NOAA GOES Image Viewer website
20 Sep 2024 - 03:02 EDT
20 Sep 2024 - 07:02 UTC

Mesoscale view - at 14°N - 50°W

0 hour loop - 0 images - 0 minute update

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legend for color-enhanced infrared channel 7

3.9 µm - "Shortwave Window" Band - 2 km resolution - Band 7 has a variety of applications, including fire detection, cloud particle size retrievals, and differentiating between liquid water and ice clouds. Fire hot spots will show up as relatively small dark gray to black pixels.

GOES-16 band 7 corresponds approximately to the old GOES-13 infrared channel.

• For more details, see the Band 7 - ABI Quick Information Guide, (PDF, 808 KB)