LEE NOT AS STRONG BUT STILL A MAJOR HURRICANE... ...HAZARDOUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH NEXT WEEK... As of 11:00 PM AST Fri Sep 8 the center of Lee was located near 19.3, -56.5 with movement WNW at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 963 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 115 mph.

8 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...CORE OF POWERFUL HURRICANE LEE EXPECTED TO PASS WELL NORTH OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS THIS WEEKEND... ...DANGEROUS SURF AND RIP CURRENT CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH EARLY NEXT WEEK... As of 5:00 PM AST Fri Sep 8 the center of Lee was located near 18.9, -55.5 with movement WNW at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 942 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 150 mph.

8 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...LEE EXPECTED TO REMAIN A POWERFUL HURRICANE THROUGH EARLY NEXT WEEK... ...DANGEROUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH EARLY NEXT WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Fri Sep 8 the center of Lee was located near 18.2, -54.5 with movement WNW at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 942 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 155 mph.

8 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...POWERFUL CATEGORY 5 LEE EXPECTED TO MAINTAIN ITS INTENSITY... ...DANGEROUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH EARLY NEXT WEEK... As of 5:00 AM AST Fri Sep 8 the center of Lee was located near 17.8, -53.5 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 926 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 165 mph.

8 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE BECOMES A CATEGORY 5 HURRICANE... ...DANGEROUS BEACH CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AROUND THE WESTERN ATLANTIC THROUGH EARLY NEXT WEEK... As of 11:00 PM AST Thu Sep 7 the center of Lee was located near 17.3, -52.4 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 928 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 160 mph.

7 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...LEE NOW A CATEGORY 4 HURRICANE... ...RIP CURRENTS AND HAZARDOUS SURF WILL SPREAD ACROSS THE NORTHERN CARIBBEAN FRIDAY AND BEGIN AFFECTING THE MAINLAND U.S. BY SUNDAY... As of 5:00 PM AST Thu Sep 7 the center of Lee was located near 16.9, -51.3 with movement WNW at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 953 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 130 mph.

7 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...LEE RAPIDLY STRENGTHENING... ...LARGE SWELLS LIKELY TO REACH THE LESSER ANTILLES, THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO THIS WEEKEND... As of 11:00 AM AST Thu Sep 7 the center of Lee was located near 16.4, -50.0 with movement WNW at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 983 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 105 mph.

7 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE FORECAST TO RAPIDLY STRENGTHEN... ...LARGE SWELLS LIKELY TO REACH THE LESSER ANTILLES, THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO THROUGH THE WEEKEND... As of 5:00 AM AST Thu Sep 7 the center of Lee was located near 16.1, -48.6 with movement WNW at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 989 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

7 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE FORECAST TO BECOME AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS MAJOR HURRICANE BY FRIDAY... ...LARGE OCEAN SWELLS LIKELY TO REACH THE LESSER ANTILLES, THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO THROUGH THE WEEKEND... As of 11:00 PM AST Wed Sep 6 the center of Lee was located near 15.4, -47.7 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 989 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 80 mph.

6 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...LEE STRENGTHENS INTO A HURRICANE... ...LIKELY TO INTENSIFY INTO AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS MAJOR HURRICANE BY EARLY SATURDAY... As of 5:00 PM AST Wed Sep 6 the center of Lee was located near 14.9, -46.4 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 991 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 75 mph.

6 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...LEE CLOSE TO HURRICANE STRENGTH... ...LIKELY TO RAPIDLY INTENSIFY INTO AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS MAJOR HURRICANE BY SATURDAY... As of 11:00 AM AST Wed Sep 6 the center of Lee was located near 14.1, -45.5 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 994 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 70 mph.

6 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...LEE APPROACHING HURRICANE STRENGTH... ...EXPECTED TO RAPIDLY INTENSIFY INTO AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS HURRICANE BY THE WEEKEND... As of 5:00 AM AST Wed Sep 6 the center of Lee was located near 13.7, -44.6 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 997 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 65 mph.

6 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...LEE EXPECTED TO RAPIDLY INTENSIFY INTO AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS HURRICANE BY THE WEEKEND... As of 11:00 PM AST Tue Sep 5 the center of Lee was located near 13.5, -43.0 with movement WNW at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

5 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM LEE EXPECTED TO RAPIDLY INTENSIFY INTO AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS HURRICANE BY THE WEEKEND... As of 5:00 PM AST Tue Sep 5 the center of Lee was located near 13.2, -41.8 with movement WNW at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

5 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...NEW TROPICAL DEPRESSION FORMS IN THE CENTRAL TROPICAL ATLANTIC... ...FORECAST TO BECOME A POWERFUL HURRICANE BY THE END OF THE WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Tue Sep 5 the center of Thirteen was located near 12.5, -40.2 with movement WNW at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1008 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 35 mph.

Post-tropical Cyclone Lee at 48.0°N - 62.0°W


True Color daytime, multispectral IR at night
17 Sep 2023 - 22:50 UTC

Last update > 1 hour


Lightning flash extent over GeoColor
17 Sep 2023 - 22:51 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Day Convection

RGB used to identify areas of rapid intensification
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Day Night Cloud Micro Combo

Day: show phase of cloud tops; night: distinguish clouds from fog
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Air Mass RGB

RGB based on data from IR & water vapor
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Sandwich RGB

Blend combines IR band 13 with visual band 3
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 1

0.47 µm
Blue - Visible
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 2

0.64 µm
Red - Visible
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 3

0.86 µm
Veggie - Near IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 4

1.37 µm
Cirrus - Near IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 5

1.6 µm
Snow/Ice - Near IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 6

2.2 µm
Cloud Particle - Near IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 7

3.9 µm
Shortwave Window - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 8

6.2 µm
Upper-Level Water Vapor - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 9

6.9 µm
Mid-Level Water Vapor - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 10

7.3 µm
Lower-level Water Vapor - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 11

8.4 µm
Cloud Top - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 12

9.6 µm
Ozone - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 13

10.3 µm
Clean Longwave Window - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 14

11.2 µm
Longwave Window - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 15

12.3 µm
Dirty Longwave Window - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Band 16

13.3 µm
CO₂ Longwave - IR
17 Sep 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour