Calibration-Related Journal Articles, Technical Memos, and Conference Proceedings
Lee, Y., Ahn, M. H., Kang, M. A., & Eo, M. (2023). Spectral Replacement Using Machine Learning Methods for Continuous Mapping of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (Gems). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(1), 153-168. [10.5194/amt-16-153-2023]
Niu, J., Flynn, L. E., Beck, C. T., Zhang, Z., Beach, E., Zhang, Z., & Bali, M. (2023). Enterprise Version 8 Total Column Ozone Algorithm (EV8TOz) Development and Applications on Multiple Sensors. Remote Sensing Letters, 14(3), 231-242. [10.1080/2150704X.2023.2185111]
Xu, Z. X., Lu, P. P., Cai, Y. H., Li, J. F., Yang, T. Y., Wu, Y. R., & Wang, R. B. (2023). An Efficient Channel Imbalance Estimation Method Based on Subadditivity of Linear Normed Space of Sub-Band Spectrum for Azimuth Multichannel SAR. Remote Sensing, 15(6). [10.3390/rs15061561]
Yang, L., Shi, L., Sun, W. D., Yang, J., Li, P. X., Li, D. R., Liu, S. W., & Zhao, L. L. (2023). Radiometric and Polarimetric Quality Validation of Gaofen-3 over a Five-Year Operation Period. Remote Sensing, 15(6). [10.3390/rs15061605]
Suto, H., Kataoka, F., Knuteson, R. O., Shiomi, K., Kikuchi, N., & Kuze, A. (2022). Updated Spectral Radiance Calibration on Tir Bands for TANSO-FTS-2 Onboard GOSAT-2. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(18), 5399-5413. [10.5194/amt-15-5399-2022]
Staebell, C., Sun, K., Samra, J., Franklin, J., Miller, C. C., Liu, X., Conway, E., Chance, K., Milligan, S., & Wofsy, S. (2021). Spectral Calibration of the Methaneair Instrument. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(5), 3737-3753. [10.5194/amt-14-3737-2021]
Gao, C. et al. 2013: The cross-calibration of CBERS-02B/CCD visible- near infrared channels with Terra/MODIS channe.s, Int. J. Remote Sens., 34(9-10), 3688-3698.
Yu, F. et al., 2013: Diurnal and scan angle variations in the calibration of GOES Imager infrared channels, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sens., 51(1), 671-683.
Zhou, G. et al. 2012: Imaging spectrometry radiometric corss- calibration based on precise spectral response matching, Spectroscopy and Spectral Anslysis, 32(12), 3416-3421.
Yang, H. et al. 2012: Environmental data records from Feng Yun-3B microwave radiatiom Imager, IEEE Trans. Geosciences and Remote Sens., 50(12), 4986-4993.
Wu, A., Y. Xie, X. Xiong, and I-W. Chu, 2012: Assess Calibration Consistency of MODIS and AVHRR Thermal Infrared Bands Using SNO Observations Corrected for Atmospheric Effects, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 9(3), 487-491.
Shi, L. P. Ge, and J. Bates, 2012: Surface air temperature and humidity from intersatellite-calibrated HIRS measurements in high latitude, J. Atmos. and Ocean. Tech., 29(1), 3-13.
Doelling, D.R., C. Lukashin, P. Minnis, B. Scarino, D. Morstad, 2012: Spectral reflectance corrections for satellite intercalibrations using SCIAMACHY data Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 1, 119-123.
Anderson, J.,K. T. Weber, B. Gokhale, and F. Chen et al, 2011: Intercalibration and evaluation of ResourceSat-1 and Landsat-5 NDVI. Can. J. of Remote Sens., 37(2), 213-219.
Goldberg M., G. Ohring, J. Butler, C. Cao, R. Datla, D. Doelling, V. Gärtner, T. Hewison, B. Iacovazzi, D. Kim, T. Kurino, J. Lafeuille, P. Minnis, D. Renaut, J. Schmetz, D. Tobin, L. Wang, F. Weng, X. Wu, F. Yu, P. Zhang and T. Zhu., 2011: The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS), Bulletin of the American Meteorology Society, 92, 467475, DOI: 10.1175/2010BAMS2967.1.
Liang, X., and A. Ignatov, 2011: Monitoring of IR Clear-sky Radiances over Oceans for SST (MICROS). J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 28, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-10-05023.1, 2011.
Jeong, M-J., N.C. Hsu, E.J. Kwiatjowsja, B.A. Franz, G. Meister, and C.E. Salustro, 2011: Impacts of cross-platform vicarious calibration on the deep blue aerosol retrievals for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer aboard Terra, IEEE Trans. Geo. Remote Sens., 49(12), 4877-4888.
Wang L., M, Goldberg, X. Wu, C. Cao, R. A. Iacovazzi Jr., F. Yu, Y. Li, 2011: Consistency assessment of AIRS and IASI radiances: Double differences versus simultaneous nadir overpasses, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D11111, DOI: 10.1029/2010JD014988.
Zou, Cheng-Zhi and Wenhui Wang, 2011: Inter-satellite calibration of AMSU-A observations for weather and climate applications, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D23113, DOI: 10.1029/2011JD016205.
Ham, S.-H., and B.J. Sohn, 2010: Assessment of the calibration performance of satellite visible channels using cloud targets: Application to Meteosat-8/9 and MTSAT-1R, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1-19.
Hewison, T., 2011: GS SICS SEVIRI-IASI Inter-calibration Uncertainty Evaluation, Proceedings of 2011 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Oslo, Norway 5 - 9 September 2011, EUMETSAT P.59, ISBN 978-92-9110-093-4, ISSN 1011-3932.
Hu, X., J. Liu, L. Sun, Z. Rong, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, R. Wu, L. Zhang, Z. Zheng, X. Gu, 2010: Characterization of CRCS Dunhuang test site and vicarious calibration utilization for Fengyun(FY) series sensors. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 36:566-582, DOI: 10.5589/m10-087, Special issue "Terrestrial reference standard test sites for post-launch calibration".
Hu X., L. Zhang, Z. Zheng, Y. Zhang, L. Sun, L. Ding, X. Huang, 2010: Multi-detectors radiometric calibration for infrared band of Medium Resolution Spectral Imager onboard FY-3A. Optics and Precision Engineering, in press.
Mo, Tsan, 2010: A Study of the NOAA Near-Nadir AMSU-A Brightness Temperatures over Antarctica. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 27, 995-1004. DOI: 10.1175/2010JTECHA1417.1
Wang L., X. Wu, Y. Li, S.-H. Sohn, M. Goldberg, and C. Cao, 2010: Comparison of AIRS and IASI radiance measurements using GOES Imagers as transfer radiometers. J. Appl. Met. and Clim., 49, 478-492.
Smith, D., C. Mutlow, J. Delderfield, R. Watkins, and G. Mason 2010: ATSR infrared radiometeric calibraion and in-orbit performance, Remote Sensing of Environment, 116, 4-16
Yang, H., F. Weng, L. Lv, N. Lu, G. Liu, M. Bai, Q. Qian, J. He and X. Xu, 2011: The FengYun-3 microwave radiation Imager on-orbit verification, IEEE Trans. Geo. Remote Sens., 49(11), 4552-4560.
Zhang Y., Y. Li, Z. Rong, 2010: Comparisons and analysis on the spectral response functions' difference between FY-2E's and FY2C's split window channels, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(6), 1634-1637.
Zou, Cheng-Zhi and Wenhui Wang (2010), Stability of the MSU-derived atmospheric temperature trend, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 27(11), 1960-1971. DOI: 10.1175/2009JTECHA1333.1.
Cao, C., M. Goldberg, and L. Wang, 2009: Spectral bias characterization of historical HIRS using IASI observations for improved fundamental climate data records. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 26, 1378-1387.
Datla, R. V.; Rice, J. P.; Lykke, K. R.; Johnson, B. C.; Butler, J. J.; Xiong, X, 2009: Best Practice Guidelines for Pre-Launch Characterization and Calibration of Instruments for Passive Optical Remote Sensing. NIST Interagency / Internal Report (NISTIR) - 7637 Online copy of paper
Fougnie, B., and R. Bach, 2009: Monitoring of Radiometric Sensitivity Changes of Space Sensors Using Deep Convective Clouds - Operational Application to PARASOL, IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Remote Sensing , 47(3), 851-861.
Gunshor, M. M., T. J. Schmit, W. P. Menzel, and D. C. Tobin, 2009: Intercalibration of Broadband Geostationary Imagers Using AIRS. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 26, 746-758. Online copy of paper.
Hu X., J. Liu, K. Qiu, T. Fan, Y. Zhang, Z. Rong, L. Zhang, 2009: New method study of sites vicarious calibration for SZ-3/CMODIS. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 29(5), 1153-1159.
Iacovazzi, R. A., Jr., C. Cao, and S. Boukabara, 2009: Analysis of Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite NOAA-14 MSU and NOAA-15 AMSU-A relative measurement biases for climate change detection, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D09107, DOI: 10.1029/2008JD011588.
Li Y., Y. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Rong, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, 2009: Calibration of the Visible and Near-Infrared Channels of the FY-2C/FY-2d GEO Meteorological Satellite at Radiometric Site. ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 29(1), 41-46.
Li Y., Z. Rong, Z. Zheng, J. Liu, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Hu, Y. Zhang, L. Sun, 2009: Post launch site calibration of visible and near-infrared channels of FY-3A visible and infrared radiometers. Optics and Precision Engineering, 17(12), 2966-2974.
Sohn, B.-J., S.-H. Ham, and P. Yang, 2009: Possibility of the visible-channel calibration using deep convective clouds overshooting the TTL. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 48, 2271-2283.
Sun L., X. Wang, M. Guo, J. Tang, MODIS ocean color product validation around the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Journal of Lake Sciences, 21(2), 298-306.
Tahara, Y. and K. Kato, 2009: New spectral compensation method for inter-calibration using high spectral resolution sounder, Met. Sat. Center Technical Note, No. 52, 1-37. PDF
Wang L., C. Cao, and M. Goldberg, 2009: Inter-calibration of GOES-11 and GOES-12 water vapor channels with MetOp/IASI hyperspectral measurements. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 26, 1843-1855.
Yu, F. and X. Wu, 2009. Removel of contaminated pixels from the desert target for AVHRR vicarious calibration, J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 26, 1354-1366.
Zhang Y.,, Y. Li, Z. Rong, X. Hu, J. Xu, 2009: Absolute radiometric calibration of FY-2C infrared split-window channels by using sea buoy data and NCEP reanalysis data. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 28(3):188-193.
Zou, C.-Z., M. Gao, M.Goldberg, 2009, Error structure and atmospheric temperature trends in observations from the microwave sounding unit, J. Climate, 22, 1661-1681, DOI: 10.1175/2008JCLI2233.1
Hewison T. J. and M. König, 2008: Inter-Calibration of Meteosat Imagers and IASI. EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, Germany (September).
Hewison T. J. and M. König, 2008: Inter-Calibration of MSG and IASI. 24th EUMETSAT STG-SWG, (13 March).
Iacovazzi, Jr., R. A., C. Cao, 2008: Reducing uncertainties of SNO-estimated inter-satellite AMSU-A brightness temperature biases for surface-sensitive channels. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 25, 1048-1054.
Minnis, P., D. R. Doelling, L. Nguyen, W. F. Miller, and V. Chakrapani, 2008: Assessment of the visible channel calibrations of the VIRS on TRMM and MODIS on Aqua and Terra. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25, 385-400. Online copy
Minnis, P., Q. Z. Trepte, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, D. R. Doelling, D. F. Young, D. A. Spangenberg, W. F. Miller, B. A. Wielicki, R. R. Brown, S. C. Gibson, and E. B. Geier, 2008: Cloud detection in non-polar regions for CERES using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 46, 3857-3884.
Wang, L., and C. Cao, 2008: On-Orbit calibration assessment of AVHRR longwave channels on MetOp-A Using IASI. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46, No. 11, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.2001062.
Fougnie, B., G. Bracco, B. Lafrance, C. Ruffel, O. Hagolle, and C. Tinel, 2007: PARASOL in-flight calibration and performance. Applied Optics, 46(22), 5435-5451
Iacovazzi Jr., R. and C. Cao, 2007: Quantifying EOS-Aqua and NOAA POES AMSU-A Brightness Temperature Biases for Weather and Climate Applications Utilizing the SNO Method. J. Atmos. and Ocn. Tech., 24, 1895-1909.
Rong, Z., Y., Zhang, F. Jia, 2007: On-orbit radiometric calibration of FENGYUN geostationary meteorological satellite's infrared channels based on sea-surface measurements in the South China Sea, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 26, 97-101.
Byung Ju Sohn, Hye Sook Park, Hyo Jin Han & Myoung Hwan Ahn, 2008: Evaluating the calibration of MTSAT 1R infrared channels using collocated Terra MODIS measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29:10, 3033-3042, DOI: 10.1080/01431160701408394
Tahara, Y., 2007: Approach to intercalibration using high spectral resolution sounder. Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note, No. 50.
Wang, L., C. Cao, and P. Ciren, 2007: Assessing NOAA-16 HIRS Radiance Accuracy Using Simultaneous Nadir Overpass Observations from AIRS. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 24, 1546-1561.
Gunshor, M. M., T. J. Schmit, W. P. Menzel, and D. C. Tobin, 2006: Intercalibration of the newest geostationary imagers via high spectral resolution AIRS data. Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 14th, Atlanta, GA, 29 January-2 February 2006 (preprints). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2006, Paper P6.13.
Puschell, J. J., R. Osgood, J. Auchter, W. T. Hurt, M. Hitomi, M. Sasaki, Y. Tahara, A. Tadros, K. Faller, M. McIaren, J. Sheffield, J. Gaiser, A. Kamel, and M. Gunshor. In-flight performance of the Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager. Earth Observing Systems, XI, San Diego, CA, 14 August 2006. Proceedings. Bellingham, WA, International Society for Optical Engineering, (SPIE), 2006, pp(62960N-1)-(62960N-11).
Puschell, J. J., R. Osgood, J. Auchter, W. T. Hurt, M. Hitomi, M. Sasaki, Y. Tahara, A. Tadros, K. Faller, M. McIaren, J. Sheffield, J. Gaiser, A. Kamel, and M. Gunshor. Update on in-flight performance of the Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager. Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques, and Applications, Gao, India, 13 November 2006. Proceedings. Bellingham, WA, International Society for Optical Engineering, (SPIE), 2006, pp(64050V- 1)-(64050V-9).
Tobin, D.C. , H. E. Revercomb, C. C. Moeller, and T. Pagano, 2006: Use of At mospheric Infrared Sounder high-spectral resolution spectra to assess the calibration of Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on EOS Aqua. J. Geophys. Res., 111, D09S05, DOI: 10.1029/2005JD006095.
Wu, X. and C. Cao, 2006: Sensor calibration in support for NOAA's satellite mission, Adv. Atm. Sci., 23, 80-90.
Zou, C.-Z., M. D. Goldberg, Z. Cheng, N. C. Grody, J. T. Sullivan, C. Cao, and D. Tarpley (2006), Recalibration of microwave sounding unit for climate studies using simultaneous nadir overpasses, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D19114, DOI: 10.1029/2005JD006798.
Cao, C., H. Xu, J. Sullivan, L. McMillin, P. Ciren, and Y. Hou, 2005, Intersatellite radiance biases for the High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounders(HIRS) on board NOAA-15,-16, and -17 from Simultaneous Nadir Observations. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 22, 381-395.
Ignatov, A, C. Cao , J. Sullivan, X. Wu, R. Levin, R. Galvin, 2005: Use of inflight space count measurements to constrain the calibration offset in the AVHRR solar reflectance bands, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 22, 180-200.
Mo, T., 2005: A study of the NOAA-16 AMSU-A brightness temperatures observed over Amazon rain forest. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D23102, DOI: 10.1029/2005JD006434.
Rong Z., Y. Zhang, F. Lu LU, J. Xv, K. Qiu, 2005. Inter-calibration of FY-2B IR channel with NOAA satellites. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 63, 485-492.
Rong-Z., Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, 2005: Calibration of FY-2B satellite's WV channel and analysis on the changes of sensor's characteristics. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 24, 357-360.
Wu, X. and F. Sun, 2005. Post-launch calibration of GOES Imager visible channel using MODIS, Proceedings of SPIE, 5882, DOI: 10.1117/12.615401.
Cao, C., J. Sullivan, E. Maturi, and J. Sapper, 2004: The effect of orbit drift on the calibration of the 3.7um channel of the AVHRR onboard NOAA-14 and its impact on night-time sea surface temperature retrievals. Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 25, No. 5, 975-986.
Cao, C., M. Weinreb, and H. Xu, 2004, Predicting simultaneous nadir overpasses among polar-orbiting meteorological satellites for the intersatellite calibration of radiometers. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 21, 537-542.
Chang, I.-L., D. Crosby, C. Dean, M. Weinreb, P. Baltimore, J. Baucom, and D. Han., 2004: Data selection criteria in star-based monitoring of GOES imager visible-channel responsivities. SPIE, 5546, 253-261.
Hagolle, O., J.M. Nicolas, B. Fougnie, F. Cabot, and P. Henry, 2004: Absolute Calibration of VEGETATION derived from an interband method based on the Sun Glint over Ocean, IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Remote Sensing , 42(7), 1472-1481.
Govaerts, Y.M. and M. Clerici, 2004: Evaluation of radiative transfer simulations over bright desert calibration sites. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 42, pp. 176-187.
Govaerts, Y.M. and M. Clerici, 2004: MSG-1/SEVIRI Solar Channels Calibration Commissioning Activity Report. EUMETSAT Techn. Report EUM/MSG/TEN/04/0024, pp.35.
Govaerts, Y.M., and Clerici, M. 2004: Evaluation of radiative transfer simulations over bright desert calibration sites. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42, 176-187.
Gunshor, M. M., T. J. Schmit, and W. P. Menzel, 2004: Intercalibration of the infrared window and water vapor Channels on operational geostationary environmental satellites using a single polar- orbiting satellite. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 21, 61-68.
Liu, J., 2004: A new method for cross-calibration of two satellite sensors, International J. of Remote Sensing, 25, NO. 23.
Mo, T. and K. Jarva, 2004: Microwave Humidity Sounder Calibration Algorithm. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 116.
Nieke, J., M. Hori, T. Aoki, T. Tanikawa, H. Motoyoshi. 2004: A Satellite Cross-Calibrations Experiment. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Six, D., M. Fily, S. Alvain, P. Henry, and J.P. Benoist, 2004: Surface characterization of the Dome Concordia area (Antarctica) as a potential satellite calibration site, using SPOT-4/VEGETATION instrument, Remote Sensing of Environ., 89, 83-94.
Tahara, Y., N. Ohkawara and A. Okuyama. 2004: Intercalibration of the Infrared Channels between GMS-5 and GOES-9. Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note, No. 43, 1-18.
Tian, B., B. J. Soden, and X. Wu., 2004: Diurnal cycle of convection, clouds, and water vapor in the tropical upper troposphere: Satellites versus a general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D10101, doi: DOI: 10.1029/2003JD004117.
Delwart, S., L. Bourg, J.P. Huot. 2003: MERIS 1st Year: Early Calibration Results. Proc. SPIE Vol. 5234, 379-390, Sensors, systems and next-generation satellite VII, February 2004.
Dubuisson P., R. Borde, D. Desailly, R. Santer, 2003: In flight spectral calibration of the oxygen-A band channel of MERIS. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, No. 5, 1177-1182.
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Schmit, and J. M. Daniels, 2003: Imager and sounder radiance and product validations for the GOES-12 science test. NOAA Technical Report 115, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC.
Kaiser, J., Kneubühler, M., Schläpfer, D., and Schaepman, M. 2003: Aerosol in the Vicarious Calibration of MERIS. Geophys. Res. Abstracts, EGU, 5, 08979.
Kneubühler, M., Schaepman, M., Thome, K., and Schläpfer, D. 2003: MERIS/ENVISAT Vicarious Calibration over Land. Proc. SPIE 5234, Remote Sensing Europe, Barcelona (E), p. 614-623.
Miesch C., F. Cabot, X. Briottet, and P. Henry, 2003: Assimilation Methof to Derive Spectral Ground Reflectance of Desert Sites From Satellite Datasets, Remote Sens. of Environ., 87, 359-370.
Nieke, J., M. Hori, T. Aoki, T. Tanikawa, H. Motoyoshi, Y. Nakajima. 2003: Cross-calibration of satellite sensors over snow fields. presented at the SPIE Conference on Earth Observing Systems VIII, San Diego, USA, published in SPIE Vol. 5151, 1-9.
Rao, C.R.N., C. Cao, and N. Zhang. 2003: Inter-calibration of the MODIS and ATSR-2. Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 24, No. 9, pp.1913-1924.
Schmetz, J., P. Pili, S. Tjemkes, D. Just, J. Kerkmann, S. Rota and A. Ratier, 2002: An introduction to Meteosat Second Generation(MSG). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 83, No. 7, pp. 977-992.
Wu, A., C. Cao, and X. Xiong, 2003: Inter-comparison of 11um and 12um bands of Terra and Aqua MODIS using AVHRR/NOAA-17. Earth Observing Systems, Edited by W. Barnes, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4814, San Diego, CA, 306-316.
Cao, C. and A. Heidinger, 2002: Inter-comparison of the longwave infrared channels of MODIS and AVHRR/NOAA-16 using simultaneous nadir observations at orbit intersections, Earth Observing Systems VII. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4814.
Delwart, S., J.P. Huot, L. Bourg. 2002: Calibration and early results of MERIS on ENVISAT. Proc. SPIE Vol. 4881, 337-344, Sensors, systems and next-generation satellite VI, April 2003.
Hanson, C. G., J. Mueller, P. Pili, D. M. A. Aminou, B. Jacquet, S. Bianchi, P. Coste, F. Faure, 2003: Meteosat Second Generation: SEVIRI Radiometric Performance Results from the MSG-1 Commissioning Phase. Proceedings of the 2003 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Weimar, Germany: (September), EUM P39, 273-280.
Heidinger, A., C. Cao, and J. Sullivan, 2002: Using MODIS to calibrate AVHRR reflectance channels, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 4702.
Kigawa, S. and D. Chesters. 2002: Digital Noise Filter for GOES-9 Visible Channel. Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note, No. 41, 21-35.
Lafrance, B., O. Hagolle, B. Bonnel, Y. Fouquart, and G. Brognier, 2003: Interband Calibration Over Clouds for POLDER Space Sensor, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. Remote-Sensing, 40(1), 131-142.
Minnis P., L. Nguyen, D. R. Doelling, D. F. Young, and D. P. Kratz, 2002: Rapid calibration of operational and research meteorological satellite imagers. Part I: Evaluation of research satellite visible channels as references. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 19, 1233-1249.
Minnis, P., L. Nguyen, D. R. Doelling, D. F. Young, and D. P. Kratz, 2002: Rapid calibration of operational and research meteorological satellite imagers. Part II: Comparison of infrared channels. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 19, 1250-1266.
Rong, Z., K. Qiu, X. Hu, Y. Zhang, 2002: Comparison of pre-launch calibration in lab with the radiometric calibration in orbit for FY-2B Meteorological satellite\x{2019}s IR channel. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 21, 408-412.
Smith, D.L., C.T. Mutlow and C.R.N. Rao, 2001: Calibration Monitoring of the Visible and Near-Infrared Channels of Along-Track Scanning Radiometer-2 (ATSR-2) using Stable Terrestrial Sites.Applied Optics, 41(3), 515-523
Hu, X., Z. Rong, K. Qiu, In-Flight Radiometric Calibration For Thermal Channels of FY-1C and FY-2B Meteorological Satellite Sensors Using Qinghai Lake. Space Science Transaction, 21.4, 370-380.
Tokuno, M., S. Kurihara and Y. Kaido, 2001: Operational GMS-5 VISSR Calibration. Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note, No. 39, 13-32.
Tjemkes, S.A., M. K�nig, H.-J. Lutz, L. van de Berg and J. Schmetz, 2001: Calibration of Meteosat water vapour channel observations with independent satellite observations. J. Geophys. Res., 106, D6, 5199-5209.
Zhang, Y. 2001: Spectral Reflectance Measurements at China Radiometric Calibration Test Site for remote sensing satellite sensors, Acta Meteorological Sinica, 15, No. 23.
Rong, Z., 2000: Calibration Method of Scanning Radiometer on FY-2 Satellite in Orbit. Chinese Space Science and Technology, 20, 67-71.
Sohn, B. J., J. Schmetz, S. Tjemkes, M. Koenig, H. Lutz, A. Arriaga, E. S. Chung, Intercalibration of the Meteosat-7 water vapor channel with SSM/T-2, J. Geophys. Res., 105(D12), 15673-15680, 10.1029/2000JD900188, 2000.
Hagolle O., P. Goloub, P.-Y. Deschamps, H. Cosnefroy, X. Briottet, T. Bailleul, J.M. Nicolas, F. Parol, B. Lafrance, and M. Herman, 1999: Results of POLDER In-Flight Calibration, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. Remote Sensing, 37, 1550-1566.
Kigawa, S. 1999: Imaging Pre-processing Algorithm for MTSAT. Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note, No. 37, 1-18.
Smith, D.L., J. Delderfield, D. Drummond, T. Edwards, J. Godfrey, C.T. Mutlow, P.D. Read and G.M. Toplis. 1999: Pre-launch calibration of the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR). in Sensors, Systems and Next-Generation Satellites 3, Hiroyuki Fujisadsa, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3870, 377-388.
Chommeloux, B., G. Baudin, G. Gourmelon, J-L. Bézy , C. Van Eijk-Olij, J. Groote, Schaarsberg, H. Werij, E. Zoutman. 1998: Spectralon Diffusers used as in-flight optical calibration hardware. SPIE 3427, 382-393.
Gube, M., V. Gartner and J. Schmetz, 1997: Modelling of Spectralon diffusers for radiometric calibration in Remote Sensing. Optical Engineering 42 (12) 3600-3607.
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