Past Scientific Meetings
- STAR JPSS Enterprise Algorithms Workshop - NDE Implementation of JPSS-1 Products
30-31 March 2016
M Square Building, College Park, MD
- 2016 NOAA Workshop on JPSS Life-Cycle Data Reprocessing
17-18 May 2016
M Square Building, College Park, MD
- 17th International GHRSST Science Team Meeting (GHRSST XVII)
6-10th June 2016
Tysons Corner, VA
- CoRP Symposium 2016
18-19 July 2016
Colorado State University Campus, Fort Collins, Colorado
- STAR JPSS 2016 Annual Science Team Meeting
8-12 August 2016
NCWCP, College Park, Maryland
- 2016 NOAA Satellite Aerosol Product Workshop
13-14 September 2016
NCWCP, College Park, Maryland
- AMS 2015
4-8 January 2015
Phoenix, Arizona
- 2015 NOAA Satellite Conference
27 April - 1 May 2015
Greenbelt, Maryland
- NOAA-CREST and NESDIS/STAR Joint Technical and Advisory Board Meeting
7 May 2015
NCWCP, College Park, Maryland
- 13th JCSDA Technical Review Meeting &
Science Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation
13-15 May 2015
NCWCP, College Park, Maryland
- 6th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations
14-16 July 2015
Navy Memorial, Washington, DC
- STAR JPSS 2015 Annual Science Team Meeting
24-28 August 2015
NCWCP, College Park, Maryland
- 91st Annual Meeting
of the American Meteorological Society,
23-27 January 2011
Seattle, WA
- 2011 NOAA Workshop on Climate Data Records from Satellite Passive Microwave Sounders - AMSU/MHS/SSMT2
2-3 March 2011
College Park, Maryland
- Satellite Hyperspectral Sensor Workshop,
29-31 March 2011
Miami, Florida
- 2011 Satellite Direct Readout Conference,
4-8 April 2011
Miami, Florida
- 4th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations,
20-22 June 2011
Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C.
- 7th GOES Users' Conference,
15-19 October 2011
Birmingham, Alabama
- 3rd Workshop on Remote Sensing
& Modeling of Surface Properties,
18-20 October 2011
Beijing, China
- 2nd NOAA User Workshop on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission,
29 November - 1 December 2011
College Park, Maryland
- 90th Annual Meeting
"Weather, Climate, and Society: New Demands on Science and Services",
Atlanta, GA
17 - 21 January 2010
- 11th
Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and
Remote Sensing of the Environment,
Washington, DC
1 - 4 March 2010
- NOAA / NESDIS / STAR External Science Review,
Hyattsville, MD
9 - 11 March, 2010
- 2010 Workshop on Climate Data Records
from Satellite Microwave Radiometry,
Silver Spring, MD
22 - 24 March 2010
- Progress In
Electromagnetics Research
Symposium (PIERS),
Xian, China
22 - 26 March, 2010
- 1st NOAA User
Workshop on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), College Park, MD
August 18-19, 2010 (Additional information)
- 19th CALCON Technical Conference,
Utah State University, North Logan, Utah,
23-26 August 2010
- 17th Conference
on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography; 17th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction;
9th Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes,
Annapolis, MD
27 September 2010 - 1 October 2010 - Flyer
- Climate Monitoring Summit,
College Park, MD
October 19-20, 2010
- Earth Observation and Understanding of the Water Cycle
FUNCEME, Fortaleza, Brazil
1-12 November 2010
- US and Canada Polar
Communications and Weather Satellite Mission Workshop, Suitland, MD
6-8 December 2010
- 89th
American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting,
Phoenix, AZ,
11-15 January 2009
- The International
Conference on Land Surface Radiation and Energy Budgets:
Observations, Modeling and Analysis,
Beijing, China
18-20 March 2009
- 2009
Advanced Research Workshop - Using Satellite and In situ Data to Improve Sustainability
9-12 June 2009
Kyiv, Ukraine
- 3rd Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing
Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations,
Annapolis, MD
9-11 June 2009
- CREST-NESDIS Technical Meeting
Silver Spring, MD
7-8 December 2009