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GSICS Quarterly Newsletters

Larry Flynn (GCC Director), Manik Bali, Lori Brown, and the press crew at the GCC proudly present the GSICS Quarterly. GSICS Quarterly is a newsletter designed to communicate GSICS activities to all GSICS members and partners, as well as to satellite data users and policy makers.

Spring 2024 GSICS Quarterly Newsletter
Volume 18, Number 1

Click here to open the current Newsletter.


Evaluation of Long-Term Stability and Inter-Consistency of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands
By Feng Zhang (UMD), Xi Shao (UMD), Changyong Cao (NOAA), Yong Chen (NOAA), Wenhui Wang (UMD), Tung-Chang Liu (UMD) and Xin Jing (UMD)

CLARREO Pathfinder’s Advanced Angular Correction Algorithm for Precise Satellite Intercalibration
By Wan Wu (NASA LaRC), Xu Liu (NASA LaRC), Qiguang Yang (ADNET), Luke Morrill (NASA LaRC), Aron D. Bartle (Mechdyne), Adam Thurston (Mechdyne), Natividad M. Smith (AMA), Yolanda L. Shea (NASA LaRC) and Rajendra Bhatt (NASA LaRC)

A Novel Pseudo-Invariant Pixels Based Method for Sensor Intercalibration
By Junwei Wang1, Xiuqing Hu1, Kun Gao2, Yuqing He2, Ling Wang1, Guorong Li2, Na Xu1, and Peng Zhang1
1National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration
2School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Extending GSICS to an Absolute Scale
By Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT)

News in This Quarter

24th GSICS Executive Panel Meeting (GSICS EP 24) held on 15 March 2024 in Darmstadt, Germany
By Manik Bali (UMD), Kamaljit Ray (IMD), Heikki Pohjhola (WMO), Bojan Bojkov (EUMETSAT), Lawrence Flynn (NOAA), Mounir Lekouara (EUMETSAT), Paolo Castracane (ESA) and Fangfang Yu (UMD)

MTG-I1 FCI calibration update
By Mounir Lekouara, Ali Mousivand, Christoph Straif, Alessandro Burini, Stephan Stock, Janja Avbelj, Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) and Vincent Debaecker (Telespazio France)


AOMSUC-14 to be held December 2-7, 2024, at IMD, Delhi, India
By Ashim Mitra (IMD)

GSICS-Related Publications

Article citation format example:

Chen, Yong, Likun Wang, Fuzhong Weng, and Changyong Cao. "Reprocessing of S-NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records and Impacts on Radiometric and Spectral Long- term Accuracy and Stability." GSICS Quarterly Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Sept. 2017): 10-12. DOI: 10.7289/V5R78CFR.

Newsletter Reviewers:

Newsletter editorial team:

  • Manik Bali, Editor
  • Lawrence E. Flynn, Reviewer
  • Lori K. Brown, Tech Support
  • FangFang Yu, US Correspondent
  • Tim Hewison, European Correspondent
  • Yuan Li, Asian Correspondent

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