Cheng-Zhi Zou
received his B.S. degree in Atmospheric Physics from the University
of Science and Technology of China in 1982 and his PhD in Climatology
from the University of Oklahoma in 1995. Dr. Zou joined the
NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
in 2001. Dr. Zou’s research area has been mainly in satellite climatology.
Dr. Zou has been engaged in measuring and detecting long-term changes in
the atmospheric temperatures using satellite observations. Hs has also
been involved in data product evaluation for climate change studies from
different data sources including satellite retrievals, climate reanalyses,
and climate model simulations. Dr. Zou has developed an innovative
intercalibration technique using simultaneous nadir overpasses and
recalibrated observations from the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) and
its follow-on satellite microwave sounders, the Advanced Microwave
Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder
(ATMS), onboard historical and currently operating NOAA, NASA, and
MetOp satellites. Dr. Zou also recalibrated Stratospheric Sounding
Unit (SSU) and merged its observations with AMSU-A and ATMS. Dr.
Zou and colleagues had developed a set of atmospheric temperature
climate data records using the recalibrated and merged
MSU/SSU/AMSU-A/ATMS observations for detection of climate
variability and trends from the lower troposphere to the upper
stratosphere during the satellite era. The following link provides
more detailed information on his work in the area of microwave and
infrared sounder calibration and trends: MSCAT.
Dr. Zou has published more than 50 articles in AMS, AGU, and other
leading journals including Nature, Science, and PNAS. He was a former
Co-Chair of the Climate Working Group within the International TOVS
Working Group and a former Chair of the GSICS Microwave Subgroup.
He has received the Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award
and NOAA Administrator's Award for advancement of
satellite calibration and development of atmospheric temperature
climate data records. He is a referred reviewer for many journals
in the atmospheric science and satellite remote sensing fields.