Huan Meng received a Ph.D. in Hydrology from Colorado
State University in 2004, and a M.S. in Physical Oceanography from
Florida State University in 1993. Before joining NOAA in 2006, she
worked as a NOAA contractor for seven years. Currently, she is a
physical scientist at NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and
Research and a visiting research scientist with the Cooperative
Institute for Climate and Satellites at the University of Maryland in
College Park, MD.
Dr. Meng's research area is satellite microwave remote
sensing. Recent projects focus on the development and applications of
satellite snowfall rate (SFR) products using measurements from ATMS
aboard S-NPP, and AMSU/MHS sensor pair aboard NOAA POES and EUMETSAT
Metop satellites. SFR algorithms will also be developed using
measurements from DMSP SSMIS and NASA GMI. Her research interests also
include the development of AMSU-A window channels Climate Data Record.
She received the Dept. of Commerce Bronze Medal in 2008 and 2014
respectively for implementing the Metop processing system and for
developing NOAA's first satellite-based operational snowfall rate