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Auditorium: Keynotes - SDRs - Ocean EDRs/Initiative - Atmosphere EDRs/Initiative - Poster Session (ESSIC 3rd Floor)
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1000 Keynotes and Program Overviews
Chairs: Lihang Zhou and Tom Atkins
, (PDF, 47.27 MB)
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0830 - 0845 Welcome and STAR Overview, (PDF, 20.83 MB) Harry Cikanek STAR
0845 - 0900 JPSS Program, (PDF, 8.03 MB) Greg Mandt NESDIS
0900 - 0915 Program Science, (PDF, 12.01 MB) Mitch Goldberg JPSS
0915 - 0930 Assimilation of Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 ATMS data at ECMWF, (PDF, 3.11 MB) Peter Weston ECMWF
0930 - 0945 AMP Updates, (PDF, 337 KB) Arron Layns JPSS
0945 - 1000 JPSS STAR (JSTAR) Overview, (PDF, 3.85 MB) Lihang Zhou STAR
1000 - 1030 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1030 - 1200 SDRs/Data Assimilation Initiative
Chairs: Satya Kalluri and Changyong Cao
, (PDF, 11.85 MB)
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1030 - 1045 SDR Overview, (PDF, 3.55 MB) Satya Kalluri STAR
1045 - 1100 VIIRS, (PDF, 951 KB) Changyong Cao/Slawomir Blonski STAR
1100 - 1115 ATMS SDR, (PDF, 3.01 MB) Mark Liu/Ed Kim STAR
1115 - 1130 Overview of the CrIS SDR: S-NPP and NOAA-20, (PDF, 2.55 MB) Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez STAR
1130 - 1145 OMPS, (PDF, 726 KB) Trevor Beck STAR
1145 - 1200 Evaluation and Assimilation of ATMS and CrIS at NCEP, (PDF, 1.5 MB) Andrew Collard JCSDA
1200 - 1330 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1330 - 1500 Ocean EDRs and Initiatives
Chairs: Paul DiGiacomo and Veronica Lance
, (PDF, 21.1 MB)
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1330 - 1340 Ocean Overview / PGRR ocean initiative, (PDF, 2.5 MB) Paul DiGiacomo STAR
1340 - 1355 SST EDR, (PDF, 1.2 MB) Alex Ignatov STAR
1355 - 1410 SST User: "Assimilating JPSS SST into OSU forecast model for Oregon, Washington and preparing for near-real time assimilation into NOAA West Coast Ocean Forecasting System (WCOFS).", (PDF, 3.4 MB) Alexander Kurapov Oregon State
1410 - 1425 Ocean Color EDRs, (PDF, 5.99 MB) Menghua Wang STAR
1425 - 1440 OC User: "VIIRS marine isoprene: from research to air quality forecasting operation.", (PDF, 3.31 MB) Daniel Tong OAR/ARL
1440 - 1450 Dedicated NOAA/JPSS VIIRS cal/val cruises , (PDF, 2.42 MB) Mike Ondrusek NMFS
1450 - 1500 Oceans User: Fisheries applications of VIIRS ocean satellite data products, (PDF, 2.95 MB) Mike Ford STAR
1500 - 1530 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1700 Atmosphere EDRs and Initiative
Chairs: Jeff Weinrich, Andy Heidinger
, (PDF, 24.46 MB)
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1530 - 1600 VIIRS Aerosol Detection/AOD/Application, (PDF, 9.2 MB) Shobha Kondragunta/Istvan Laszlo/Amy Huff STAR
1600 - 1620 VIIRS Clouds, (PDF, 3.88 MB) Andy Heidinger STAR
1620 - 1640 Volcanic Ash, (PDF, 1.87 MB) Mike Pavolonis STAR
1640 - 1700 Aviation Initiative, (PDF, 4.17 MB) Jeff Weinrich JPSS
1700 - 1715 Keynote: Aerosol Products for Atmospheric Transport Modeling Applications; A path forward, (PDF, 5.72 MB) Ariel Stein ARL
1715 - 1730 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1730 - 1900 Poster Session
Chairs: Murty Divakarla, Veronica Lance
ESSIC 3rd Floor
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1730 - 1900 Lab demo/NPROVS demo/Mapper Demo/NESDIS Communication Demo Scott Rudlowsky, Tony Reale, Tom Atkins, Ryan Smith STAR

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Auditorium: Soundings/Trace Gases/Ozone EDRs - Land EDRs/Flood and River Ice Initiatives - Smoke and Fire Initiatives - Cryosphere EDRs/Arctic Initiatives
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 0900 Keynote Talk: Science developments for EPS-SG, (PDF, 3.36 MB) Peter Schluessel EUMETSAT
0900 - 1030 Soundings, Ozone, and Trace Gas EDRs and Sounding Initiatives
Chairs - Antonia Gambacorta and Larry Flynn
, (PDF, 11.89 MB)
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0900 - 0913 Updates on the status of the NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS): the success story of SNPP and NOAA-20, (PDF, 2.64 MB) Antonia Gambacorta IMSG
0914 - 0927 Validation of the SNPP and NOAA-20 NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS), (PDF, 2.37 MB) Nick Nalli IMSG
0928 - 0940 JPSS PGRR NUCAPS Soundings Initiative talk Nadia Smith STC
0940 - 0955 MiRS: Review of scientific activities, project milestones, and future plans, (PDF, 2.81 MB) Chris Grassotti ESSIC
0955 - 1007 NO2 and HCHO plans, (PDF, 1.76 MB) Pius Lee ARL
1007 - 1019 NRT Ozone EDR Applications, (PDF, 1.84 MB) Craig Long NCEP
1019 - 1030 OMPS Ozone updates , (PDF, 780 KB) Larry Flynn STAR
1030 - 1045 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1045 - 1215 Land EDRs and Flood and River Ice Initiative
Chairs - Ivan Csiszar, Jerry Zhan, Bill Sjoberg
, (PDF, 22.86 MB)
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1045 - 1100 Flood / River Ice Initiative overview, (PDF, 2.81 MB) Bill Sjoberg (remote) JPSS
1100 - 1115 Flood / River Ice product status, (PDF, 5.31 MB) Sanmei Li GMU
1115 - 1130 Surface Type and Surface Type Change, (PDF, 4.38 MB) Jerry Zhan STAR
1130 - 1145 Vegetation Index and Green Vegetation Fraction, (PDF, 3.62 MB) Bob Yu STAR
1145 - 1200 Land Surface Temperature and Albedo, (PDF, 4.64 MB) Bob Yu STAR
1200 - 1215 NWP land applications , (PDF, 2.5 MB) Yihua Wu IMSG
1215 - 1315 Lunch blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1315 - 1445 Smoke and Fire Initiatives
Chairs - Ivan Csiszar, Shobha Kondragunta, Bill Sjoberg
, (PDF, 21.02 MB)
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1315 - 1330 Fire and Smoke Initiative overview, (PDF, 3.5 MB) Bill Sjoberg (remote) JPSS
1330 - 1345 Fire product status, (PDF, 7.67 MB) Ivan Csiszar STAR
1345 - 1400 JPSS Smoke and Air Quality Applications, (PDF, 2.95 MB) Shobha Kondragunta STAR
1400 - 1415 RAP/HRRR-Smoke, (PDF, 3.7 MB) Ravan Ahmadov (remote) ESRL
1415 - 1430 Success of the HRRR-Smoke model in support of the 2018 Fire Season in the Western US, (PDF, 2.05 MB) Andy Edman (remote) NWS
1430 - 1445 Burned area debris flow assessment, (PDF, 1.71 MB) Sam Batzli UW-Madison
1445 - 1500 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1500 - 1630 Cryosphere EDRs and Arctic Initiative
Chairs - Jeff Key, Bonnie Reed
, (PDF, 21.4 MB)
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1500 - 1505 Cryosphere Overview, (PDF, 1.38 MB) Jeff Key STAR
1500 - 1515 Evaluation of VIIRS and AMSR Ice Products by the Alaska Sea Ice Program, (PDF, 6.82 MB) Michael Lawson (remote) NWS Alaska
1515 - 1530 VIIRS Ice Products: Surface Temperature, Concentration, and Thickness, (PDF, 2.44 MB) Tschudi/Liu CCAR/CIMSS
1530 - 1545 VIIRS Snow Cover, (PDF, 2.93 MB) Peter Romanov CREST/CCNY
1545 - 1600 The Use of NOAA Snow Products in Precipitation Retrievals, (PDF, 2.52 MB) Ralph Ferraro STAR
1600 - 1615 VIIRS Winds and AMSR2 Snow and Ice Products, (PDF, 3.66 MB) Jeff Key STAR
1615 - 1630 New Products: Sea Ice Motion for the Arctic Initiative and Sea Ice Leads, (PDF, 2.43 MB) Letterly/Liu CIMSS
1630 - 1700 Cal Val System and Science Supports
Chairs - Murty Divakarla, Kevin Garrett
, (PDF, 5.24 MB)
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1630 - 1645 Title: GRAVITE support to NOAA-20 VIIRS SDR Reprocessing, (PDF, 359 KB) Wayne McCullough JPSS/DPES
1645 - 1700 CRTM and Data Assimilation activities at STAR supporting JPSS, (PDF, 3.86 MB) Kevin Garrett STAR
1700 - 1715 CLASS Access and Future Trends for S-NPP and JPSS Data, (PDF, 1.04 MB) Alan Hall and Brent Hefner (remote) OSPO and OSGS

10-26-2018 2:40 pm

Auditorium: Hydrology EDRs and Initiative - Trends and Drivers - Imagery EDRs and Visualization - Wrapup
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 0900 Keynote Talk: Updates on CEOS/CGMS climate working group and how operational satellite programs can contribute to long term climate records, (PDF, 6.18 MB) Jörg Schulz EUMETSAT
0900 - 1030 Hydrology EDRs and Initiatives (GCOM-W included)
Chairs: Ralph Ferraro and Huan Meng
, (PDF, 21.51 MB)
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0900 - 0915 Hydrology Products Overview - Operational and PGRR products and projects, (PDF, 1.56 MB) Ralph Ferraro STAR
0915 - 0930 MiRS Hydrological Products, (PDF, 3.96 MB) Chris Grassotti CICS-MD
0930 - 0945 Microwave Snowfall Rates, (PDF, 474 KB) Huan Meng STAR
0945 - 1000 GCOM Hydrological Products, (PDF, 9.11 MB) Paul Chang STAR
1000 - 1015 SMOPS Soil Moisture Products, (PDF, 3.2 MB) Jerry Zhan STAR
1015 - 1030 Satellite Hydrological Products Operational Applications in Alaska, (PDF, 3.56 MB) Jessica Cherry NWS/APRFC
1030 - 1045 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1045 - 1215 Trends and Drivers
Chairs: Mitch Goldberg and Arron Layns
, (PDF, 11.9 MB)
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1045 - 1100 Accelerating transition science to operation; and MSN updates, (PDF, 1.18 MB) Walter Wolf STAR
1100 - 1115 Reprocessing Updates/Preliminary Impact Analysis, (PDF, 6.34 MB) Ninghai Sun STAR
1115 - 1130 Exploring using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Exploit Satellite Data for Remote Sensing, Situational Awareness and NWP, (PDF, 3.57 MB) Sid Boukabara STAR
1130 - 1145 Toward Improved Climate Data Records with Stable SNPP/JPSS Observations, (PDF, 1.06 MB) Cheng-Zhi Zou STAR
1145 - 1200 Break, change room to conference center. Pick up your pre-ordered lunch so that you can attend the Brown Bag at noon. blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1200 - 1300 Lunch time brown bag seminar: Featured Presentation: NESDIS Vision and Mission Steve Volz NESDIS
1300 - 1500 Imagery EDR and Visualization
Chair: Don Hillger, Lori Brown, and Tom Atkins
, (PDF, 44.39 MB)
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1300 - 1315 Status/overview of VIIRS EDR Imagery, (PDF, 6.08 MB) Don Hillger STAR
1315 - 1330 Global VIIRS Imagery, (PDF, 10.03 MB) Curtis Seaman CIRA
1330 - 1345 CIMSS support of Imagery EDR Team and Other JPSS Activities, (PDF, 7.54 MB) William Straka III CIMSS
1345 - 1400 VIIRS low light imaging applied to global mapping of fires, flares, boats and human settlements, (PDF, 2.18 MB) Chris Elvidge NCEI
1400 - 1415 JPSS Products from Direct Broadcast in Alaska, (PDF, 4.45 MB) Jay Cable GINA (Geographic Information Network of Alaska)
1415 - 1430 ICVS Update, (PDF, 2.58 MB) Banghua Yan STAR
1430 - 1445 OC View, (PDF, 8.4 MB) Karlis Mikelsons STAR
1445 - 1500 JPSS Mapper and AlaskaWatch, (PDF, 3.96 MB) Tom Atkins STAR
1500 - 1530 Meeting Wrapup Lihang Zhou STAR

10-26-2018 2:45 pm

ESSIC 4102: Blended Products Workshop
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0845 - 0920 Session 1 - Introduction , (PDF, 1.63 MB) CHAIR - Ralph Ferraro, Lihang Zhou NESDIS/STAR
0845 - 0855 Introduction and Logistics, (PDF, 449 KB) Ralph Ferraro STAR
0855 - 0905 Objectives and Goals - PGRR funded merging products Mitch Goldberg JPSS
0905 - 0920 NESDIS Operational Blended Products, (PDF, 1.56 MB) Limin Zhao OSPO
0920 - 1000 Session 2 - Blending Tools, (PDF, 1.89 MB) CHAIR - Ingrid Guch, Tom Smith Aerospace; NESDIS/STAR
0920 - 0940 Commonly used Blending Techniques, (PDF, 659 KB) Tom Smith/STAR STAR
0940 - 1000 Gap filling methods - DIN EOF, (PDF, 1.48 MB) Xiaoming Liu STAR
1000 - 1015 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1015 - 1115 Session 3 - Composite Products, (PDF, 6.36 MB) CHAIR - Huan Meng, John Forsythe NESDIS/STAR; CIRA
1015 - 1035 Blended Ozone, (PDF, 1.89 MB) Flynn/Kapoor STAR/OSPO
1035 - 1055 Blended Biomass Burning, (PDF, 3.62 MB) Kondragunta/Ding STAR/OSPO
1055 - 1115 Multi-Platform TC surface winds, (PDF, 1.73 MB) Knaff/Ma STAR/OSPO
1115 - 1215 Session 4 - PDF matching and OI Products, (PDF, 10.04 MB) CHAIR - Nai-Yu Wang, Sean Helfrich blank cell heading row
1115 - 1135 Soil Moisture, (PDF, 3.39 MB) Zhan/Zhao STAR/OSPO
1135 - 1155 IMS, (PDF, 5.25 MB) Helfrich/Romanov/Woods STAR/CUNY/OSPO
1155 - 1215 Blended SST, (PDF, 1.49 MB) Maturi/Sapper STAR/OSPO
1215 - 1330 LUNCH BREAK blank cell heading row
1300 - 1330 Brown bag seminar: Data Fusion through Synergy of Data Assimilation and Remote Sensing Techniques , (PDF, 3.89 MB) Kevin Garrett STAR
1330 - 1510 Session 5 - Advanced Techniques CHAIR - Limin Zhao, Tony Wimmers OSPO/CIMSS
1330 - 1350 Multisensor Sea Ice Concentration and Motion, (PDF, 2.7 MB) Liu/Helfrich CIMSS/STAR
1350 - 1410 MIMIC, (PDF, 3.14 MB) Tony Wimmers CIMSS
1410 - 1430 CMORPH, (PDF, 639 KB) Pingping Xie NWS/NCEP/CPC
1430 - 1450 Multisatellite Water Vapor and Rain Rate Products for Forecasters, (PDF, 5.35 MB) John Forsythe CIRA
1450 - 1510 Development of Geostationary-JPSS Flood Product for Flood Monitoring and Mitigation, (PDF, 2.78 MB) Sanmei Li GMU
1510 - 1530 Break blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1530 - 1700 Session 6 - Topical Discussions/Common Threads CHAIR - Lihang Zhou, Ralph Ferraro STAR
1530 - 1645 Discussions blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1645 - 1700 Action Items, next steps, etc. blank cell heading row blank cell heading row
1700 Workshop Ends blank cell heading row blank cell heading row

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