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2022 STAR Publications

Calendar Year 2022Q1 2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 Totals
Journal Articles 33 36 43 38 150
Book sections         0
    Totals             150
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2022 Publications YTD

2022 Q1: 33 Publications

Bela, M. M., Kille, N., McKeen, S. A., Romero-Alvarez, J., Ahmadov, R., James, E., Pereira, G., Schmidt, C., Pierce, R. B., O’Neill, S. M., Zhang, X., Kondragunta, S., Wiedinmyer, C., & Volkamer, R. (2022). Quantifying Carbon Monoxide Emissions on the Scale of Large Wildfires. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(3), e2021GL095831. [10.1029/2021GL095831]

Iacovazzi, R., Liu, Q., Zhou, X., Kireev, S., Sun, N., & Ho, S.-P. (2022). COSMIC-2 Soundings Impacts on a RO-Based NOAA Microwave Satellite Data Quality Monitoring System. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 33(1), 9. [10.1007/s44195-022-00008-0]

Iturbide-Sanchez, F., Wang, Z. P., Kalluri, S., Chen, Y., Lynch, E., Divakarla, M., Tan, C. Y., Zhu, T., & Cao, C. Y. (2022). Exploration of a Future NOAA Infrared Sounder in Geostationary Earth Orbit. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 1543-1561. [10.1109/jstars.2022.3142069]

Kalluri, S., Barnet, C., Divakarla, M., Esmaili, R., Nalli, N., Pryor, K., Reale, T., Smith, N., Tan, C., Wang, T., Warner, J., Wilson, M., Zhou, L., & Zhu, T. (2022). Validation and Utility of Satellite Retrievals of Atmospheric Profiles in Detecting and Monitoring Significant Weather Events. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(2), E570-E590. [10.1175/bams-d-20-0126.1]

Kim, E., Abraham, S., Amato, J., Blackwell, W. J., Cho, P., Fuentes, J., Hernquist, M., Kam, J., Leslie, R. V., Liu, Q. H., Lyu, C. H., Mao, T. C., Osaretin, I. A., Rodriguez-Gutierrez, F., Sammons, M., Smith, C., Sun, N. H., & Yang, H. (2022). An Evaluation of NOAA-20 ATMS Instrument Pre-Launch and on-Orbit Performance Characterization. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-13. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3148663]

Kondratovich, V. (2022). Method for Assessment of the Apparent Detector Stack Position in a Whisk-Broom Sensor. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 16(1), 1-14. [10.1117/1.JRS.16.014523]

Lazar, J., Vogel, R. L., Bruce, D. G., & McGowan, A. (2022). Using Satellite-Derived Total Suspended Matter Data to Evaluate the Impacts of Tributary-Scale Oyster Restoration on Water Clarity. [Technical Memorandum]. NOAA Tech Memo, 1-19. [10.25923/7dqh-6825]

Lee, Y.-K., Grassotti, C., Liu, Q., Liu, S.-Y., & Zhou, Y. (2022). In-Depth Evaluation of MiRS Total Precipitable Water from NOAA-20 ATMS Using Multiple Reference Data Sets. Earth and Space Science, 9(2), e2021EA002042. [10.1029/2021EA002042]

Li, J. L. F., Lee, W. L., Xu, K. M., Jiang, J. H., Wang, Y. H., Fetzer, E., Stephens, G., Yu, J. Y., & Liu, Y. H. (2022). Observational Evaluation of Global Climate Model Simulations of Arctic Sea Ice and Adjacent Land Pertaining to the Radiative Effects of Frozen Hydrometeors. Environmental Research Communications, 4(2). [10.1088/2515-7620/ac556b]

Line, W. E., Grasso, L., Hillger, D., Dierking, C., Jacobs, A., & Shea, S. (2022). Using NOAA Satellite Imagery to Detect and Track Hazardous Sea Spray in the High Latitudes. Weather and Forecasting, 37(3), 351-369. [10.1175/WAF-D-21-0137.1]

Liu, S., Grassotti, C., Liu, Q., Zhou, Y., & Lee, Y. K. (2022). Improvement of MiRS Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals Using a Machine Learning Approach. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 1857-1868. [10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3151002]

Liu, Q. H., Yan, B. H., Garrett, K., Ma, Y. T., Liang, X. M., Huang, J. F., Wang, W. H., & Cao, C. Y. (2022). Deriving Surface Reflectance from Visible/near Infrared and Ultraviolet Satellite Observations through the Community Radiative Transfer Model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 2004-2011. [10.1109/jstars.2022.3149767]

Liu, X. H., Zhu, B., Zhu, T., & Liao, H. (2022). The Seesaw Pattern of PM2.5 Interannual Anomalies between Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangtze River Delta across Eastern China in Winter. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(2), 8. [10.1029/2021gl095878]

Lu, C. H., Liu, Q. H., Wei, S. W., Johnson, B. T., Dang, C., Stegmann, P. G., Grogan, D., Ge, G. Q., Hu, M., & Lueken, M. (2022). The Aerosol Module in the Community Radiative Transfer Model (V2.2 and V2.3): Accounting for Aerosol Transmittance Effects on the Radiance Observation Operator. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(3), 1317-1329. [10.5194/gmd-15-1317-2022]

Mastin, L., Pavolonis, M., Engwell, S., Clarkson, R., Witham, C., Brock, G., Lisk, I., Guffanti, M., Tupper, A., Schneider, D., Beckett, F., Casadevall, T., & Rennie, G. (2022). Progress in Protecting Air Travel from Volcanic Ash Clouds. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84(1). [10.1007/s00445-021-01511-x]

McWhorter, J. K., Halloran, P. R., Roff, G., Skirving, W. J., Perry, C. T., & Mumby, P. J. (2022). The Importance of 1.5°C Warming for the Great Barrier Reef. Global Change Biology, 28(4), 1332-1341. [10.1111/gcb.15994]

Melendez, M., Salisbury, J., Gledhill, D., Langdon, C., Morell, J. M., Manzello, D., & Sutton, A. (2022). Net Ecosystem Dissolution and Respiration Dominate Metabolic Rates at Two Western Atlantic Reef Sites. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(3), 527-539. [10.1002/lno.12009]

Miller, N. B., Gunshor, M. M., Merrelli, A. J., L'Ecuyer, T. S., Schmit, T. J., Gerth, J. J., & Gordillo, N. J. (2022). Imaging Considerations from a Geostationary Orbit Using the Short Wavelength Side of the Mid-Infrared Water Vapor Absorption Band. Earth and Space Science, 9(1). [10.1029/2021ea002080]

Miller, S. D., Noh, Y. J., Grasso, L. D., Seaman, C. J., Ignatov, A., Heidinger, A. K., Nam, S., Line, W. E., & Petrenko, B. (2022). A Physical Basis for the Overstatement of Low Clouds at Night by Conventional Satellite Infrared-Based Imaging Radiometer Bi-Spectral Techniques. Earth and Space Science, 9(2), 1-23. [10.1029/2021ea002137]

Ortiz, P., Orescanin, M., Petkovic, V., Powell, S. W., & Marsh, B. (2022). Decomposing Satellite-Based Classification Uncertainties in Large Earth Science Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-11. [10.1109/TGRS.2022.3152516]

Petropavlovskikh, I., Miyagawa, K., McClure-Beegle, A., Johnson, B., Wild, J., Strahan, S., Wargan, K., Querel, R., Flynn, L., Beach, E., Ancellet, G., & Godin-Beekmann, S. (2022). Optimized Umkehr Profile Algorithm for Ozone Trend Analyses. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(6), 1849-1870. [10.5194/amt-15-1849-2022]

Rossow, W. B., Knapp, K. R., & Young, A. H. (2022). International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project: Extending the Record. Journal of Climate, 35(1), 141-158. [10.1175/jcli-d-21-0157.1]

Sandwell, D. T., Goff, J. A., Gevorgian, J., Harper, H., Kim, S.-S., Yu, Y., Tozer, B., Wessel, P., & Smith, W. H. F. (2022). Improved Bathymetric Prediction Using Geological Information: Synbath. Earth and Space Science, 9(2), e2021EA002069. [10.1029/2021EA002069]

Shi, W., & Wang, M. H. (2022). Phytoplankton Biomass Dynamics in the Arabian Sea from VIIRS Observations. Journal of Marine Systems, 227. [10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103670]

Tokay, A., Von Lerber, A., Pettersen, C., Kulie, M. S., Moisseev, D. N., & Wolff, D. B. (2022). Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent by the Precipitation Imaging Package (Pip) in the Northern Great Lakes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 39(1), 37-54. [10.1175/jtech-d-20-0216.1]

Towle, E. K., Donovan, E. C., Kelsey, H., Allen, M. E., Barkley, H., Blondeau, J., Brainard, R. E., Carew, A., Couch, C. S., Dillard, M. K., Eakin, C. M., Edwards, K., Edwards, P. E. T., Enochs, I. C., Fleming, C. S., Fries, A. S., Geiger, E. F., Grove, L. J., Groves, S. H., Gorstein, M., Heenan, A., Johnson, M. W., Kimball, J., Koss, J. L., Kindinger, T., Levine, A., Manzello, D. P., Miller, N., Oliver, T., Samson, J. C., Swanson, D., Vargas-Ángel, B., Viehman, T. S., & Williams, I. D. (2022). A National Status Report on United States Coral Reefs Based on 2012–2018 Data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. [10.3389/fmars.2021.812216]

Trossman, D., & Bayler, E. (2022). An Algorithm to Bias-Correct and Transform Arctic SMAP-Derived Skin Salinities into Bulk Surface Salinities. Remote Sensing, 14(6), 1-19. [10.3390/rs14061418]

Vu, B. N., Bi, J., Wang, W., Huff, A., Kondragunta, S., & Liu, Y. (2022). Application of Geostationary Satellite and High-Resolution Meteorology Data in Estimating Hourly Pm2.5 Levels During the Camp Fire Episode in California. Remote Sensing of Environment, 271, 112890. [10.1016/j.rse.2022.112890]

Wang, Y. C., Lee, Z. P., Ondrusek, M., Li, X., Zhang, S., & Wu, J. Y. (2022). An Evaluation of Remote Sensing Algorithms for the Estimation of Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients in the Ultraviolet Bands. Optics Express, 30(5), 6640-6655. [10.1364/oe.446114]

Wang, Z. P., Iturbide-Sanchez, F., Beierle, P., Zhang, K., & Tremblay, D. (2022). Validation of CrIS Radiometric Performance through Its Comparison to ABI. Remote Sensing, 14(4). [10.3390/rs14040876]

Xian, G., Shi, H., Zhou, Q., Auch, R., Gallo, K., Wu, Z., & Kolian, M. (2022). Monitoring and Characterizing Multi-Decadal Variations of Urban Thermal Condition Using Time-Series Thermal Remote Sensing and Dynamic Land Cover Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 269, 112803. [10.1016/j.rse.2021.112803]

You, Y. L., Meng, H., Dong, J., Fan, Y. Z., Ferraro, R. R., Gu, G. J., & Wang, L. K. (2022). A Snowfall Detection Algorithm for ATMS over Ocean, Sea Ice, and Coast. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 1411-1420. [10.1109/jstars.2022.3140768]

Yu, X. L., Lee, Z. P., Shang, S. L., Wang, M. H., & Jiang, L. D. (2022). Estimating the Water-Leaving Albedo from Ocean Color. Remote Sensing of Environment, 269. [10.1016/j.rse.2021.112807]

2022 Q2: 36 Publications

Braggio, J. T., Hall, E. S., Weber, S. A., & Huff, A. K. (2022). New Homogeneous Spatial Areas Identified Using Case-Crossover Spatial Lag Grid Differences between Aerosol Optical Depth-Pm2.5 and Respiratory-Cardiovascular Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations. Atmosphere, 13(5). [10.3390/atmos13050719]

Chow, F. K., Yu, K. A., Young, A., James, E., Grell, G. A., Csiszar, I., Tsidulko, M., Freitas, S., Pereira, G., Giglio, L., Friberg, M. D., & Ahmadov, R. (2022). High-Resolution Smoke Forecasting for the 2018 Camp Fire in California. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(6), E1531-E1552. [10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0329.1]

Chavas, D. R., & Knaff, J. A. (2022). A Simple Model for Predicting the Tropical Cyclone Radius of Maximum Wind from Outer Size. Weather and Forecasting, 37(5), 563-579. [10.1175/waf-d-21-0103.1]

Chen, Y., Cao, C. Y., Shao, X., & Ho, S. P. (2022). Assessment of the Consistency and Stability of CrIS Infrared Observations Using COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data over Ocean. Remote Sensing, 14(11). [10.3390/rs14112721]

DeMerlis, A., Kirkland, A., Kaufman, M. L., Mayfield, A. B., Formel, N., Kolodziej, G., Manzello, D. P., Lirman, D., Traylor-Knowles, N., & Enochs, I. C. (2022). Pre-Exposure to a Variable Temperature Treatment Improves the Response of Acropora Cervicornis to Acute Thermal Stress. Coral Reefs, 41(2), 435-445. [10.1007/s00338-022-02232-z]

Demir, O., Johnson, J. T., Jezek, K. C., Brogioni, M., Macelloni, G., Kaleschke, L., & Brucker, L. (2022). Studies of Sea-Ice Thickness and Salinity Retrieval Using 0.5-2 Ghz Microwave Radiometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-12. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3168646]

Fang, L., Zhan, X., Kalluri, S., Yu, P., Hain, C., Anderson, M., & Laszlo, I. (2022). Application of a Machine Learning Algorithm in Generating an Evapotranspiration Data Product from Coupled Thermal Infrared and Microwave Satellite Observations. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Big Data, 5. [10.3389/fdata.2022.768676]

Galarneau, T. J., Wicker, L. J., Knopfmeier, K. H., Miller, W. J. S., Skinner, P. S., & Wilson, K. A. (2022). Short-Term Prediction of a Nocturnal Significant Tornado Outbreak Using a Convection-Allowing Ensemble. Weather and Forecasting, 37(6), 1027-1047. [10.1175/waf-d-21-0160.1]

Haupt, S. E., Gagne, D. J., Hsieh, W. W., Krasnopolsky, V., McGovern, A., Marzban, C., Moninger, W., Lakshmanan, V., Tissot, P., & Williams, J. K. (2022). The History and Practice of AI in the Environmental Sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(5), E1351-E1370. [10.1175/bams-d-20-0234.1]

Jaafar, H., Mourad, R., & Schull, M. (2022). A Global 30-M ET Model (HSEB) Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2, MODIS and VIIRS: Comparison to Ecostress Et and LST. Remote Sensing of Environment, 274. [10.1016/j.rse.2022.112995]

Jia, A. L., Wang, D. D., Liang, S. L., Peng, J. J., & Yu, Y. Y. (2022). Global Daily Actual and Snow-Free Blue-Sky Land Surface Albedo Climatology from 20-Year MODIS Products. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 127(8). [10.1029/2021jd035987]

Kumar, V., Prasad, S. B. S., Reddy, K. K., Dhaka, S. K., Choudhary, R. K., Reddy, M. V., & Ho, S. P. (2022). Temperature Perturbations in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere over a Semi-Arid Region During the 2010 Solar Eclipse. Pure and Applied Geophysics. [10.1007/s00024-022-03045-5]

Lavergne, T., Kern, S., Aaboe, S., Derby, L., Dybkjaer, G., Garric, G., Heil, P., Hendricks, S., Holfort, J., Howell, S., Key, J., Lieser, J. L., Maksym, T., Maslowski, W., Meier, W., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Nicolas, J., Özsoy, B., Rabe, B., Rack, W., Raphael, M., de Rosnay, P., Smolyanitsky, V., Tietsche, S., Ukita, J., Vichi, M., Wagner, P., Willmes, S., & Zhao, X. (2022). A New Structure for the Sea Ice Essential Climate Variables of the Global Climate Observing System. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(6), E1502-E1521. [10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0227.1]

Li, J., Zhang, Y. R., Di, D., Ma, Z., Li, Z. L., Schmit, T. J., & Menzel, W. P. (2022). The Influence of Sub-Footprint Cloudiness on Three-Dimensional Horizontal Wind from Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11). [10.1029/2022gl098460]

Liu, X. M., & Wang, M. H. (2022). Global Daily Gap-Free Ocean Color Products from Multi-Satellite Measurements. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 108. [10.1016/j.jag.2022.102714]

Liu, Y. H. (2022). Impacts of Active Satellite Sensors' Low-Level Cloud Detection Limitations on Cloud Radiative Forcing in the Arctic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(12), 8151-8173. [10.5194/acp-22-8151-2022]

Liu, Y. L., Yu, P., Wang, H. S., Peng, J. J., & Yu, Y. Y. (2022). Ten Years of VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product Validation. Remote Sensing, 14(12). [10.3390/rs14122863]

Lukens, K. E., Ide, K., Garrett, K., Liu, H., Santek, D., Hoover, B., & Hoffman, R. N. (2022). Exploiting Aeolus Level-2b Winds to Better Characterize Atmospheric Motion Vector Bias and Uncertainty. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(9), 2719-2743. [10.5194/amt-15-2719-2022]

Maddy, E. S., Bunin, S., Mikles, V. J., Shahroudi, N., Shiotani, B., & Boukabara, S. A. (2022). Temperature and Moisture Sounding Performance of Current and Prospective Microwave Instruments under All-Sky Conditions. Remote Sensing, 14(7). [10.3390/rs14071624]

Marks, K. M., & Smith, W. H. F. (2022). Comparison of Stacked Sentinel-3 a&B and Altika Repeat Cycle Data. []. Earth and Space Science, 9(4), e2021EA001892. [10.1029/2021EA001892]

Nalli, N. R., Jung, J. A., Stegmann, P., Johnson, B. T., & Zhou, L. (2022). Temperature-Dependent Optical Constants of Water in the Thermal Infrared Derived from Data Archaeology. Optics Continuum, 1(4), 738-746. [10.1364/OPTCON.450833]

Nezlin, N. P., Testa, J. M., Zheng, G. M., & DiGiacomo, P. M. (2022). Satellite Observations Estimating the Effects of River Discharge and Wind-Driven Upwelling on Phytoplankton Dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay. Integr Environ Assess Manag, 18(4), 921-938. [10.1002/ieam.4597]

Rishmawi, K., Huang, C. Q., Schleeweis, K., & Zhan, X. W. (2022). Integration of VIIRS Observations with Gedi-Lidar Measurements to Monitor Forest Structure Dynamics from 2013 to 2020 across the Conterminous United States. Remote Sensing, 14(10). [10.3390/rs14102320]

Sharp, J. D., Fassbender, A. J., Carter, B. R., Lavin, P. D., & Sutton, A. J. (2022). A Monthly Surface PCO(2) Product for the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Earth System Science Data, 14(4), 2081-2108. [10.5194/essd-14-2081-2022]

Smith, W. H. F. (2022). Direct Conversion of Latitude and Height from One Ellipsoid to Another. Journal of Geodesy, 96(5), 36. [10.1007/s00190-022-01608-x]

Stegmann, P. G., Johnson, B., Moradi, I., Karpowicz, B., & McCarty, W. (2022). A Deep Learning Approach to Fast Radiative Transfer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 280. [10.1016/j.jqsrt.2022.108088]

Trossman, D. S., & Tyler, R. H. (2022). A Prototype for Remote Monitoring of Ocean Heat Content Anomalies. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 39(5), 667-688. [10.1175/jtech-d-21-0037.1]

Van Eaton, A. R., Smith, C. M., Pavolonis, M., & Said, R. (2022). Eruption Dynamics Leading to a Volcanic Thunderstorm-the January 2020 Eruption of Taal Volcano, Philippines. Geology, 50(4), 491-495. [10.1130/g49490.1]

Wang, X. J., Liu, Y. H., Key, J. R., & Dworak, R. (2022). A New Perspective on Four Decades of Changes in Arctic Sea Ice from Satellite Observations. Remote Sensing, 14(8). [10.3390/rs14081846]

Wang, W. H., Cao, C. Y., & Blonski, S. (2022). Estimating the VIIRS Thermal Emissive Band Response Versus Scan (RVS) and Calibration Offsets Using on-Orbit Pitch Maneuver Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-10. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3181233]

Weber, M., Arosio, C., Coldewey-Egbers, M., Fioletov, V. E., Frith, S. M., Wild, J. D., Tourpali, K., Burrows, J. P., & Loyola, D. (2022). Global Total Ozone Recovery Trends Attributed to Ozone-Depleting Substance (Ods) Changes Derived from Five Merged Ozone Datasets. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(10), 6843-6859. [10.5194/acp-22-6843-2022]

Windle, A. E., Evers-King, H., Loveday, B. R., Ondrusek, M., & Silsbe, G. M. (2022). Evaluating Atmospheric Correction Algorithms Applied to OLCI Sentinel-3 Data of Chesapeake Bay Waters. Remote Sensing, 14(8). [10.3390/rs14081881]

Yang, J. X., You, Y., Blackwell, W., Liu, Q., Ferraro, R., Draper, D. W., Atkinson, N., Hewison, T. J., Misra, S., & Peng, J. (2022). An Adaptive Calibration Window for Noise Reduction of Satellite Microwave Radiometers. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-16. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3184670]

Yin, J. F., Zhan, X. W., Liu, J. C., & Ferraro, R. R. (2022). A New Method for Generating the SMOPS Blended Satellite Soil Moisture Data Product without Relying on a Model Climatology. Remote Sensing, 14(7). [10.3390/rs14071700]

Zheng, G. M., & DiGiacomo, P. M. (2022). A Simple Water Clarity-Turbidity Index for the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 48(3), 686-694. [10.1016/j.jglr.2022.03.005]

Zhou, J., Yang, H., & Iacovazzi, R. (2022). Improving ATMS Remapping Accuracy Using Adaptive Window and Noise-Tuning Method in Backus–Gilbert Inversion. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-12. [10.1109/TGRS.2022.3182630]

2022 Q3: 43 Publications

Brando, V. E., Pardo, S., Sathyendranath, S., Howey, B., Land, P., Jackson, T., Santoleri, R., Sammartino, M., Colella, S., von Schuckmann, K., Ghafari, D., Smail, E., Van Graafeiland, K., Ramachandran, S., Lance, V. P., & Wang, M. (2022). "Potential Eutrophication of European Waters Using Satellite Derived Chlorophyll Following the Un Sustainable Development Goal 14 Framework" in Copernicus Ocean State Report, Issue 6. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 15(sup1), S83-S91. [10.1080/1755876X.2022.2095169]

Bringas, F., Goni, G. J., Lin, I.-I., & Knaff, J. A. (2022). [the Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential [in NOAA "State of the Climate in 2021"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103(8), S246-S248. [10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0069.1]

Cao, C. Y., Zhang, B., Xia, F., & Bai, Y. (2022). Exploring VIIRS Night Light Long-Term Time Series with CNN/SI for Urban Change Detection and Aerosol Monitoring. Remote Sensing, 14(13). [10.3390/rs14133126]

Campbell, P. C., Tong, D. N., Saylor, R., Li, Y. Y., Ma, S. Q., Zhang, X. Y., Kondragunta, S., & Li, F. J. (2022). Pronounced Increases in Nitrogen Emissions and Deposition Due to the Historic 2020 Wildfires in the Western US. Science of the Total Environment, 839. [10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156130]

Choi, T. Y., Cao, C. Y., Shao, X., & Wang, W. H. (2022). S-NPP VIIRS Lunar Calibrations over 10 Years in Reflective Solar Bands (Rsb). Remote Sensing, 14(14). [10.3390/rs14143367]

Cintineo, J. L., Pavolonis, M. J., & Sieglaff, J. M. (2022). Probsevere Lightningcast: A Deep-Learning Model for Satellite-Based Lightning Nowcasting. Weather and Forecasting, 37(7), 1239-1257. [10.1175/waf-d-22-0019.1]

Duncan, K., & Farrell, S. L. (2022). Determining Variability in Arctic Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Topography with ICESat-2. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(18), e2022GL100272. [10.1029/2022GL100272]

Gan, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Kongoli, C., & Grassotti, C. (2022). Assimilation of Blended in Situ-Satellite Snow Water Equivalent into the National Water Model for Improving Hydrologic Simulation in Two US River Basins. Sci Total Environ, 838(Pt 4), 156567. [10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156567]

Garrett, K., Liu, H., Ide, K., Hoffman, R. N., & Lukens, K. E. (2022). Optimization and Impact Assessment of Aeolus Hlos Wind Assimilation in NOAA's Global Forecast System. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148(747), 2703-2716. [10.1002/qj.4331]

Godin-Beekmann, S., Azouz, N., Sofieva, V. F., Hubert, D., Petropavlovskikh, I., Effertz, P., Ancellet, G., Degenstein, D. A., Zawada, D., Froidevaux, L., Frith, S., Wild, J., Davis, S., Steinbrecht, W., Leblanc, T., Querel, R., Tourpali, K., Damadeo, R., Barras, E. M., Stubi, R., Vigouroux, C., Arosio, C., Nedoluha, G., Boyd, I., Van Malderen, R., Mahieu, E., Smale, D., & Sussmann, R. (2022). Updated Trends of the Stratospheric Ozone Vertical Distribution in the 60 Degrees S-60 Degrees N Latitude Range Based on the Lotus Regression Model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(17), 11657-11673. [10.5194/acp-22-11657-2022]

Heidinger, A. K., Foster, M. J., Knapp, K. R., & Schmit, T. J. (2022). Using GOES-R ABI Full-Disk Reflectance as a Calibration Source for the GOES Imager Visible Channels. Remote Sensing, 14(15). [10.3390/rs14153630]

Hillger, D., Line, W. E., Seaman, C., Miller, S. D., Finley, S., & Kopp, T. J. (2022). Ten Years of VIIRS EDR Imagery Validation and User Interactions. Remote Sensing, 14(17), 4167. [10.3390/rs14174167]

Hu, M., Ma, R., Xiong, J., Wang, M., Cao, Z., & Xue, K. (2022). Eutrophication State in the Eastern China Based on Landsat 35-Year Observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 277, 113057. [10.1016/j.rse.2022.113057]

Jing, X., Uprety, S., Liu, T.-C., Zhang, B., & Shao, X. (2022). Evaluation of SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Datasets Using Radcalnet and Landsat 8/Oli Data. Remote Sensing, 14(16), 3913. [10.3390/rs14163913]

Jonasson, O., Ignatov, A., Pryamitsyn, V., Petrenko, B., & Kihai, Y. (2022). JPSS VIIRS SST Reanalysis Version 3. Remote Sensing, 14(14). [10.3390/rs14143476]

Kuciauskas, A., Reale, A., Esmaili, R., Sun, B. M., Nalli, N. R., & Morris, V. R. (2022). Investigating Nucaps Skill in Profiling Saharan Dust for near-Real-Time Forecasting. Remote Sensing, 14(17). [10.3390/rs14174261]

Li, Z. L., Ma, Z., Wang, P., Lim, A. H. N., Li, J., Jung, J. A., Schmit, T. J., & Huang, H. L. (2022). An Objective Quality Control of Surface Contamination Observations for ABI Water Vapor Radiance Assimilation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 127(15). [10.1029/2021jd036061]

Lim, A. H. N., Nebuda, S. E., Jung, J. A., Daniels, J. M., Bailey, A., Bresky, W., Bi, L., & Mehra, A. (2022). Optimizing the Assimilation of the GOES-16/-17 Atmospheric Motion Vectors in the Hurricane Weather Forecasting (HWRF) Model. Remote Sensing, 14(13). [10.3390/rs14133068]

Lin, Z., Stamnes, S., Li, W., Hu, Y., Laszlo, I., Tsay, S.-C., Berk, A., van den Bosch, J., & Stamnes, K. (2022). Polarized Radiative Transfer Simulations: A Tutorial Review and Upgrades of the Vector Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer Computational Tool. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3. [10.3389/frsen.2022.880768]

Little, C. M., Liu, G., De La Cour, J. L., Eakin, C. M., Manzello, D., & Heron, S. F. (2022). Global Coral Bleaching Event Detection from Satellite Monitoring of Extreme Heat Stress. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. [10.3389/fmars.2022.883271]

Liu, H., Garrett, K., Ide, K., Hoffman, R. N., & Lukens, K. E. (2022). A Statistically Optimal Analysis of Systematic Differences between Aeolus Horizontal Line-of-Sight Winds and NOAA's Global Forecast System. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15(13), 3925-3940. [10.5194/amt-15-3925-2022]

Mears, C. A., Nicolas, J. P., Bock, O., Ho, S. P., & Zhou, X. (2022). [Global Climate] Hydrological Cycle, Total Column Water Vapor [in NOAA "State of the Climate in 2021"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103(8), S52-S54. [10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0092.1]

Orescanin, M., Petkovic, V., Powell, S. W., Marsh, B. R., & Heslin, S. C. (2022). Bayesian Deep Learning for Passive Microwave Precipitation Type Detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, 1-5. [10.1109/LGRS.2021.3090743]

Peterson, D. A., Thapa, L. H., Saide, P. E., Soja, A. J., Gargulinski, E. M., Hyer, E. J., Weinzierl, B., Dollner, M., Schöberl, M., Papin, P. P., Kondragunta, S., Camacho, C. P., Ichoku, C., Moore, R. H., Hair, J. W., Crawford, J. H., Dennison, P. E., Kalashnikova, O. V., Bennese, C. E., Bui, T. P., DiGangi, J. P., Diskin, G. S., Fenn, M. A., Halliday, H. S., Jimenez, J., Nowak, J. B., Robinson, C., Sanchez, K., Shingler, T. J., Thornhill, L., Wiggins, E. B., Winstead, E., & Xu, C. (2022). Measurements from inside a Thunderstorm Driven by Wildfire: The 2019 Firex-Aq Field Experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(9), E2140-E2167. [10.1175/bams-d-21-0049.1]

Petrenko, B., Pryamitsyn, V., Ignatov, A., Jonasson, O., & Kihai, Y. (2022). AVHRR Gac Sea Surface Temperature Reanalysis Version 2. Remote Sensing, 14(13). [10.3390/rs14133165]

Pinker, R. T., Ma, Y. T., Chen, W., Laszlo, I., Liu, H. Q., Kim, H. Y., & Daniels, J. (2022). Top-of-the-Atmosphere Reflected Shortwave Radiative Fluxes from GOES-R. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(17), 5077-5094. [10.5194/amt-15-5077-2022]

Polverari, F., Sapp, J. W., Portabella, M., Stoffelen, A., Jelenak, Z., & Chang, P. S. (2022). On Dropsonde Surface-Adjusted Winds and Their Use for the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer Wind Speed Calibration. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-8. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3189310]

Pryor, K., & Demoz, B. (2022). A Retrospective Satellite Analysis of the June 2012 North American Derecho. Remote Sensing, 14(14). [10.3390/rs14143479]

Santer, B. D., Po-Chedley, S., Feldl, N., Fyfe, J. C., Fu, Q., Solomon, S., England, M., Rodgers, K. B., Stuecker, M. F., Mears, C., Zou, C.-Z., Bonfils, C. J. W., Pallotta, G., Zelinka, M. D., Rosenbloom, N., & Edwards, J. (2022). Robust Anthropogenic Signal Identified in the Seasonal Cycle of Tropospheric Temperature. Journal of Climate, 35(18), 6075-6100. [10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0766.1]

Shao, X., Padula, F. P., Cao, C., Wu, X., Yu, F., Pearlman, A., Qian, H., Uprety, S., & Choi, T. (2022). Validation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 Advanced Baseline Imager Radiometric Calibration with Airborne Field Campaign Data and Reanalysis of North-South Scan Data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 16(3), 037501. [10.1117/1.JRS.16.037501]

Shi, W., & Wang, M. H. (2022). Biological Dipole Mode Indices: New Parameters to Characterize the Physical and Biological Processes of the Indian Ocean Dipole Event. Progress in Oceanography, 206. [10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102847]

Thompson, P. R., Widlansky, M. J., Leuliette, E., Chambers, D. P., Sweet, W., Hamlington, B. D., Jevrejeva, S., Merrifield, M. A., Mitchum, G. T., & Nerem, R. S. (2022). [Global Oceans] Sea Level Variability and Change [in NOAA "State of the Climate in 2021"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103(8), S168–S172. [10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0072.1]

Tsang, L., Durand, M., Derksen, C., Barros, A. P., Kang, D. H., Lievens, H., Marshall, H. P., Zhu, J. Y., Johnson, J., King, J., Lemmetyinen, J., Sandells, M., Rutter, N., Siqueira, P., Nolin, A., Osmanoglu, B., Vuyovich, C., Kim, E., Taylor, D., Merkouriadi, I., Brucker, L., Navari, M., Dumont, M., Kelly, R., Kim, R. S., Liao, T. H., Borah, F., & Xu, X. L. (2022). Review Article: Global Monitoring of Snow Water Equivalent Using High-Frequency Radar Remote Sensing. Cryosphere, 16(9), 3531-3573. [10.5194/tc-16-3531-2022]

Upadhyaya, S. A., Kirstetter, P. E., Kuligowski, R. J., & Searls, M. (2022). Exploring the Temporal Information from Geo Satellites for Estimating Precipitation with Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19. [10.1109/lgrs.2022.3189535]

van Woesik, R., Shlesinger, T., Grottoli, A. G., Toonen, R. J., Vega Thurber, R., Warner, M. E., Marie Hulver, A., Chapron, L., McLachlan, R. H., Albright, R., Crandall, E., DeCarlo, T. M., Donovan, M. K., Eirin-Lopez, J., Harrison, H. B., Heron, S. F., Huang, D., Humanes, A., Krueger, T., Madin, J. S., Manzello, D., McManus, L. C., Matz, M., Muller, E. M., Rodriguez-Lanetty, M., Vega-Rodriguez, M., Voolstra, C. R., & Zaneveld, J. (2022). Coral-Bleaching Responses to Climate Change across Biological Scales. Glob Chang Biol, 28(14), 4229-4250. [10.1111/gcb.16192]

Wang, L. K., Pan, C. H., Yan, B. H., Beck, T., Chen, J. Y., Zhou, L. H., Kalluri, S., & Goldberg, M. (2022). Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mapper: Methodology. Remote Sensing, 14(13). [10.3390/rs14133040]

Wang, W. H., Cao, C. Y., Shao, X., Blonski, S., Choi, T., Uprety, S., Zhang, B., & Bai, Y. (2022). Evaluation of 10-Year NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Reflective Solar Band (Rsb) Sensor Data Records (SDR) over Deep Convective Clouds. Remote Sensing, 14(15). [10.3390/rs14153566]

Wynne, T. T., Tomlinson, M. C., Briggs, T. O., Mishra, S., Meredith, A., Vogel, R. L., & Stumpf, R. P. (2022). Evaluating the Efficacy of Five Chlorophyll-a Algorithms in Chesapeake Bay (USA) for Operational Monitoring and Assessment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(8). [10.3390/jmse10081104]

Yan, B. H., Pan, C. H., Beck, T., Jin, X., Wang, L. K., Liang, D., Flynn, L., Chen, J. Y., Huang, J. F., Buckner, S., Zou, C. Z., Sun, N. H., Lin, L., Young, A., Zhou, L. H., & Hao, W. (2022). New Reprocessing Towards Life-Time Quality-Consistent Suomi NPP OMPS Nadir Sensor Data Records (SDR): Calibration Improvements and Impact Assessments on Long-Term Quality Stability of OMPS SDR Data Sets. Remote Sensing, 14(13). [10.3390/rs14133125]

Yi, D. H., Egido, A., Smith, W. H. F., Connor, L., Buchhaupt, C., & Zhang, D. X. (2022). Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA's Operation Icebridge Atm Data. Remote Sensing, 14(13). [10.3390/rs14133011]

You, Y. L., Meng, H., Dong, J., Yang, J. X., Ringerud, S., & Fan, Y. Z. (2022). Precipitation Phase Determination by Brightness Temperatures from ATMS. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19. [10.1109/lgrs.2022.3196386]

Zhang, B., Ho, S. P., Cao, C. Y., Shao, X., Dong, J., & Chen, Y. (2022). Verification and Validation of the COSMIC-2 Excess Phase and Bending Angle Algorithms for Data Quality Assurance at Star. Remote Sensing, 14(14). [10.3390/rs14143288]

Zhang, L., Montuoro, R., McKeen, S. A., Baker, B., Bhattacharjee, P. S., Grell, G. A., Henderson, J., Pan, L., Frost, G. J., McQueen, J., Saylor, R., Li, H. Q., Ahmadov, R., Wang, J., Stajner, I., Kondragunta, S., Zhang, X. Y., & Li, F. J. (2022). Development and Evaluation of the Aerosol Forecast Member in the National Center for Environment Prediction (NCEP)'S Global Ensemble Forecast System (Gefs-Aerosols V1). Geoscientific Model Development, 15(13), 5337-5369. [10.5194/gmd-15-5337-2022]

2022 Q4: 38 Publications

Anheuser, J., Liu, Y., & Key, J. R. (2022). A Simple Model for Daily Basin-Wide Thermodynamic Sea Ice Thickness Growth Retrieval. The Cryosphere, 16(10), 4403-4421. [10.5194/tc-16-4403-2022]

Boukabara, S. A., & Hoffman, R. N. (2022). Optimizing Observing Systems Using ASPEN: An Analysis Tool to Assess the Benefit and Cost Effectiveness of Observations to Earth System Applications. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(10), E2417-E2439. [10.1175/bams-d-22-0004.1]

Calbet, X., Henken, C. C., DeSouza-Machado, S., Sun, B. M., & Reale, T. (2022). Horizontal Small-Scale Variability of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere: Implications for Intercomparison of Data from Different Measuring Systems. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(23), 7105-7118. [10.5194/amt-15-7105-2022]

Carr, J. L., Daniels, J., Wu, D. L., Bresky, W., & Tan, B. (2022). A Demonstration of Three-Satellite Stereo Winds. Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5290. [10.3390/rs14215290]

Choi, T., & Cao, C. (2022). NOAA-20 VIIRS on-Orbit Geometric Data Quality Estimation Using the Scheduled Lunar Collections. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3229825]

Crawford, A., Chai, T. F., Wang, B. Y., Ring, A., Stunder, B., Loughner, C. P., Pavolonis, M., & Sieglaff, J. (2022). Evaluation and Bias Correction of Probabilistic Volcanic Ash Forecasts. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(21), 13967-13996. [10.5194/acp-22-13967-2022]

DeMaria, M., Franklin, J. L., Zelinsky, R., Zelinsky, D. A., Onderlinde, M. J., Knaff, J. A., Stevenson, S. N., Kaplan, J., Musgrave, K. D., Chirokova, G., & Sampson, C. R. (2022). The National Hurricane Center Tropical Cyclone Model Guidance Suite. Weather and Forecasting, 37(11), 2141-2159. [10.1175/waf-d-22-0039.1]

Gallo, K., & Krishnan, P. (2022). Evaluation of the Bias in the Use of Clear-Sky Compared with All-Sky Observations of Monthly and Annual Daytime Land Surface Temperature. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61(10), 1485-1495. [10.1175/jamc-d-21-0240.1]

Garrigues, S., Remy, S., Chimot, J., Ades, M., Inness, A., Flemming, J., Kipling, Z., Laszlo, I., Benedetti, A., Ribas, R., Jafariserajehlou, S., Fougnie, B., Kondragunta, S., Engelen, R., Peuch, V. H., Parrington, M., Bousserez, N., Navarro, M. V., & Agusti-Panareda, A. (2022). Monitoring Multiple Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Products within the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (Cams) Data Assimilation System. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(22), 14657-14692. [10.5194/acp-22-14657-2022]

Ho, S. P., Kireev, S., Shao, X., Zhou, X. J., & Jing, X. (2022). Processing and Validation of the Star COSMIC-2 Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles in the Neural Atmosphere. Remote Sensing, 14(21). [10.3390/rs14215588]

Ho, S. P., Pedatella, N., Foelsche, U., Healy, S., Weiss, J. P., & Ullman, R. (2022). Using Radio Occultation Data for Atmospheric Numerical Weather Prediction, Climate Sciences, and Ionospheric Studies and Initial Results from COSMIC-2, Commercial RO Data, and Recent RO Missions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(11), E2506-E2512. [10.1175/Bams-D-22-0174.1]

Hoffman, J. P., Ackerman, S. A., Liu, Y. H., & Key, J. R. (2022). A 20-Year Climatology of Sea Ice Leads Detected in Infrared Satellite Imagery Using a Convolutional Neural Network. Remote Sensing, 14(22). [10.3390/rs14225763]

Huang, X. Z., Yang, K., Kondragunta, S., Wei, Z. G., Valin, L., Szykman, J., & Goldberg, M. (2022). No2 Retrievals from NOAA-20 OMPS: Algorithm, Evaluation, and Observations of Drastic Changes During Covid-19. Atmospheric Environment, 290. [10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119367]

Li, F. J., Zhang, X. Y., Kondragunta, S., Lu, X. M., Csiszar, I., & Schmidt, C. C. (2022). Hourly Biomass Burning Emissions Product from Blended Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Satellites for Air Quality Forecasting Applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 281. [10.1016/j.rse.2022.113237]

Li, J., Menzel, W. P., Schmit, T. J., & Schmetz, J. (2022). Applications of Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations: Progress, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(12), E2733-E2755. [10.1175/bams-d-21-0328.1]

Li, S. M., Goldberg, M., Kalluri, S., Lindsey, D. T., Sjoberg, B., Zhou, L. H., Helfrich, S., Green, D., Borges, D., Yang, T. S., & Sun, D. L. (2022). High Resolution 3d Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Moderate-Resolution Operational Satellites. Remote Sensing, 14(21). [10.3390/rs14215445]

Liang, X., Garrett, K., Liu, Q., Maddy, E. S., Ide, K., & Boukabara, S. (2022). A Deep-Learning-Based Microwave Radiative Transfer Emulator for Data Assimilation and Remote Sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 8819-8833. [10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3210491]

Liu, Q., Lee, Y. K., Grassotti, C., Liang, X., Kidder, S. Q., & Kusselson, S. (2022). The Challenge of Surface Type Changes over the Aral Sea for Satellite Remote Sensing of Precipitation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 8650-8655. [10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3212647]

Maturi, E. M., Shay, L. N., Donahue, D. R., & Byrne, D. A. (2022). NOAA's Operational Satellite Ocean Heat Content Products. Journal of Operational Oceanography. [10.1080/1755876x.2022.2147701]

Mikelsons, K., Wang, M., Kwiatkowska, E., Jiang, L., Dessailly, D., & Gossn, J. I. (2022). Statistical Evaluation of Sentinel-3 OLCI Ocean Color Data Retrievals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60. [10.1109/tgrs.2022.3226158]

McWhorter, J. K., Halloran, P. R., Roff, G., Skirving, W. J., & Mumby, P. J. (2022). Climate Refugia on the Great Barrier Reef Fail When Global Warming Exceeds 3 Degrees C. Glob Chang Biol, 28(19), 5768-5780. [10.1111/gcb.16323]

Moradi, I., Stegmann, P., Johnson, B., Barlakas, V., Eriksson, P., Geer, A., Gelaro, R., Kalluri, S., Kleist, D., Liu, Q. H., & McCarty, W. (2022). Implementation of a Discrete Dipole Approximation Scattering Database into Community Radiative Transfer Model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 127(24). [10.1029/2022jd036957]

Morris, J., Enochs, I., Webb, A., de Bakker, D., Soderberg, N., Kolodziej, G., & Manzello, D. (2022). The Influences of Diurnal Variability and Ocean Acidification on the Bioerosion Rates of Two Reef-Dwelling Caribbean Sponges. Global Change Biology, 28(23), 7126-7138. [10.1111/gcb.16442]

Morris, J. T., Enochs, I. C., Besemer, N., Viehman, T. S., Groves, S. H., Blondeau, J., Ames, C., Towle, E. K., Grove, L. J. W., & Manzello, D. P. (2022). Low Net Carbonate Accretion Characterizes Florida's Coral Reef. Sci Rep, 12(1), 19582. [10.1038/s41598-022-23394-4]

Noh, Y. J., Haynes, J. M., Miller, S. D., Seaman, C. J., Heidinger, A. K., Weinrich, J., Kulie, M. S., Niznik, M., & Daub, B. J. (2022). A Framework for Satellite-Based 3d Cloud Data: An Overview of the VIIRS Cloud Base Height Retrieval and User Engagement for Aviation Applications. Remote Sensing, 14(21). [10.3390/rs14215524]

Picard, G., Leduc-Leballeur, M., Banwell, A. F., Brucker, L., & Macelloni, G. (2022). The Sensitivity of Satellite Microwave Observations to Liquid Water in the Antarctic Snowpack. Cryosphere, 16(12), 5061-5083. [10.5194/tc-16-5061-2022]

Qi, L., Hu, C. M., Barnes, B. B., Lapointe, B. E., Chen, Y. L., Xie, Y. Y., & Wang, M. H. (2022). Climate and Anthropogenic Controls of Seaweed Expansions in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(19). [10.1029/2022gl098185]

Qi, L., Wang, M., Hu, C., & Holt, B. (2022). On the Capacity of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar in Detecting Floating Macroalgae and Other Floating Matters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 280, 113188. [10.1016/j.rse.2022.113188]

Schubert, W. H., Taft, R. K., & Slocum, C. J. (2022). Baroclinic Effects on the Distribution of Tropical Cyclone Eye Subsidence. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. [10.3389/feart.2022.1062465]

Slocum, C. J., Razin, M. N., Knaff, J. A., & Stow, J. P. (2022). Does Era5 Mark a New Era for Resolving the Tropical Cyclone Environment? Journal of Climate, 35(21), 3547-3564. [10.1175/jcli-d-22-0127.1]

Spady, B. L., Skirving, W. J., Liu, G., De La Cour, J. L., McDonald, C. J., & Manzello, D. P. (2022). Unprecedented Early-Summer Heat Stress and Forecast of Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, 2021-2022 [Version 4; Peer Review: 2 Approved, 1 Approved with Reservations]. F1000Research, 11(127). [10.12688/f1000research.108724.4]

Thapa, L. H., Ye, X. X., Hair, J. W., Fenn, M. A., Shingler, T., Kondragunta, S., Ichoku, C., Dominguez, R., Ellison, L., Soja, A. J., Gargulinski, E., Ahmadov, R., James, E., Grell, G. A., Freitas, S. R., Pereira, G., & Saide, P. E. (2022). Heat Flux Assumptions Contribute to Overestimation of Wildfire Smoke Injection into the Free Troposphere. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1). [10.1038/s43247-022-00563-x]

Upadhyaya, S. A., Kirstetter, P. E., Kuligowski, R. J., & Searls, M. (2022). Towards Improved Precipitation Estimation with the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager: Algorithm and Evaluation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148(748), 3406-3427. [10.1002/qj.4368]

Valente, A., Sathyendranath, S., Brotas, V., Groom, S., Grant, M., Jackson, T., Chuprin, A., Taberner, M., Airs, R., Antoine, D., Arnone, R., Balch, W. M., Barker, K., Barlow, R., Belanger, S., Berthon, J. F., Borsheim, Y., Bracher, A., Brando, V., Brewin, R. J. W., Canuti, E., Chavez, F. P., Cianca, A., Claustre, H., Clementson, L., Crout, R., Ferreira, A., Freeman, S., Frouin, R., Garcia-Soto, C., Gibb, S. W., Goericke, R., Gould, R., Guillocheau, N., Hooker, S. B., Hu, C. M., Kahru, M., Kampel, M., Klein, H., Kratzer, S., Kudela, R., Ledesma, J., Lohrenz, S., Loisel, H., Mannino, A., Martinez-Vicente, V., Matrai, P., McKee, D., Mitchell, B. G., Moisan, T., Montes, E., Muller-Karger, F., Neeley, A., Novak, M., O'Dowd, L., Ondrusek, M., Platt, T., Poulton, A. J., Repecaud, M., Rottgers, R., Schroeder, T., Smyth, T., Smythe-Wright, D., Sosik, H. M., Thomas, C., Thomas, R., Tilstone, G., Tracana, A., Twardowski, M., Vellucci, V., Voss, K., Werdell, J., Wernand, M., Wojtasiewicz, B., Wright, S., Zibordi, G., & Besiktepe, S. (2022). A Compilation of Global Bio-Optical in Situ Data for Ocean Colour Satelliteapplications - Version Three. Earth System Science Data, 14(12), 5737-5770. [10.5194/essd-14-5737-2022]

Wei, J. W., Wang, M. H., Mikelsons, K., Jiang, L. D., Kratzer, S., Lee, Z., Moore, T., Sosik, H. M., & van der Zande, D. (2022). Global Satellite Water Classification Data Products over Oceanic, Coastal, and Inland Waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 282. [10.1016/j.rse.2022.113233]

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