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STAR Satellite Rainfall Estimates

Hydro-Estimator - South America
Automatic Satellite-Derived Precipitation Estimates

This home page provides real time rainfall rate estimates over South America based on cloud top temperature measurements from the GOES-East satellite 10.7 micron channel. The estimates are not available when GOES-East is in rapid scan mode (only the Northern Hemisphere is observed). This The estimates may be too high for cold cloud tops and too low for warm cloud tops. The use of this product is at the discretion of the user. For more details see this technique description.

The model has been updated (January 2000) to include a moisture correction based on the NCEP GFS model, and to reduce the overestimates which occur in wide-spread convective regimes.

Rain Rates in South America, Supplied as GIF images
Current & Archived Images
1-hour accumulation updated every 15 minutes
3-hour accumulation updated at the top of every hour
6-lour accumulation updated at the top of every hour
24-hour accumulation updated daily at 1200 UTC

Real Time Rainfall 1-Hour Average and 3-Hour Accumulation By South American Region and Country
Current & Archived Images 1-Hour Accum. Maps 3-Hour Accum. Maps
Brazil: Northeast 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Brazil: Southeast 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Brazil: Sao Paulo 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Brazil: Center West 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Brazil: North 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Brazil: South And Uruguay 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Argentina and Chile 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Bolivia and Paraguay 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Peru 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images
Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela 1-Hour Accum. Images 3-Hour Accum. Images


Due to the discontinuation of browser support for ftp protocol, the data links below are now offered via https. Command line access via ftp will continue for the time being at the ftp version of these file locations. Command line access to the https data folders can be performed via WGET or CURL.

Compressed Digital Rainfall Data In GrADS Format - All South American Countries
GrADS Archive
1-Hour Data
3-Hour Data
6-Hour Data
24-Hour Data