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Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1810 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1820 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1830 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1840 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1900 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1910 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1920 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1930 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 1940 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2000 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2010 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2020 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2030 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2040 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2100 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2110 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2120 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2130 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2140 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2200 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2210 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2220 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2230 UTC
Band 12 - 9.6 µm - Ozone - IR - 11 May 2021 - 2240 UTC
9.6 µm - "Ozone" Band - 2 km resolution - Band 12 will provide information both day and night about the dynamics of the atmosphere near the tropopause with high spatial and temporal resolutions. For clear (cloud-free) scenes of view, this band is cooler than the IR window bands because of absorption due to ozone.