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STAR Scientist Presents Top Poster at 2010 MicroRad Conference

map: MIRS N18_METOPA_F16 Precipitation Estimate 12-12Z (mm/day) 10-10-2009
Precipitation Estimate 12-12Z (mm/day) 10-10-2009

March 6, 2010 - STAR congratulates Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, a STAR contractor on the MiRS project, who recently won first prize in the MicroRad 2010 poster contest. MicroRad is a prestigious conference dedicated to microwave remote sensing science and takes place every two years. This year, the MicroRad Conference took place in Washington, DC. Flavio was honored for his poster about the MiRS rainfall rate measurement entitled "Development and Validation of a Rainfall Rate Algorithm Based on Hydrometeor Products Derived from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations".

This work presents the development of a satellite-based rainfall rate algorithm that uses hydrometeors (cloud liquid water, rain water and ice water) derived by the one-dimensional variational (1D-VAR) and physical-based Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) to retrieve surface precipitation amounts in mm/hr. The algorithm has been designed to facilitate its implementation on current and future satellite-based sensors and to facilitate its transition from research to operations in a relatively short period of time. The proposed algorithm has been successfully applied operationally to several satellite-based sensors, including NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A AMSU and MHS, and DMSP-F16 SSMI/S (and is being extended to DMSP-F18 SSMI/S). For its evaluation, the algorithm has been extensively assessed over ocean and land surfaces, showing comparable capabilities and quality to state-of-the-art precipitation products derived from rain gauge, ground-based radar and satellite-based observations.