MOBY Refresh Satellite Weighted Data - Platinum
Below are links to satellite band-weighted MOBY-Refresh data from the dual in-line spectrometer (DILS) instrument. The format is similar to what was used for the marine optical sensor (MOS) on MOBY-Heritage (MOS gold dir) but it has changed because DILS is a very different instrument than MOS. The main change in the data collection is that all the Es and Lu data are collected simultaneously.
This means when calculating Kl we do not need to normalize by Es. But because each Lu is on a different track and therefore has a different wavelength the Kl data has spikes that require smoothing before being used to calculate Lw.
There are not yet any modeled Kl corrections and no stray light correction yet. But cross track, thermal and linearity corrections have been applied.
The new file format header and column headers have changed format. Also now all the data from one deployment is in one file.
The “Lw product Number” has the same meaning as it did for MOS. The new “Best Lw Product” column tells which “Lw product Number” is the best one to use. "Data Status" means the same as it did for MOS.
The “Hand Qualify Checked Flag” column is new and will denote if the file has been hand quality checked if the flag is 1. If it is zero then only the automated flagging has been applied. Note that data which has NOT had hand quality checking will never be marked as "good". Data which pass all of the automated quality checks will be marked as "questionable" until hand checking has been performed.
The “Shadowing Flag” tells of the sun it within 0-5 deg zenith angle or behind the buoy so the arms create a shadow.
“Data Time (UTC)” is the time the data was collected and is in UTC.
Latitude and Longitude are in decimal degrees not degrees and decimal minutes.
Fixed arm depths are the depth of the surface most Lu and are the values measured in the tent. The "Measured OM Arm Depths” are measured by the orientation module at the bottom of the buoy and using arm lengths etc the arm depths are calculated taking into account x and y tilts.
“Measured OM Total Tilt” is included so you can flag the data based on tilt.
The Es, Lw and Lwn are included. This Lwn is the same as the *_lwn2.txt from MOS data.
Webpage updated on 22-Nov-2024 13:53:05 California Time
Lw# product definitions:
- Lw1 is the Water-Leaving Radiance calculated from LuTop and Kl1(LuTop-LuMid)
- Lw2 is the Water-Leaving Radiance calculated from LuTop and Kl2(LuTop-LuBot)
- Lw7 is the Water-Leaving Radiance calculated from LuMid and Kl3(LuMid-LuBot)
Satellite Name | Link |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_noaa20viirs_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_noaa20viirs_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_noaa21viirs_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_noaa21viirs_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_pace_blue_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_pace_red_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_s3an-olci_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_s3bn-olci_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_sgli_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_sgli_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_viirs-npp_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_maronet_aus_301_viirs-npp_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_noaa20viirs_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_noaa20viirs_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_noaa21viirs_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_noaa21viirs_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_pace_blue_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_pace_red_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_s3an-olci_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_s3bn-olci_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_sgli_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_sgli_total.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_viirs-npp_in.txt | ASCII data |
SAT_mobyrefresh_hawmo_301_viirs-npp_total.txt | ASCII data |