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STAR / SMCD / VIIRS Aerosol Calibration and Validation

NPP/JPSS Aerosol Calibration and Validation Team

Current Team Members
Name Affiliation Task
Pubu Ciren IMSG Aerosol detection product development and validation, liaison to Cloud Team and pIPT
Brent Holben NASA/GSFC AERONET observations for validation work
Amy Huff IMSG Product validation, user (forecasters) feedback, outreach
Ethan Hughes IMSG AOD validation and pixel level uncertainty analysis
Shobha Kondragunta NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Co-lead
Istvan Laszlo NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Co-lead
Hongqing Liu IMSG Aerosol optical depth algorithm development, validation, visualization
Hai Zhang IMSG Algorithm enhancements, gridded dataset generation, COVID-19 aerosol work

Former Team Members
Name Affiliation Task
Kurt F. Brueske IIS/Raytheon Code testing support within IDPS
Heather Q. Cronk IMSG NPP/JPSS/VIIRS aerosol algorithm
Ashley N. Griffin PRAXIS, INC/NASA JPSS Algorithm Manager (JAM)
Robert Holz UW/CIMSS Product validation and science team support
Nai-Yung C. Hsu NASA/GSFC Deep-blue algorithm development
Ho-Chun Huang UMD/CICS SM algorithm development and validation
Jingfeng Huang UMD/CICS Algorithm testing in ADL and product validation
Edward J. Hyer NRL Product validation, assimilation activities
John M. Jackson NGAS Algorithm testing, liaison to SDR team
Min M. Oo UW/CIMSS Cal/Val with collocated MODIS data
Jessica Ram IMSG NPP/JPSS/VIIRS aerosol algorithm
Lorraine A. Remer UMBC Algorithm development, ATBD, liason to VCM team
Andrew M. Sayer NASA/GESTAR Deep-blue algorithm development
Ryan Theruer IMSG Web developer, python code development of AOD and ADP for users
Ivan Valerio IMSG Web development, data analysis