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STAR / SMCD / EMB Aerosol Remote Sensing

GOES-R Research - Validation with AERONET Data

The routine ABI aerosol retrievals driven with MODIS reflectances as input are routinely compared to ground measurements obtained at AERONET sites. (AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) is a network of ground-based sun photometers which measure atmospheric aerosol properties.)

The routine comparisons are available here. (Please note that access to this validation site requires an user id and password.)

Examples of comparisons of MODIS and ABI 550-nm AOD retrievals with AOD from AERONET over land and water are shown below. The retrievals are color coded according to aerosol type over land and fine mode weight over water. Bias and root mean square errors (rmse) are calculated and also shown in the plots. Linear fit is displayed as the heavy dashed gray line along with the equation.

Examples of evaluation with AERONET data

Comparison over Land
chart: Evaluation with AERONET data over land
Comparison over Water
chart: Evaluation with AERONET data over water