Thomas M. Smith is a physical scientist in the Satellite
Climate Studies Branch, co-located with the Cooperative Institute for
Climate and Satellites (CICS) in College Park, Maryland. Before coming
to STAR he also worked for NOAA at the National Climatic Data Center
from 2000-2007, and at the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) from 1991-2000. His
education includes a B.A. in mathematics and M.S. in meteorology,
both from Rutgers University, and a Ph.D. in oceanography from the
University of Delaware. From 1989-1991 he was a University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
post-doctoral fellow at CPC before joining NOAA.
Work has included analysis of climate and ocean-climate data, from
both in situ and satellite instruments, analysis of output from climate
models, and development of statistical climate prediction systems. The
NOAA sea-surface temperature analyses he developed with Richard Reynolds
provide a widely used set of climate products. The improved merged
ocean and land temperature analysis they developed is the NOAA
analysis used for monitoring historical and modern climate temperature
variations. More recent work at Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS)
has focused on satellite-based precipitation variations, including
uncertainty estimates and development of improved analysis methods.