Contributor Guidelines for the NOAA Science SeminarsSeminar Description ContentNOAA Science Seminar Series Title: Title here / name of series Presenter(s): Presenter(s)name(s) and affiliation(s) here. Sponsor(s): Any sponsoring organization names, information regarding a seminar series name, etc. Seminar Contact(s): Seminar organizer(s) contact information here; include email at a minimum. Remote Access: Webinar and audio information goes with this heading. That includes links, information about muting microphones, passcodes, conference phone numbers, user support, any remote-access-related content. PUT WEBINAR URLs in this section ONLY. Accessibility: Accessibility information (e.g., captioning, Sign Language interpreter) should be included here. Abstract: Place abstract for talk here. Bio(s): Place speaker bio information here, please keep it brief, totalling less than 2000 characters. Slides / Recordings / Other materials: Slides will be shared after the webinar with all who register, or a link where they can be found. Recording will be shared after the webinar with all who register, or a link where they can be found, or a contact for the recording. Subscribe/Unsubscribe
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