Reference Links
Training & Demonstration Videos
- Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing (9.5 min)
- GOES-R Series Satellites and the ABI Sensor (9 min)
- JPSS Satellites and the VIIRS Sensor (7.5 min)
- Virginia Fires Detected by GOES-16 Satellite (1.5 min)
- Eyes in the Sky: How NOAA Satellites Track Smoke, Dust, and Pollution (8 min)
Satellite/Sensor Resources
- Comprehensive List of GOES-R Resources (Maintained by Tim Schmit)
- Comprehensive List of JPSS Resources (Maintained by Scott Lindstrom)
- Global Orbit Tracks (Observation Times) for Polar-Orbiting Satellites
- Today's SNPP Orbit Track
- Archive of Past SNPP Orbit Tracks
- Today's NOAA-20 Orbit Track
- Archive of Past NOAA-20 Orbit Tracks
- Today's NOAA-21 Orbit Track
- Archive of Past NOAA-21 Orbit Tracks
- ABI Scan Mode Timelines
- Locations of GOES-East & GOES-West ABI Mesoscale Scan Sectors:
Atmospheric Composition Imagery Websites
- AerosolWatch (ABI and VIIRS imagery)
- STAR GOES Image Viewer (ABI imagery)
- JSTAR Mapper (VIIRS and TROPOMI imagery)
- Sentinel Hub EO-Browser (TROPOMI imagery)
- Copernicus Browser (TROPOMI imagery)
- CIRA Slider (ABI and VIIRS imagery)
Satellite Blogs
Anaconda Resources
- Release notes for current and past versions of Anaconda
- Archive of installers for past versions of Anaconda
- Anaconda package lists
- Python package manager documentation (for package installation & updates):
Python Standard Library Documentation
- Python Documentation Home
- PEP 8: Style Guide for Python Code
- Built-in Functions
- Built-in Types
- Formatted String Literals (f-strings)
- Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
- Dictionaries
- List Comprehensions
- Python Module Index
Cartopy Package Documentation
- Documentation Home
- Cartopy installation
- Cartopy map projection list
- Understanding the transform and projection keywords tutorial
- Cartopy GeoAxes
- GeoAxes add_feature
- GeoAxes coastlines
- GeoAxes contourf
- GeoAxes gridlines
- GeoAxes set_extent
- GeoAxes set_global
- GeoAxes set_xticks
- GeoAxes set_yticks
- GeoAxes gridlines & tick marks tutorial
- Cartopy Feature interface tutorial
- Cartopy Shapefile reader tutorial
- Cartopy natural_earth
- Natural Earth map shapefiles
- Cartopy web tiles imagery tutorial
Matplotlib Package Documentation
- Documentation Home
- Matplotlib cheatsheets & handouts
- Matplotlib AnchoredText
- Matplotlib colors (built-in)
- Matplotlib colormaps (built-in)
- Matplotlib colorbar
- Matplotlib markers (for Pyplot plot and scatter)
- Matplotlib plot types
- Pyplot tutorial
- Pyplot axes
- Pyplot bar
- Pyplot close
- Pyplot colorbar
- Pyplot contourf
- Pyplot figure
- Pyplot imshow
- Pyplot legend
- Pyplot pcolor
- Pyplot pcolormesh
- Pyplot plot
- Pyplot scatter
- Pyplot show
- Pyplot title
- Text properties and layout
- Zorder (layer plotting order) demo
NumPy Package Documentation
- Documentation Home
- Array creation tutorial
- Array creation routines
- Array indexing routines
- Array manipulation routines
- Bit-wise operations
- Floating-point error handling
- NumPy data types
- Logic functions
- Masked array operations
- Mathematical functions
- numpy.arcsin
- numpy.arctan
- numpy.around
- numpy.amax
- numpy.amin
- numpy.clip
- numpy.cos
- numpy.deg2rad
- numpy.log10
- numpy.max
- numpy.min
- numpy.nanmax
- numpy.nanmin
- numpy.nan_to_num
- numpy.negative
- numpy.rad2deg
- numpy.reciprocal
- numpy.sin
- numpy.square
- numpy.sqrt
- numpy.tan
- Statistics functions
pandas Package Documentation
- Documentation Home
- pandas.concat
- pandas.DataFrame
- pandas.DataFrame.drop
- pandas.DataFrame.drop_duplicates
- pandas.DataFrame.groupby
- pandas.DataFrame.head
- pandas.DataFrame.loc
- pandas.DataFrame.max
- pandas.DataFrame.rename
- pandas.DataFrame.replace
- pandas.DataFrame.reset_index
- pandas.DataFrame.round
- pandas.DataFrame.set_index
- pandas.DataFrame.sort_values
- pandas.DataFrame.transform
- pandas.DataFrame.to_csv
- pandas.read_csv
- pandas.Series
- pandas.to_datetime
- Tutorial: Time Series Data
S3Fs Package Documentation
xarray Package Documentation
- Documentation Home
- Reading and writing files
- Indexing and selecting data
- Plotting
- xarray.open_dataset
- xarray.open_mfdataset
- xarray.Dataset
- xarray.DataArray
Documentation for Other Python Packages
- dask
- h5netcdf
- Jupyter Widgets
- MetPy
- nb_conda_kernels
- netCDF4
- packaging
- Python Image Library (PIL) - Image module
- Requests
- SciPy
- tqdm