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STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting

May 12-16, 2014

NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
Conference Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740

Presentations are posted on the agenda page


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Day 1 - Monday, 12 May 2014
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
1300 - 1400 Session 1: Welcome and Opening Remarks
Chairs: Lihang Zhou and Eric Gotshall
, (PDF, 3.2 MB)
1300 - 1310 Welcome and Introduction, (PDF, 1.26 MB) Al Powell, Mike Kalb NOAA/STAR
1310 - 1320 JPSS Program Overview Harry Cikanek JPSS Program
1320 - 1330 NESDIS OSGS Updates, (PDF, 346 KB) Robin Krause NESDIS OSGS
1330 - 1340 User Engagement and Feedback, (PDF, 320 KB) Mitch Goldberg JPSS Program
1340 - 1350 Suomi-NPP to JPSS-1: Making the Transition, (PDF, 194 KB) Eric Gottshall NOAA/JPSS
1350 - 1400 Meeting Objectives, (PDF, 1.33 MB) Lihang Zhou NOAA/STAR
1400 - 1430 Break
1430 - 1700 Session 2: SDR Team Lead Reports
Chair: Fuzhong Weng
, (PDF, 19.45 MB)
1430 - 1455 SDR Overview and ATMS, (PDF, 6.31 MB) Fuzhong Weng NOAA/STAR
1455 - 1515 CrIS, (PDF, 1.74 MB) Yong Han NOAA/STAR
1515 - 1535 VIIRS, (PDF, 4.35 MB) Changyong Cao NOAA/STAR
1535 - 1555 OMPS, (PDF, 260 KB) Fred Wu NOAA/STAR
1555 - 1620 ICVS, (PDF, 7.54 MB) Ninghai Sun NOAA/STAR
1610 - 1700 Poster Previews (1 minute per poster)
1700 Adjourn

5-28-2014 2:50 pm

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Day 2 - Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1200 Session 3: EDR Team Leads Reports
Co-Chairs: Ivan Csiszar, Inrid Guch, Paul DiGiacomo
, (PDF, 37.47 MB)
0830 - 0850 Aerosols, (PDF, 4.43 MB) Shobha Kondragunta/Istvan Laszlo NOAA/STAR
0850 - 0910 Clouds, (PDF, 847 KB) Andy Heidinger CIMSS
0910 - 0930 MiRS-ATMS Science and Product Overview, (PDF, 3.98 MB) Sid Boukabara JCSDA
0930 - 0950 NOAA Unique CrIS ATMS Processing System and Validation, (PDF, 2.08 MB) Mark Liu/Tony Reale NOAA/STAR
0950 - 1010 Ozone, (PDF, 3.73 MB) Larry Flynn NOAA/STAR
1010 - 1020 Break
1020 - 1040 Imagery, (PDF, 3.41 MB) Don Hillger CIRA
1040 - 1100 Land, (PDF, 9.9 MB) Ivan Csiszar NOAA/STAR
1100 - 1120 Cryosphere, (PDF, 1.93 MB) Jeff Key CIMSS
1120 - 1140 SST, (PDF, 4.23 MB) Sasha Ignatov NOAA/STAR
1140 - 1200 Ocean Color, (PDF, 4.39 MB) Menghua Weng NOAA/STAR
1200 - 1330 Lunch/Poster Viewing
1330 - 1710 Session 4a: VIIRS SDR Science Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Changyong Cao, Jack Xiong
, (PDF, 49.23 MB)
1330 - 1350 VIIRS TEB Performance Improvements, (PDF, 9.28 MB) J. Xiong NASA
1350 - 1410 Resolving TEB Performance Issues, (PDF, 3.21 MB) C. Moeller/D. Moyer UW/CIMSS
1410 - 1430 SST EDR Feedback, (PDF, 7.53 MB) S. Ignatov NOAA/STAR
1430 - 1450 TEB Detector-Level RSR Performance Effects, (PDF, 11.09 MB) F. Padula NOAA/STAR
1450 - 1510 DNB Performance Improvements, (PDF, 5.37 MB) L. Liao NGAS
1510 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1550 Vicarious Calibration of DNB, (PDF, 5.56 MB) X. Shao UMD
1550 - 1610 Using VIIRS DNB SDRs to Generate Nighttime Lights Composites, (PDF, 2.09 MB) Kim Baugh NGDC
1610 - 1630 Geo Improvements, (PDF, 1.49 MB) G. Lin NASA
1630 - 1650 Improving RSB Calibration for Ocean Color, (PDF, 2.14 MB) F. DeLuccia Aerospace Corporation
1650 - 1710 Ocean Color EDR Feedback, (PDF, 2.29 MB) M. Wang NOAA/STAR
1710 Adjourn
1330 - 1710 Session 4b: ATMS/CrIS SDR Science Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Fuzhong Weng, Yong Han, Dave Johnson
, (PDF, 16.35 MB)
1330 - 1350 Advanced radiance transformation system (ARTS) and its applications for ATMS TDR processing, (PDF, 2.48 MB) Tiger Yang UMD/ESSIC
1350 - 1410 ATMS de-striping algorithms˜ and test data for NWP impact studies, (PDF, 1.99 MB) Xiaolei Zou FSU
1410 - 1430 Towards Establishing a Benchmark Instrument for Microwave Sounders, (PDF, 1.96 MB) Lin Lin STAR
1430 - 1450 NAST-M Field Campaign for ATMS Validation, (PDF, 701 KB) Bill Blackwell MIT/LL
1450 - 1510 Early Results from J1 ATMS TVAC, (PDF, 583 KB) Otto Bruegman, Ed Kim, Kent Anderson NGES, NASA
1510 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1550 NGAS Support for ATMS cal/val, (PDF, 3.12 MB) Degui Gu NGAS
1550 - 1610 STAR independent assessment of J1 TVAC, (PDF, 1.74 MB) Ninghai Sun STAR
1610 - 1630 CrIS Radiometric Calibration, (PDF, 3.58 MB) Dave Tobin UW
1630 - 1650 CrIS Spectral Calibration, (PDF, 589 KB) Larrabee Strow UMBC
1650 - 1710 CrIS Calibration Equation, (PDF, 620 KB) Dan Mooney MIT/LL
1710 Adjourn
1330 - 1700 Session 4c: OMPS SDR Science Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Fred Wu, Glenn Jaross
, (PDF, 4.56 MB)
1330 - 1350 Derivation of solar irradiance for OMPS nadir instruments, (PDF, 1.5 MB) Tom Kelly NASA/SSAI
1350 - 1410 Derivation of dark current and linearity for OMPS nadir instruments, (PDF, 880 KB) Michael Haken NASA/SSAI
1410 - 1430 Improvement of wavelength registration for OMPS nadir instruments, (PDF, 119 KB) Mark Kowitt NASA/SSAI
1430 - 1450 Stray light correction for OMPS nadir instruments, (PDF, 1.03 MB) Grace Chen NASA/SSAI
1450 - 1510 Calibration in the NM-NP overlap spectral region, (PDF, 1.07 MB) Glen Jaross NASA/SSAI
1510 - 1530 Break
1530-1700 Discussion, (PDF, 169 KB) Fred Wu NOAA/STAR
1700 Adjourn

5-28-2014 3:30 pm

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Day 3 - Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1200 Session 4a Cont.: VIIRS SDR Science Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Chanyong Cao, Jack Xiong
, (PDF, 15.34 MB)
0830 - 0850 Resolving RSB Performance Issues, (PDF, 1.54 MB) S. Blonski CICS
0850 - 0910 Reducing Uncertainties in Onboard Calibration, (PDF, 1.55 MB) J.Xiong, J.Fulbright NASA
0910 - 0930 Recent Results on Intercomparisons with MODIS, (PDF, 2.97 MB) Uprety CIRA
0930 - 0950 Lunar Band Ratio Time Series, (PDF, 1.67 MB) X. Shao, J. Choi UMD
0950 - 1010 Validation Time Series, (PDF, 2.87 MB) W. Wang STAR
1010 - 1020 Break
1020 - 1040 VIIRS J1 Polarization Analysis , (PDF, 2.35 MB) J.McIntire, H.Oudrari NASA/VCST
1040 - 1100 J1 Polarization Analysis ? Land Analysis, (PDF, 1.17 MB) Alexei Lyapustin NASA
1100 - 1120 The VIIRS Climate Raw Data Record, (PDF, 1.39 MB) Jim Biard NCDC
1120 - 1200 Summary & Discussion, (PDF, 907 KB) Changyong Cao STAR
0830 - 1120 Session 4b Cont.: ATMS/CrIS SDR Science Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Fuzhong Weng, Yong Han, Dave Johnson
, (PDF, 13.43 MB)
0830 - 0850 CrIS Noise Performance, (PDF, 3.59 MB) Vladimir Zavyalov, Mark Esplin SDL
0850 - 0910 Preparation of CrIS Full Resolution Processing, (PDF, 4.24 MB) Yong Chen NOAA/STAR
0910 - 0930 Towards Establishing a Reference Instrument for Infrared sounders, (PDF, 4.1 MB) Likun Wang NOAA/STAR
0930 - 0950 Proxy dataset for Testing and Evaluating J1 CrIS SDR products, (PDF, 801 KB) Xin Jin NOAA/STAR
0950 - 1010 NGAS Support for CrIS cal/val, (PDF, 935 KB) Degui Gu NGAS
1010 - 1020 Break
1020 - 1120 CrIS SDR Group Discussion
0830 - 1200 Session 4c Cont.: OMPS SDR Science Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Fred Wu, Glenn Jaross
, (PDF, 17.85 MB)
0830 - 0905 Performance of the Suomi-NPP OMPS Limb Profiler, (PDF, 2.49 MB) Glenn Jaross NASA
0905 - 0935 OMPS CONOPS, (PDF, 475 KB) Tom Kelly SSAI
0935 - 0955 Status and Improvements of J1 OMPS Pre-launch Calibration, (PDF, 2.37 MB) Matt Kowaleski USRA
0955 - 1025 J1 SCDB Analysis, Conversion to LUT, and Testing, (PDF, 2.74 MB) Bashwar Sen NGAS
1025 - 1035 Break
1035 - 1105 OMPS Nadir Profiler Solar Activity and Mg II Index, (PDF, 2.66 MB) Larry Flynn STAR
1105 - 1140 Compare Sensor Data Record From Nadir Instruments, (PDF, 4.72 MB) Jian Zeng/Mike Grotenhuis STAR/ERT
1140 - 1200 S-NPP Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite Nadir Sensor Performance Monitoring, (PDF, 2.62 MB) Chunhui Pan UMD
1300 - 1730 Session 5a: VIIRS Land Products Breakout
Chair: Ivan Csiszar
, (PDF, 46.02 MB)
1300 - 1310 Binary snow cover and an alternative algorithm for snow fraction , (PDF, 2.83 MB) Peter Romanov CREST
1310 - 1320 Snow cover fraction, (PDF, 1.93 MB) Igor Appel NOAA/STAR
1320 - 1335 Ice Surface Temperature status, (PDF, 1.3 MB) Mark Tschudi, Yinghui Liu CU, CIMSS
1335 - 1345 Sea Ice Concentration status, (PDF, 2.39 MB) Robert Mahoney, Yinghui Liu NG, CIMSS
1345 - 1400 Sea Ice Characterization EDR status and the way forward, (PDF, 3.02 MB) Mark Tschudi, Robert Mahoney CU, NG
1400 - 1415 Snow and ice gridding: status and recommendations, (PDF, 1.11 MB) Robert Mahoney NG
1415 - 1430 Suomi-NPP VIIRS Land Product Quality Assessment Approach and Collection V1.1 Reprocessing , (PDF, 4.69 MB) Sadashiva Devadiga Sigma Space Corporation / NASA GSFC
1430 - 1445 Surface Reflectance, SDR and VCM feedback , (PDF, 5.8 MB) Eric Vermote NASA GSFC
1445 - 1500 Break
1500 - 1515 Vegetation Index and NDE Green Vegetation Fraction , (PDF, 6.74 MB) Marco Vargas STAR
1515 - 1530 Active Fires: SDR quality, replacement code and I-band , (PDF, 6.38 MB) Ivan Csiszar, Louis Giglio, Wilfrid Schroeder STAR, UMD
1530 - 1545 S-NPP Land Surface Temperature Product: Accomplishments and Issues, (PDF, 3.6 MB) Bob Yu STAR
1545 - 1600 VIIRS Surface Type EDR Improvement Plan, (PDF, 2.16 MB) Jerry Zhan, Chengquan Huang STAR, UMD
1600 - 1615 VIIRS Daily BRDF, NBAR and Albedo , (PDF, 1.11 MB) Crystal Schaaf UMass
1615 - 1630 Land Product Validation System , (PDF, 4.04 MB) Kevin Gallo STAR
1630 - 1730 Team Discussion
1730 Adjourn
1300 - 1710 Session 5b: VIIRS Atmospheric Products Breakout
Chair: Ingrid Guch
, (PDF, 41.63 MB)
1300 - 1320 Imagery/NCC, (PDF, 7.57 MB) Curtis Seaman CIRA
1320 - 1340 Nightfire: Using the VIIRS Nighttime M-bands to Detect and Characterize Combustion Sources, (PDF, 1.6 MB) Kim Baugh CIRES
1340 - 1400 Cloud validation and system, (PDF, 7.38 MB) Bob Holz SSEC
1400 - 1420 Cloud Base Development and Validation, (PDF, 3.74 MB) Curtis Seaman CIRA
1420 - 1440 Status of IDPS cloud products, (PDF, 1.97 MB) Eric Wong NGAS
1440 - 1500 Cloud Mask Quality Flags Kurt Brueske Raytheon
1500 - 1520 Pre-processing and Assimilation of NPP VIIRS AOD in a Global Aerosol Model, (PDF, 2.43 MB) Edward Hyer NRL
1520 - 1540 Break
1540 - 1600 The JPSS Risk Reduction Aerosol Algorithm, (PDF, 5.9 MB) Hongqing Liu and Istvan Laszlo IMSG/STAR
1600 - 1620 Application of Dust Aerosol Index algorithm to VIIRS observations, (PDF, 10.96 MB) Pubu Ciren and Shobha Kondragunta STAR
1620 - 1640 Toward Improving NCEP?s Global Aerosol Forecasting System using VIIRS Aerosol Observations, (PDF, 1.07 MB) Sarah Lu, Shobha Kondragunta, Arlindo da Silva, Xiaoyang Zhang NCEP
1640 - 1710 Group Discussion
1710 Adjourn
1330 - 1700 Session 5c: VIIRS Ocean Products Breakout Session
Chair: Paul DiGiacomo
, (PDF, 34.91 MB)
1330 - 1335 (SST) Welcome & Intro Ignatov, Alexander /DiGiacomo, Paul NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
1335 - 1345 (SST) VIIRS global SST products: ACSPO/IDPS/NAVO, (PDF, 2.28 MB) Ignatov, Alexander NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
1345 - 1355 (SST) Evaluation in the Canadian Met Centre L4 analysis, (PDF, 1.45 MB) Brasnett, Bruce (presented by Ignatov) Canadian Meteorological Centre
1355 - 1400 (SST) Assimilation of VIIRS SSTs and Radiances into Level 4 Analyses, (PDF, 3.06 MB) Andy Harris CICS/ESSIC/UMD
1355 - 1405 (SST) Pattern recognition improvements to ACSPO clear-sky mask, (PDF, 4.99 MB) Gladkova, Irina CUNY/CREST
1405 - 1415 (SST) Destriping VIIRS brightness temperatures for SST, (PDF, 16.9 MB) Mikelsons, Karlis NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
1415 - 1425 (SST) Analyses at U. Miami, (PDF, 389 KB) Minnett, Peter (presented by Ignatov) U. Miami
1425 - 1435 (SST) Analyses at NAVO/USM, (PDF, 994 KB) Cayula, Jean-Fran?ois (presented by Ignatov) NAVO
1435 - 1445 (SST) Analyses at USM, (PDF, 378 KB) Bob Arnone USM
1445 - 1510 (SST) Group Discussion, Future Work
1510 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1535 (OC) Welcome & Intro Wang, Menghua/DiGiacomo, Paul NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
1535 - 1550 (OC) Why MOBY and why MOBY-REFRESH?, (PDF, 377 KB) Voss, Kenneth U. Miami
1550 - 1605 (OC) Calibration uncertainty and satellite ocean color trends, (PDF, 1.19 MB) Turpie, Kevin NASA GSFC
1605 - 1620 (OC) Validation of Ocean Color Sensors Using a Profiling Hyperspectral Radiometer, (PDF, 2.45 MB) Ondrusek, Michael NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
1620 - 1630 (OC) Effective Band Center Wavelengths for MODIS and VIIRS for Open Ocean Waters, (PDF, 872 KB) Naik, Puneeta CIRA, Colorado State University (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR)
1620 - 1710 (OC) Discussion, Future work
1120 - 1730 Session 5d: Soundings Breakout Session
Co-Chairs: Mark Liu/Tony Reale
, (PDF, 61.02 MB)
1120 - 1140 Validation of CrIS Dual Regression Sounding Products during the Airborne Suomi-NPP Cal/Val Campaign, (PDF, 4.04 MB) Bill Smith CMISS UW and Hampton University
1140 - 1200 Analysis of CrIS/ATMS sounding data with an AIRS Version 6-like retrieval algorithm, (PDF, 4.72 MB) Joel Susskind NASA/GSFC
1200 - 1330 Lunch
1330 - 1350 Status of the NOAA Hyper Spectral Infrared + Microwave Retrieval Algorithm, (PDF, 3.06 MB) Antonia Gambacorta STAR
1350 - 1410 Recent analysis of the NOAA CrIS/ATMS EDRs in complex weather regimes, (PDF, 8.26 MB) Chris Barnet STC
1410 - 1430 What can we learn from 11 years˜of AIRS observations?, (PDF, 785 KB) Eric Fetzer NASA/JPL
1430 - 1450 Single Field of View ATMS/CrIS Sounding Products Under All Sky Condition, (PDF, 13.31 MB) Xu Liu NASA/LaRC
1450 - 1510 MiRS Science Improvements and Sounding Product Performance for S-NPP/ATMS, (PDF, 3.79 MB) Christopher Grassotti/Jerry Zhan STAR
1510 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1550 Updates on NUCAPS Operational Products˜ and Services, (PDF, 14.09 MB) Awdhesh Sharma NOAA/OSPO
1550 - 1610 The NOAA PROducts Validation System and Plus, (PDF, 2.95 MB) Tony Reale, Bomin Sun STAR
1610 - 1630 Applications using Satellite Sounder Products at the NASA SPoRT Center, (PDF, 1.94 MB) Emily Berndt NASA/SPoRT
1630 - 1650 Validation of NUCAPS Operational Retrieval Products, (PDF, 830 KB) Nick Nalli STAR
1650 - 1710 GPS Units in the Pacific Region, (PDF, 1.86 MB) Bill Ward NWS /PRH/ESSD
1710 - 1730 The need for atmospheric chemistry products from CrIS, (PDF, 2.4 MB) Monika Kopacz NOAA Climate Program Office
1730 Adjourn
1330 - 1710 Session 5e: Ozone EDR Science Breakout Session
Chairs: Larry Flynn, Maria Caponi
1330 - 1350 Use of OMPS Nadir Mapper measurements to provide aerosol information (current Aerosol Index, improved UV information, combinations with visible), (PDF, 2.06 MB) Omar Torres NASA/GSFC
1350 - 1410 Use of LF SO2 retrieval algorithm in conjunction with V8 TOZ (Algorithm and products including improvements to aerosol index and total column ozone)., (PDF, 6.07 MB) Kai Yang NASA/GSFC
1410 - 1450 Review of TACO versions, improvements and validation, (PDF, 2.06 MB) Jianguo Niu
1450 - 1510 Version 8 Pro for OMPS ADL results., (PDF, 387 KB) Trevor Beck NOAA STAR
1510 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1550 Development and Application of Hyperspectral Infrared Ozone Retrieval Products for Operational Meteorology, (PDF, 2.26 MB) Emily Berndt NASA Postdoctoral Program/Marshall Space Flight Center
1550 - 1610 OMPS Limb Profiler ? Level 2 Products Update, (PDF, 1.6 MB) Matthew DeLand
1610 - 1630 Application of OMPS Ozone Products, (PDF, 879 KB) Craig Long CPC
1630 - 1650 Pieces of the big and little picture, (PDF, 684 KB) Larry Flynn NOAA STAR
1650 - 1710 Summary Larry Flynn NOAA STAR
1710 Adjourn

7-01-2014 1:27 pm

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Day 4 - Thursday, 15 May 2014
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1010 Session 6: Non-NOAA Satellite Data
Chairs: Paul DiGiacomo, Mitch Goldberg
, (PDF, 10.19 MB)
0830 - 0850 NOAA GCOM-W1/AMSR2 Product Processing and Validation Project, (PDF, 4.37 MB) Paul Chang NOAA STAR
0850 - 0910 Opportunities and Challenges for leveraging the European Sentinel(3) Missions in support of NOAA User Needs, (PDF, 2.35 MB) Paul DiGiacomo NOAA STAR
0910 - 0930 The importance of blending and reprocessing in coral bleaching product: No satellite is an island, and history is key to understanding the present, (PDF, 3.29 MB) Mark Eakin NOAA Coral Reef Watch
0930 - 1010 Moderator-led Discussion on Non-NOAA Data, Generation of Blended Products, Reprocessing, Climate Applications, (PDF, 369 KB) Mitch Goldberg
1030 - 1430 Session 7: User Breakout Session, (PDF, 2.01 MB)
1030 - 1200 Land Data Assimilation Mike Ek, Ivan Csiszar EMC, STAR
1030 - 1200 Cryosphere Sean Helfrich, Jeff Key NIC, STAR
1030 - 1200 Imagery /Cloud Applications Michael Folmer, Don Hillger, Heidinger
1030 - 1200 CrIS Atmospheric Chemistry (CO, CH4?) Monika Kopacz, Chris Barnet NOAA/OAR, STC
1030 - 1200 CrIS OLR Pingping Xie, Mark Liu CPC,STAR
1030 - 1200 Microwave Precipitation Ralph Ferraro, Limin Zhao Dave Kitzmiller STAR,OSPO
1030 - 1200 Ozone Monitoring Craig Long, Larry Flynn CPC, STAR
1030 - 1200 VIIRS aerosol assimilation Shobha Kondragunta, Sarah Liu STAR, EMC
1030 - 1200 Ocean color Menghua Wang, Rick Stumpf, Cara Wilson, STAR, NOS
1030 - 1200 SST Alexander Ignatov, Ken Casey, Bob Grumbine STAR
1200 - 1330 Lunch
1300 - 1310 Land Data Assimilation report back, (PDF, 78 KB) Ivan Csiszar EMC, STAR
1310 - 1320 Cryosphere report back, (PDF, 176 KB) Jeff Key NIC, STAR
1320 - 1330 Imagery /Cloud Applications report back, (PDF, 64 KB) Michael Folmer, Don Hillger, Heidinger
1330 - 1340 CrIS Atmospheric Chemistry (CO, CH4?) report back, (PDF, 58 KB) Monika Kopacz, Chris Barnet NOAA/OAR, STC
1340 - 1350 CrIS OLR report back, (PDF, 840 KB) Mark Liu CPC,STAR
1350 - 1400 Microwave Precipitation report back, (PDF, 341 KB) Ralph Ferraro STAR,OSPO
1400 - 1410 Ozone Monitoring report back, (PDF, 170 KB) Larry Flynn CPC, STAR
1410 - 1420 VIIRS aerosol assimilation report back, (PDF, 90 KB) Shobha Kondragunta STAR, EMC
1420 - 1430 Ocean color report back, (PDF, 81 KB) Menghua Wang STAR, NOS
1430 - 1440 SST report back, (PDF, 611 KB) Alexander Ignatov
1440 - 1710 Session 8: Transition to Operations
Chairs: Walter Wolf, Tom Schott, Pat Purcell
, (PDF, 6.69 MB)
1440 - 1500 JPSS Algorithm Change Process, (PDF, 225 KB) Eric Gotshall JPSS DPA
1500 - 1520 NESDIS Unique Product (NUP) Development, (PDF, 183 KB) Tom Schott NOAA/OSD
1520 - 1530 Break
1530 - 1550 Comparing change process in JPSS & SPSRB, (PDF, 2.8 MB) Walter Wolf NOAA/STAR
1550 - 1620 AIT Capabilities, (PDF, 1.45 MB) Bigyani Das NOAA/STAR
1620 - 1640 AIT NDE Integration GCOM/NUCAPS, (PDF, 304 KB) Tom King NOAA/STAR
1640 - 1700 SNPP/JPSS ESPC Operations (Today and Tomorrow), (PDF, 2.01 MB) Chris Sisko NOAA/OSPO
1700 Adjourn

6-02-2014 11:29 am

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Day 5 - Friday, 16 May 2014
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 1230 Session 9: Innovate Science and Team Leads Reports Back
Chairs: Lihang Zhou, Arron Layns
, (PDF, 31.17 MB)
0830 - 0850 An Overview of Innovative Approaches using Suomi-NPP Data for Global Land Change Science and Applications, (PDF, 2.07 MB) Miguel Roman NASA
0850 - 0910 Towards Simultaneous Clear-Sky and Ocean Dynamics Analyses in the NOAA SST System, (PDF, 4.94 MB) Irina Gladkova CUNY
0910 - 0930 Impacts of ATMS/CrIS on hurricane forecasts., (PDF, 8.74 MB) Fuzhong Weng NOAA/STAR
0930 - 0940 ATMS SDR: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 1.89 MB) Fuzhong Weng NOAA/STAR
0940 - 0950 CrIS SDR: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 1.47 MB) Yong Han NOAA/STAR
0950 - 1000 VIIRS SDR: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 907 KB) Changyong Cao NOAA/STAR
1000 - 1010 OMPS SDR: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 178 KB) Fred Wu NOAA/STAR
1010 - 1020 ICVS, (PDF, 1.63 MB) Ninghai Sun NOAA/STAR
1020 - 1030 Break
1030 - 1040 Aerosols: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 831 KB) Shobha Kondragunta/Istvan Laszlo NOAA/STAR
1040 - 1050 Clouds: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 279 KB) Andrew Heidinger NOAA/STAR
1050 - 1100 Soundings: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 57 KB) Mark Liu/Tony Reale NOAA/STAR
1100 - 1110 Ozone: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 2.18 MB) Larry Flynn NOAA/STAR
1110 - 1120 Imagery: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 226 KB) Don Hillger NOAA/STAR
1120 - 1130 Land: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 1.28 MB) Ivan Csiszar NOAA/STAR
1130 - 1140 Cryosphere: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 1.5 MB) Jeff Key NOAA/STAR
1140 - 1150 SST: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 3.23 MB) Alex Ignatov NOAA/STAR
1150 - 1200 Ocean Color: Team Lead Report, (PDF, 1.37 MB) Menghua Wang NOAA/STAR
1200 - 1205 Wrap up, (PDF, 349 KB) Lihang Zhou NOAA/STAR
1205 - 1230 Discussion

5-29-2014 10:34 am