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STAR / SMCD / VIIRS Aerosol Calibration and Validation

SNPP/VIIRS (EPS) Aerosol Products - Gridded Data

The daily operational VIIRS 550-nm AOD Environmental Data Record (EDR) at nominal 750m resolution are gridded on a regular 0.25 x 0.25-degree equal angle (~28x28 km at the equator) grid. The gridding process uses only high quality AOD EDRs.

The 0.25x0.25-degree gridded AOD for a given day (since 07/21/2017) can be displayed on the map below by selecting the year, month and day of interest, and by clicking the "Submit" button. Use the buttons "Day-1" and "Day+1" to step back and forward by one day, respectively. Use the "Latest" button to come back to the latest available day.

Daily files of gridded data (in compressed binary or NetCDF file format) since 01/11/2023 can be downloaded from the STAR File Share site The latency for gridded data and images is one day.

0.25x0.25-degree Gridded Aerosol Optical Depth at 550 nm


Valid date range: from 07/21/2017 to current-1 day

Date Selector Year: Month: Day:  
Date Control    
Data Access File Share

AOD EDR Gridding Processes

Each EDR pixel is associated with geolocation data (LAT, LON) that describes the center of the pixel. For each grid box (i,j), if (LAT, LON) falls within the boundary of a grid box then this AOD EDR is counted toward the Mean AOD computation of that grid box (i,j). The grid-box value of the AOD is the arithmetic average of all AOD EDRs falling into the grid box. More information is in the ReadMe file.

(Hover over the acronyms to see their definition.)


Python scripts are provided in the Software section to download VIIRS gridded aerosol data files from the STAR online archive and process and visualize the data on a map.