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Contributor Guidelines for the NOAA Science Seminars

Seminar Calendar Entries

screen capture of detailed seminar submission instructions

click image to enlarge

Seminar Description Content

NOAA Science Seminar Series

Title: Title here / name of series

Presenter(s): Presenter(s)name(s) and affiliation(s) here.
May include fact that speaker is delivering talk remotely, BUT DO NOT ENTER WEB ADDRESSES in this block. May also include co-authors below the speaker info.

Sponsor(s): Any sponsoring organization names, information regarding a seminar series name, etc.

Seminar Contact(s): Seminar organizer(s) contact information here; include email at a minimum.

Remote Access: Webinar and audio information goes with this heading. That includes links, information about muting microphones, passcodes, conference phone numbers, user support, any remote-access-related content. PUT WEBINAR URLs in this section ONLY.

Accessibility: Accessibility information (e.g., captioning, Sign Language interpreter) should be included here.

Abstract: Place abstract for talk here.
Ideally, abstract should be less than 2000 characters. Should be drafted as a guide to possible attendees, not a formal technical abstract.

Bio(s): Place speaker bio information here, please keep it brief, totalling less than 2000 characters.

Slides / Recordings / Other materials: Slides will be shared after the webinar with all who register, or a link where they can be found. Recording will be shared after the webinar with all who register, or a link where they can be found, or a contact for the recording.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly email:
Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the subject or body of the email. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your comments and ideas!

{Speaker Name(s) and Affiliation(s) here, at the very bottom of the description, inside of braces}

Best Practices

  • Base each new seminar entry you create on this template:
    2022 NOAA Science Seminar Template Entry. The template has all the appropriate headings in the requested order, so you can just fill in your seminar's details.
  • Plain Text - When you copy and paste text into a Google calendar entry, please use the right click option labelled 'Paste as plain text'.
  • Don't add incomplete seminars - Before you post a seminar to the NOAA Science Seminars calendar, please at least have the seminar's title, presenter, date, and location. If that information isn't available, please wait to add the seminar to the calendar until details are more complete.
  • Cancellations - Add “Cancelled” or “Resched. to xx/xx/xx”to the start to the Google calendar seminar title. You can add more info at the top of the description, e.g., "This seminar has been rescheduled to Sept. 8, 2021, 12-1pm ET; please-re-register for it." or "This seminar has been rescheduled, new date TBD". If you have time, contact anyone who pre-registered and notify them of the cancellation / reschedule with new date. Another courtesy: logon to the original webinar date & time and notify anyone who joins the meeting of the cancellation / reschedule information.
  • Caption Your Seminar - NOAA has access to a captioning service to enhance the accessibility of seminar presentations. How to access the captioning service.
  • Use this form to get permission to broadcast your presenters: Privacy Statement / Disclaimer, (DOCX, 17 KB)
  • Managing a series - If a seminar is part of a series that stretches far into the future, please don't publish future occurrences indefinitely into the future.
  • Headings - Don't change the headings in the "Description" section. Each heading should be bolded and start a new line, and its associated content can follow. If a heading doesn't apply to your seminar, you may omit it.
  • When you restate the speaker name(s) information in braces at the bottom of the description field, don't use additional parentheses.
  • Brevity - Keep the abstracts and speaker bio sections SHORT, each preferably less than 2000 characters.
  • Links - Minimize any hyperlinks in your seminar's supporting information, and be certain that they are good links. The seminar content is maintained for years, and broken links create maintenance work for the seminar team.
  • Special characters - Try to avoid special characters - no long dashes, curly quotes, etc.
  • Review your seminar posting - After you create your seminar in the calendar, please check that it was entered properly by viewing the calendar entry on the NOAA listing page. It will be visible on the web page FIVE minutes after saving your calendar entry. Check it online, here: OneNOAA seminars web page
  • The description field content should start with the "NOAA Science Seminar Series" name and end with the note about how to subscribe, followed by the speaker name(s) and affiliation(s) enclosed in braces.