STAR / SMCD / VIIRS Aerosol Calibration and Validation
Long-term monitoring of the VIIRS aerosol products is achieved through graphical representation of daily observations around selected global sites. VIIRS aerosol products, geometry, and input reflectance channels are plotted along with equivalent data from MODIS and AERONET where applicable.
Data Info:
- To monitor VIIRS Aerosol products, VIIRS EDRs are compared against MODIS C6 and Level 1.5 AERONET sun photometer data.
- Choosing 'Collocated' data will display the average of all pixels in a granule that are within 5° of the monitoring site
- Selecting 'Daily Average' will display the daily weighted average for each dataset
- Plots showing AOT and AE bias are only available when selecting 'Daily Average'. Choosing 'bias' will show the original VIIRS average along with the difference between VIIRS and the MODIS and AERONET averages.
- Due to the lack of temporal averaging when selecting 'Collocated' data, no AERONET count data is included.
- Shaded area represents 2-sigma deviation of pixel values.
- *Yellow region highlights time period during which VIIRS processing error occurred.
Interactive chart instructions:
- Plots are zoomable along both axes. To zoom, click the chart and drag mouse in the horizontal direction to zoom into time period of interest. Doing the same in the vertical direction adjusts the y-axis range. To reset the view, double click the chart area.
- To pan, hold the Shift key and drag mouse
- To apply a rolling average to daily averaged data, enter the desired roll period in the small box in the lower-left corner of the chart area. This can only be done when daily average is selected
- Charts are synced, therefore zooming/panning one will be mirrored in all others