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SMCD shieldAnthony Reale

Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division

Operational Products Development Branch
Research Scientist


To view Mr. Reale's publications, visit:


photo of Anthony RealeAnthony Reale received B.S. degrees in Meteorology and Physics from the State University of New York, College at Oswego in 1976. Following three years as a research fellow at the University of Nevada, Reno, he received his M.S. degree in Atmospheric Physics in 1979. He then spent three years in the field conducting remote sensing measurements programs to establish background air-quality and meteorological profiles at selected locations in the pristine eastern Mohave Desert. Mr. Reale was hired as a NOAA support contractor in 1983 where he began working on the problem of deriving atmospheric sounding products from remote satellite sensors onboard NOAA operational polar orbiting satellites, and was hired on as federal employee in 1984. Since that time, he has provided technical guidance and direction to government and support contractor staff focused on the development of scientific algorithms and graphical evaluation techniques to respectively derive and evaluate global weather products NOAA polar satellites.

Mr. Reale has contributed numerous achievements in the area of operational satellite derived product algorithm development and multiple product platform validation:

  • Algorithm Development.

    Mr. Reale has participated in the development and operational implementation of various approaches for deriving temperature and moisture sounding products beginning with the early statistical based approaches of the 1980's to the more dynamic physical approaches through the 1990's and 2000's for NOAA TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS), Advanced-TOVS (ATOVS) and Defense Meteorological Satellite Product (DMSP) systems.

  • Algorithm Validation.

    Since his earliest days at NOAA, Mr. Reale has been a primary contributor in the development and deployment of analytical and graphical techniques in support of scientific algorithm development routine derived product monitoring in conjunction with operational satellite product derivation systems. He initiated innovative analytical and graphical advances in the combined use of satellite orbital and collocated satellite, ground-truth radiosonde and numerical weather prediction observations for operational troubleshooting and the scientific development and validation of satellite derived products and scientific algorithms.

  • NOAA PROducts Validation System

    Mr. Reale joined the NOAA NPOESS Cal/Val team in 2007 and was assigned PI for the technical and scientific development of vicarious calibration/validation systems for JPSS (formerly NPOESS) Environmental Data records (EDR) which led to the NOAA PROducts Validation System (NPROVS). NPROVS now provides a centralized atmospheric product validation protocol at the Center for SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR) which routinely inter-compares multiple satellite suites of satellite based observations from POES, GOES and GPS satellites against a common set of ground truth targets. NPROVS operates in a near real-time environment and includes scientific analytical interface tools for routine product monitoring, troubleshooting, data archive and longer term analysis of product trends potentially of value for climate. For more information, see: NPROVS Validation System

  • International Coordination Activities

    Mr. Reale has been a co-chair for the Working Group on Satellite Sounder Science and Products (SSSP) of the International TOVS Study Conference (ITSC) since 2001 and was recently appointed to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) Working Group including co-chair for the Task Group (5) on the integration of ancillary observation at designated GRUAN sites using NPROVS protocols. Mr. Reale is a member of the Sounding Product Oversight Panel (SPOP) at STAR.
