AWG 2nd Validation Workshop Presentations
These presentations were given for products at the AWG Validation Workshop held on January 9-10 in College Park, MD at NCWCP.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
- Jaime Daniels, STAR, Validation Workshop Introduction, (PPTX, 1.21 MB)
- Satya Kalluri, GOES-R/GSP, Status of Activities and Plans for the GOES-R Core Ground System, (PPTX, 9.09 MB)
- Bob Iacovazzi, GOES-R/PSE, GOES-R Cal/Val Planning and the Product Operations Science Support Team (POSST), (PPTX, 6.4 MB)
- Steve Goodman, GOES-R, GOES-R Approaches and Plans for Cal/Val, (PPTX, 10.81 MB)
- Mitch Goldberg, JPSS, JPSS Calibration/Validation Activities, (PPTX, 8.41 MB)
- Changyong Cao, STAR, Level-1b Cal/Val, (PPTX, 7.86 MB)
- Tim Schmit, STAR/CIMSS, Imagery (KPP), (PPTX, 47.09 MB)
- Tim Schmit, STAR/CIMSS, Legacy T/Q Profiles, Atmospheric Stability Parameters, (PPTX, 25.59 MB)
- Andy Heidinger, STAR/CIMSS, Cloud Products, (PPTX, 8.67 MB)
- Bob Yu, STAR, Land Surface Temperature, (PPTX, 6.97 MB)
- Chris Velden, CIMSS, Hurricane Intensity, (PPTX, 1.73 MB)
- Mike Pavolonis, STAR/CIMSS, Volcanic Ash, (PPTX, 420.12 MB)
- Shobha Kondragunta, STAR, Aerosol Detection, (PPTX, 1.81 MB)
- Istvan Lazslo, STAR, Aerosol Optical Depth, (PPTX, 1.36 MB)
- Kelley Eicher, NWS/NOHRSC, Snow Cover, (PPTX, 9.17 MB)
- Istvan Laszlo, STAR, Solar Insolation Products, (PPTX, 1.52 MB)
- Sasha Ignatov, STAR, Sea Surface Temperature, (PPTX, 2.04 MB)
Friday, January 10, 2014
- Monte Bateman, NASA/NSSTC, GLM Lightning, (PPTX, 560 KB), GLM Lightning movie, (MOV, 848 KB)
- Chris Schmidt, CIMSS, Fire/Hot Spot Characterization, (PPTX, 7.93 MB)
- Bob Kuligowski, STAR, Rainfall Rate, (PPTX, 5.65 MB)
- Jaime Daniels, STAR, Derived Motion Winds, (PPTX, 39.18 MB)
- Kelley Eicher, NWS/NOHRSC, Fractional Snow Cover, (PPTX, 9.17 MB)
- Kevin Gallo, STAR/USGS/EROS, Land Product Validation System (LPVS), (PPTX, 19.95 MB)
- Bob Holz, CIMSS, Tools Developed by the GOES-R Collocation Project , (PDF, 2.52 MB)
- Tom Rink, CIMSS, Visualization and Data Analysis with McIDAS-V , (PPTX, 88.74 MB)
- Jaime Daniels, STAR Summary, Wrap-Up, (PPTX, 78 KB)